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Configuration worth saving


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Dotfiles, configuration worth saving.

The work-in-progress branch

Development occurs on the wip branch. As additions mature, they’re added to the master branch. wip is force pushed to and ordinarily far ahead of master.

For the curious

Take a look at and Everything else is the result of tangling.

For the masochist

To get started, run:

git clone

Then, to stow all packages, run from this directory:

make install

Finally, take a look at Identity, Well known directories, Personal and all headings tagged setup. To apply changes, run M-x org-babel-tangle from the changed file and restart the changed application or re-login.

Installing dependencies

Git is mandatory, everything else is optional.

To install dependencies on Arch Linux, run:

## General
pacman -S ripgrep git hunspell hunspell-en_US xorg-xprop ttf-ibm-plex

# Install PragmataPro from source or ttf-iosevka from AUR

## X window manager
pacman -S xorg-xset picom xsettingsd xorg-xsetroot unclutter argyllcms
# Install exwm-gdm from source

## Terminal emulator
pacman -S cmake libtool libvterm

## E-mail client
pacman -S isync
# Install mu from AUR

## Address book
pacman -S vdirsyncer

## News reader
pacman -S curl

## PDF viewer
pacman -S poppler-glib libpng zlib imagemagick

## Media player
pacman -S mpv youtube-dl

## C family
pacman -S gcc meson clang gdb arduino arduino-avr-core

# Setup Arduino
gpasswd -a $(whoami) uucp

## Clojure & ClojureScript
pacman -S leiningen

## Common Lisp
pacman -S sbcl

## Erlang
pacman -S erlang-nox
# Install rebar3 from AUR and Erlang LS from source

## Java
pacman -S jdk-openjdk maven
# Install jdtls from AUR

## JavaScript
pacman -S nodejs npm python2
npm i -g indium
# Install typescript-language-server from AUR

## Octave & MATLAB
pacman -S octave

## OpenSCAD
pacman -S openscad

## Python
pacman -S python python-pipenv
pacman -S python-language-server python-rope python-pyflakes

## Scheme
pacman -S guile

## SQL
pacman -S postgresql

# Setup PostgreSQL
sudo -u postgres initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data/
systemctl enable postgresql.service
systemctl start postgresql.service
sudo -u postgres createuser -s $(whoami)

## TeX, Org & Markdown
pacman -S sqlite texlive-core texlive-latexextra pandoc

## Wolfram Language
# Install mathematica from AUR