Portal for scheduling observations of NEOs (and other Solar System objects) using Las Cumbres Observatory. Described and published in Lister, Gomez, Chatelain, Greenstreet et al. 2021, Icarus, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114387.
- Allow use of CN narrowband filters.
- Add suport for disabling SSL verification in data pulls for emergency use e.g. for the recent MPC website issues. (Issue #646)
- Bugfix for QHY support and objects leaving the CCD when using the central 30'x30' region and half-rate tracking. (Issue #644)
- Add QHY support as Issue #630
- Fix issue for ignoring 'B'/CMOS observations from the MPC (Issue #640)
- Add short random delay of 2...5 secs to update_neocp_data
- Increase max length of proposal field to 55 characters.
- Merge feature/close_passes branch with routines for estimating NEO close approach frequency and a H vs frequency distribution from Farnocchia & Chodas, 2021, RNAAS, 5, 11.
- Add ability to filter Calibration Sources to only show spectrophotometric standards.
- Upgraded backend to Django 4.1, tweaks to the test suite to work better on other non-Linux platforms.
- Support for MuSCAT4 at FTS (E10)
- Fix trimming of trailing Z on datetime when recording Blocks if not present
- Add fix for changed link to file of observations when querying MPC body.
- Allow export of observations from NEOexchange in LaTeX table or deluxetable format.
- Fix some inconsistencies in PDS exports (Issue #619).
- Filter out solar analogs that have quality<0 to allow them skipped when finding suitable ones for spectroscopy. (
- Switch default albedo to CNEOS standard 14%, fix guider gif movie axis labelling for earlier AstroPy versions also. (
- Add tests and traps for malformed dates in Goldstone targets CSV file. (Issue #617;
- Major update for DART mission support to handle exporting of lightcurves (from NEOexchange or photometrypipeline) and FITS frames to the Planetary Data System (PDS)
- Fix issue with SuperBlocks for proposals with Time Critical time all being recorded as rapid_response.
- Fix for parsing physical parameters from the JPL SBDB API which are comma-separated rather than slash-separated. Allow for parsing of percentages as sigmas.
- Store the submitting observer in a new table linked to SuperBlock (Issue #608)
- Fix issue for 73P where visibility plots were plotting fragment 73P-BV instead (Issue #606)
- Add Gaia EDR3, DR3 and ATLAS-2 MPC catalog codes (Issue #603)
- Various fixes for pipeline processing. Increase depth of cross match catalog to r=16.5
- Add option to set fractional ephemeris rate.
- Set default observing mode to 50% object's rate for moving targets (except for comets and spectroscopy)
- Fix frame updating for change in archive header returns.
- Change threshold on 1/a0 for Dynamically New Comets from 1e-4 to 4e-5.
- Update Summary pages for enhanced usability and utility.
- Add body publication status.
- Add form for updating period from LC plot page.
- Minor bug fixes and error handling.
- Fix ADES header info for new telescopes and MuSCAT instrument (Issue #578)
- Fix gif movie creation permission issues (Issue #580)
- Fix orbit plots for cometary elements.
- Add support for DAMIT and advanced LC plotting features.
- Implement dithering capabilities
- Implement DataProducts refactor for ALCDEF, Gifs, and Floyds Traces
- Adds galactic plane into the visualization plots.
- Adds support for multi-target spectroscopy blocks.
- Adds support for the two 1-m telescopes at Tenerife (Issue #555)
- Updates gif movies to fix intermitent issues and sort by filter.
- Add error to spectra plots.
- Fix issue with an alternative reporting format for artificial satellites which broke the Previous NEOCP page parser.
- Fix rare issue where scheduling form would reset to previous day in cases where there was limited visibility.
- Fix issue in error reporting when submitting cadence with no valid requests.
- Allow a specific FTP URL file to be passed for the Yarkovsky fetcher and planner (for when the 'latest' symlink doesn't get updated)
- Add support for generating PDS XML labels.
- Add support for fetching Yarkovsky targets from JPL ftp site.
- Update spectroscopy analysis capabilities.
- Add new Body method to compute and return distances and use this for the LOOK targets page.
Paginate new gif movie page to speed up load times and prevent connection errors
- Add observed location to observation timeline.
- Fix bugs and add features for lightcurve extraction.
Add support for adding new LOOK project targets.
Fix for cadences crossing semester boundaries.
Update default exposure time estimate to be instrument agnostic.
Fix for occasional OSError on LDAC catalogs.
make Gif creation more robust.
Add postgres support.
Add MuSCAT3 support and Repeat Exposure for long blocks
- Add support for Mt John observatory (MPC site code 474) for ephemeris computation. (Issue #499)
- Add a Time Critical option for scheduling spectroscopy (Issue #500)
- Fix a rare case when position computation using
fails (Issue #498)
Change the retrieval or creation of new Frame records to eliminate chance of creating duplicates.
Update to Django 3.1 (and CentOS 8 for the Docker build)
Various small backend fixes:
- Fix HORIZONS SPK lookup on some comets (Issue #480)
- Prevent objects inheriting old elements when refitting with
fails - Fix crazy time from perihelion when mean anomaly is extremely close to 0/360.0 (Issue #484)
- Catch various URL connection errors
- Update internal links to SMASS datasets if they change after ingestion (Issue #486)
Limit Solar Analog spectra to 1 regardless of frames requested for Target Fix more Server Error Bugs
A couple bug fixes
Implement lc_plot fix to read in comet mags from Horizons.
Fix creation of hours-up plots (Due to a need to work around astropy/numpy bug with filtering on datetime
s in AstroPy Table
s with AstroPy >= 3.2.2)
- Allow editing of window for spectroscopic calibration targets.
- Fix for incorrect slot length calculation with multiple spectra exposures.
- Upgrades astropy minimum version to 3.2.3 for updated USNO Earth Orientation Parameter URLs and also the minimum version that works on python 3.8
- Adds storage of the orbit RMS from MPC DB
- LOOK Project updates:
- Adds storage of reciprocal semi-major axis from MPC DB as a PhysicalParameter
- Adds additional Body attribute to return reciprocal semi-major axis
- Adds new get_cadence_info() method to summarize whether an object's cadence is underway or has halted and adds this into the LOOK Project template
- Allow search of static (sidereal) calibration sources.
Add Light curve analysis tools
- active plotting of light curves
- uploading and displaying annotated gifs for images
- automatic light curve extraction for all image sets
- uploading ALCDEF files to S3
Add Parallactic angle option for spectroscopic observations.
Update Photometry to use GAIA-DR2
Initial support for the LCO Outbursting Objects Key (LOOK) Project
- Send proper motion details for solar analogs through to the LCO observing system.
- Display the most recent time of ingest or update on the Body details page.
- Truncate observing windows by the object's visibility as well as the site's darkness times.
- Warn about scheduling of objects that would fail lunar distance constrains before submitting.
- Fix the light curve extraction code to work with comet names
- Refactor all the Django models into separate domain-specific files.
Add ability to cancel observations.
- Add 2x2 binning & central chip section mode suppport (for faster readout on speedy rocks).
- Fix table parsing of Arecibo targets.
- Allow ingestion of numbered comet and comet fragment observations.
- Fix various time out issues with prefetching.
- Update pagination format.
- Fix parsing of comets in Arecibo target lists.
- Add ability to query HORIZONS for comets which have multiple element sets/target bodies available.
Index frequently used model fields.
Fix broken spectra plot Update Minimum Django Requirements
Fix a rare comet bug.
Fix a few rare bugs.
Allow Time Critical observations within the same proposal and allow selection of this from the scheduling form.
Add observation timeline.
Add models for physical parameters and Designations *Includes specific model for colors *Search includes any of a body's several designations *Does not remove anything from the Body model
Convert Spectroscopy plots into Bokeh for added interactivity.
Fix lingering tests for the LCO Request V3 language change
Change to LCO Request V3 language
Add long-term planning plots showing how the sky position, helio/geocentric distance, magnitude, elongation, Moon-object separation and Moon phase, positional uncertainty and visibility and on-sky rate of motion change with time.
Minor bug fixes
Minor bug fixes
Support for deploying into Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Kubernetes and Helm
Add support for the ELP Dome B 1-meter telescope.
Change URL scheme for new prefix
Modifications to scheme on refitting elements.
Add support for displaying log Flux plots of spectrophotometric standards with CTIO/HST/Oke spectra. Add view to show best calibration sources for the telescopes for the current night.
- Enhance guide movie creation.
- Allow for graceful failure when outside web endpoints are down.
Add ADES PSV export and MPC1992 and ADES PSV download options.
Several small updates and fixes
- Improve tests for updated firefox
- Remove gaps between RADAR target ingest & orbit update
- Add error handling for spectroscopy when a 2m isn't available
Improve Static Source Scheduling
- Add features to Calib Scheduling Confirmation page to bring it up to date with standard version.
- Add warning for potentially saturated targets.
- Add Tests for Calib scheduling confirmation page
- Add Solar Analog details to NEO scheduling confirmation page
- Make exposure time calculator for Spectroscopic observations of Solar Analogs
Calculate frame midpoint based on UTSTOP rather than EXPTIME. Improve ingestion of new objects and record and output discovery asterisks.
Output of compute_ephem is now a dictionary.
Allow for automatic updating of targets.
- Update observations from MPC daily.
- Update orbits with FindOrb or from MPC daily.
- Be smarter about when and how FindOrb updates an orbit.
- Update taxonomy daily.
- Update external spectroscopy weekly.
Several bug fixes
- Allow Download for all Programs
- Allow for no visible ephemeris for very close objects
- Fix data pull from Arecibo page
Improve Cadence scheduling
- Default end-date is current date + 24 hours
- Adjust jitter/Period from the confirmation page
- Handle bad dates rather than crashing
- Various warnings and tips to help with scheduling
Comet elements are now selected based on nearest in time.
Several patches for tests and minor issue fixes
Add Generic Telescope Classes
Update the scheduling interface to allow for more options
- Display UT time on website
- Display Site/Telescope class on Confirmation page
- Display Visibility of requested target
- Allow for Exposure time Adjustment
- Display Moon info
- Adjust Max Airmass
- Adjust IPP
- Adjust Minimum Moon Distance
- Adjust Acceptability Threshold
Improve the cross-identification code for multiply desiginated objects and periodic comets.
Fix issues with interactions between FindOrb and candidates/comets
- Remove Perturbation Code
Spectroscopic Graphical tools
- Create and display a gif of the guidefreames during an observation
- Create and display a spectroscopic trace based on the reduced data
Add latitude, longitude, height for 0m4b at Tenerife (Z17). Update find_orb build procedure.
Flux Standards
- Add Static Source Model to hold flux, spectral, solar and RV standards.
- Add Calibrations List page.
- Add Calibration detail descriptions.
- Allow for sorting out and scheduling spectra for Solar analogs.
Calculate and forward more precise orbital elements for spectroscopic observations.
Update light curve extraction.
- Pull from Tracking Number rather than block number
- Capable of incorporating any number of blocks for a given target within a given time frame. Add motion details to characterization page.
Robotic scheduler and low-level ToO support.
Add block record keeping for spectroscopy.
Create a characterization page for spectroscopy support
- Pull out targets of interest.
- Check of previous spectroscopy from SMASS and MANOS.
- Calculate observing window for the next 3 months for each target.
- Change default binning for 0.4m's to bin 1x1.
- Change default proposals for 2018B semester.
- Switch from OpBeat to Rollbar.
Add basic spectroscopy support to NEOexchange:
- Added a SNR estimator which can transform the predicted V mag to a variety of different magnitudes for several different taxonomic types (SDSS-i and a Mean taxonomic class is assumed right now) and include the effects of the Moon and zodiacal light. The SNR estimator includes a generalized telescope and instrument model which can be adapted to other telescopes/instruments in the future.
- Added ability to submit spectroscopic observations and associated calibrations to the LCO Network.
Bite the Bullet and Update to Python 3.6
Added capability of requesting multiple filters when making a user request.
Reduce connection maximum age to 60 seconds. Switch off perturbations in ephemeris computation calls.
Update Selenium to 3.11 and Django to 1.11. Refactor functional tests for Valhalla/JavaScript-based authentication. Add functionality to ingest targets from text file list of target names.
Better separate Block Registration from SuperBlock Registation so that Blocks only see frames taken during that individual Block and Block times are separate from SuperBlock Start and End times.
Add support and new object type for hyperbolic asteroids such as A/2017 U7 and A/2018 C2. Increase ephemeris spacing to 15 mins prevent timeouts.
Add support for the 0.4m telescopes at Cerro Tololo, Sutherland and McDonald.
Fix for missing absolute magnitudes breaking the diameter calculation.
Fixes for non-cadence submitting. Improved error message passthrough from scheduling endpoints. Fixes for block reporting. First part of spectroscopy support for storing spectral taxonomies.
Add cadence support.
Add check for and marking of 'was not a minor planet' in the Previous NEOCP page as spacecraft. Fixes for POND submitted blocks and lightcurve extraction. Changes for the new semester boundaries.
Bug fix for zooming Analyser view. Feature update on making markers for candidates clickable.
New MPC site codes for the second 0.4m telescopes at Tenerife and Maui.
- Adding ability to push candidates to Agent NEO on the Zooniverse platform
- Change ReqDB observation submission to Valhalla API submission
New MPC site code (Q58) for the 0.4m telescope at Siding Spring. Use case-sensitive searches for updating NEOCP Bodies.
Bug fixes in zeropoint determination for newer versions of astroquery. Deploy mtdlink into the container.
Astrometry in the browser
Change overheads for Sinisto observations. Handle scheduling problems at semester changover at CPT.
Cleanups for leaner docker containers.
Lower the default IPP values. Round arc and not-seen values on the home page.
Trap the submission of objects that have no visibility windows.
Fix for incorrect revisions being created and clean up script
Add fix and trap for a site which has no working telescopes.
Addition of 0.4m telescope support.
Internal version numbers during addition of 0.4m telescope support.
Switch over telescope at Cerro Tololo (W85) to Sinistro. Increase the InterProposal Priority (IPP) value for requests at McDonald (V37). Switch imports to newer pySLALIB module.
Update for LCO rebranding.
Switch over 2 telescopes at South Africa (K91 & K92) to Sinistro. Filter out proposals with <10 blocks from the block efficiency plot.
Correct a long-running problem where we didn't correct the Frame midpoint for half of the exposure time for our own frames. Store FWHM in the Frame objects when creating.
Django 1.10 release
Prevent creation of Bodies without orbital elements. Add 0.4m site codes for
proper attribution when creating frames. Fix missing .fits
extensions in archive
replies when creating Frames.
Fix for Arecibo object parsing.
Adding short delay when polling MPC for object info.
Adding support for new Sinistro (K93) camera at CPT
Better comet handling
Better support for new request and frame APIs
- Adding support for new request and frame APIs
- Restructuring frame parsing out of
- Moon phase on homepage