This website offers a simple and warm UI for getting productive. Start by creating your tasks, and organizing them by priority. Then, head over to turn on your 'Work Mode'. Your 50 min pomadoro work session will start and you can start on your tasks for the day.

Click on the video icon inside workmode to unlock the famous lofi girl live stream. Work alongside her!

When WorkMode is turned on, an automatic 50 min timer will began. When the timer goes out, an alarm will ring and work mode will be shut off.

When WorkMode timer rings, an automatic 10 min break timer will began. When the timer goes out, an alarm will ring. The user can complete the 1 hour work session by clicking the 'Session Complete".

When the user refreshes the page, the tasks persist on the website by using local storage. So refresh all you like!
- Draggable Todos