Releases: KittyPBoxx/upr-speedchoice-ex-gen9
Emerald Ex Speedchoice 0.5.2 IX + Map Randomizer
Emerald Ex Speedchoice 0.5.2 IX + Map Randomizer
Pokemon Emerald with Gen 9 UPR support and working with map rando.
How to Use
- Download and extract the zip.
- Run the Jar with java 11 or higher
- Open a vanilla copy of Emerald (USA) and it will be automatically patched and ready for randomization. (or pre-patch the rom yourself with the patch file supplied).
The change log from the Gen 8 version and explanation of all settings can be found here:
A map tracker for the map rando can be found here:
Release Notes
- EV's and IV's can now be viewed from the summary screens
- EV/IV editor is now available from the Scripts section of the debug menu
- Option to allow move relearning from the summary screen (enabled via Settings in the debug menu)
- Option to enable dynamax. This enables for the player and opponent trainers (enabled via Scripts in the debug menu)
- New custom config json file added. The allows players to exclude individual Pokemon, Moves, Items and Abilities.
The following list can be configured:
-- Banned Items List (Items that will not be added to the random pool)
-- Banned Bad Items List (Items not added to the random pool is 'ban bad items' is enabled)
-- Banned Player Encounter List (Pokemon player can not obtain)
-- Banned Pokemon List (Pokemon neither the player or other trainers will have)
-- Banned Negative Abilities List (Abilities that will not be allowed when 'ban negative abilities' is enabled')
-- Banned Trapping Abilities List (Abilities that will not be allowed when 'ban trapping abilities' is enabled')
-- Banned Moves List (Moves that will not be added to the random move pool)
-- Banned Damaging Moves List (Moves that will not be treated as damaging moves i.e for % damaging moves)
-- Banned Game Breaking Moves (Moves that will not be used when 'ban game breaking moves' is enabled')
-- Legendaries List (Control the list of Pokemon the game considers legenday)
- Non critical key items can now be tossed or stored in the PC. Registered key items cannot be tossed. This was introduced because, when using random items, you could fill the key items pouch and end up unable to pick up items required to beat the game.
- Fix an issue with Dexnav/Pokedex search where headbutt encounters were showing up as fishing encounters.
- Fix an issue where the gimmic indicator could drift across the screen during double battles.
- Fix the legendaries list in UPR which was missing various legendaries (mostly alt forms)
- Renaming can now be be done from the summary screens
- Random BST groups have been expanded. When using random BST Pokemon are assigned a group then a random BST is picked from that range. The existing groups were: (SOLO | FIRST STAGE 3+ | FIRST STAGE 2 | MIDDLE STAGE 3+ | LAST STAGE 2+ | LEGENDARY). Two new groups have been added (MEGA LEGENDARY | UNEVOLVED LEGENDARY) . Mega and Gigantimax Pokemon now pick a BST from the LEGENDARY group.
Emerald Ex Speedchoice 0.5.1 IX + Map Randomizer
Emerald Ex Speedchoice 0.5.1 IX + Map Randomizer
Pokemon Emerald with Gen 9 UPR support and working with map rando.
To find the latest version go here:
How to Use
- Download and extract the zip.
- Run the Jar with java 11 or higher
- Open a vanilla copy of Emerald (USA) and it will be automatically patched and ready for randomization. (or pre-patch the rom yourself with the patch file supplied).
The change log from the Gen 8 version and explanation of all settings can be found here:
A map tracker for the map rando can be found here:
Release Notes
This is a mostly bugfix release. Some of these have already been applied as hotfixes to 0.5.0.
- Battle Frontier mons can now included in the randomization pool (enabled in the Trainer tab)
- Fix UI breaking on newer versions of windows that try and override styles with the system ones
- Fixed an issue with duplicate warps, caused by some weird error behavior in the java version of the graphing library
- Fix Casform and Stevens Beldum crashing the game when randomized
- Fix pressing 'A' on a strength boulder after pushing it could crash the game (as the message box tries to load the name of the mon that used strength and fails because you can use it without teaching now)
- Fix title screen boot loop cause when BGM is disabled in the music options. The title screen normally resets to the copyright screen when the intro music finishes. So when the BGM is disabled the title assumes the music finished on the first frame.
- Fix travel pass inside E4. Before, if you used the travel pass to 'fly out' of the league in between battles, then the game could end up in an uncompletable state (without switching to map rando mode which has special code to make sure the E4 can be done in any order). Using a travel pass inside the E4 rooms is now disabled (unless you are in map rando mode).
- Fixed random type effectiveness chart logging. The column headers were displaying in a random order. When using shuffle they type switches are now also shown (i.e Fire -> [has the effectiveness of] Ground )
- Reorder damaging moves has been fixed. When doing the reorder it was causing moves to get duplicated in the learnset (so a mon would try and learn a move multiple times). It was also ordering at random because, when doing the calculations, it was giving almost every move a x0 multiplier (because hit count is now stored as 0 for single hit moves).
- Fix some music tracks getting played over each other and sound effects not properly randomized
- Fix several of the fossils not being recognized when trying to revive them is Rustboro. SWSH fossils normally require combining
two fossils, but as the current code expects 1 mon per fossil they have been assigned as: (bird -> arctozolt) (fish -> arctivish) (drake -> dracovish) (dino -> dracozolt)
- Pikashunium Z is now classed as a "bad" item (for exclusion) as Cap Pikachus are not being generated by the randomizer
- Hyperspace Fury has been removed from the random move pool as it fails if any pokemon other than Hoopa tries to use it
- Meltan can now evolve. Previously it had no programmed evolutions (as it only evolves in GO with special candy). It now evolves by level up at 30, or by using a metal coat at any level.
- Torque moves have been given a description. In SV the have no description as they are not learnable by player pokemon, however the empty description is confusing because they do have an effect.
Emerald Ex Speedchoice 0.5.0 IX + Map Randomizer
Emerald Ex Speedchoice 0.5.0 IX + Map Randomizer
Pokemon Emerald with Gen 9 UPR support and working with map rando.
To find the latest version go here:
How to Use
- Download and extract the zip.
- Run the Jar with java 11 or higher
- Open a vanilla copy of Emerald (USA) and it will be automatically patched and ready for randomization. (or pre-patch the rom yourself with the patch file supplied).
The change log from the Gen 8 version can be found here:
A map tracker for the map rando can be found here:
Hotfix # 1 - 2024.10.29 - Fix UI not displaying correctly on some systems
Hotfix # 2 - 2024.10.30 - Fix issues in some randomized expansion music tracks
Hotfix # 3 - 2024.10.30 - Fix Steven's Beldum / Casform encounters not randomizing correctly
Hotfix # 4 - 2024.11.02 - Fix some warps not being mapped correctly. Additional sanity checks inside URP + extra script in the debug menu > scripts to check the warps 'in engine'.
Update - 2024.12.19 - Added experimental option to try and randomize the battle frontier