extract image and bounding box coordinate from rosbag
Copy the compressed file to a certain location and decompress the file:
cp ./2b_bag_1113.tar.gz(compressed file name) ~/Documents
tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz //decompress to current repository
Build msg types for the rostopic
cd Documents/msg_ws/
catkin bulid
Set up: install the image_view package
sudo apt install ros-melodic-image-view
roscd image_view
rosmake image_view
sudo apt-get install mjpegtools
Run the roscore and play the recorded data inside the rosbag,check the ros topics with images and bounding box corrdinates.
rqt_image_view #image viewer, sycronized with the running rosbag topic
rosbag play ~/Documents/2020-11-13-15-33-10.bag
Rosbag play ~/DOcuments/2020-11-13-15-33-10.bag -s 250 // -s: start point
rostopic list //get the list of rostopic, in this case, the image_rects contains the frames and boject_detect_front contan the coordinates
ROS topics related to frames and bouding boxes:
/camera/image_rects : traffic lights
/stereo/long/image_rects : traffic lights
/stereo/short/image_rects : obstales
Image Extraction
ROS tutorial link: http://wiki.ros.org/rosbag/Tutorials/Exporting%20image%20and%20video%20data#Tutorial_setup
Need to check the UNIX timestamp to obtain the extracted csv file to get the PFS(frames per second) value(in csv file):
Take note that different rosbag may have different rostopic name for the data you want to extract.
rosbag info (path of the rosbag)
rosrun image_view image_saver _sec_per_frame:=0.1 image:=/stereo/long/image_rects theora //10 frames per second
rosrun image_view image_saver _sec_per_frame:=0.05 image:=/camera/image_rects theora //20 frames per second.
rosbag play (path of the rosbag)
Instruction: put Data_Extraction_From_Rosbag_final.py and the bagfiles in the same folder, run the python script txt files will be extracted to bagfilename_txt.
Linux OS: Download latest version of Ubuntu from: https://ubuntu.com/download
Start-up disk: https://rufus.ie/
PACKAGE: Rosbag package installation: https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/ros-rosbag Cryptodome package installation: https://anaconda.org/anaconda/pycryptodomex
Origional bag_to_csv.py from This Site
The python file will convert every rostopic into csv files. Choose the one with name: _slash_detection_slash_vision_objects_slash_front.csv, which contains the coordinates of the bounding box:(in yolo format)
Note: Do not convert the csv file into a xsl file,that may result in data loss.
Simple python program, read each row from the csv file. Every extracted row is an array, we can spilt the array the write into the csv file.
import csv
with open("DATA.csv", "r", ) as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
rownumber = 0
for row in reader:
for i in row:
if(i == 'x'):
g.write(i + ' ')
rownumber = rownumber + 1
Refer to Label for each column of the csv file Keep the useful columns, delete others.
Note: all rows are marked with ‘x’ in front, to avoid excel auto delete those blank row, because we want each frame match the corresponding txt file. If there's mothing deteted for that frame, just extract blank txt files.
Each row corresponds to each frame extracted from the rosbag, each detected object need to be separated by one space.
Then change the class labels form text to numbers:
Class labels:(starts at 0):
Data Normalization: Divide x_center and width by image width(1024), y_center and height by image height(768).
***image width and height might be different for different rosbag, depend on the image extracted from the bag file.
Code walk through:
Original bag_to_scv file below with minor modifications, avoid copying the rosbag file once again in the same directory. The original script is quite time consuming duo to redundant back up process. In addition, we only need specific rosbag topic to be extracted in csv format instead for all the rostopics, I did some modifications on that, otherwise it's time consuming and it'll hover unnecessary disk space.
import rosbag, sys, csv
import time
import string
import os #for file management make directory
#import shutil #for file management, copy file
import pandas as pd
import csv
#verify correct input arguments: 1 or 2
if (len(sys.argv) > 2):
print("invalid number of arguments: " + str(len(sys.argv)))
print("should be 2: 'bag2csv.py' and 'bagName'")
print("or just 1 : 'bag2csv.py'")
elif (len(sys.argv) == 2):
listOfBagFiles = [sys.argv[1]]
numberOfFiles = "1"
print("reading only 1 bagfile: " + str(listOfBagFiles[0]))
elif (len(sys.argv) == 1):
listOfBagFiles = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f[-4:] == ".bag"] #get list of only bag files in current dir.
numberOfFiles = str(len(listOfBagFiles))
print("reading all " + numberOfFiles + " bagfiles in current directory: \n")
for f in listOfBagFiles:
print("\n press ctrl+c in the next 10 seconds to cancel \n")
print("bad argument(s): " + str(sys.argv)) #shouldnt really come up
count = 0
for bagFile in listOfBagFiles:
count += 1
print("reading file " + str(count) + " of " + numberOfFiles + ": " + bagFile)
#access bag
bag = rosbag.Bag(bagFile)
bagContents = bag.read_messages()
bagName = bag.filename
#create a new directory
folder = bagName.rstrip(".bag")
try: #else already exists
#shutil.copyfile(bagName, folder + '/' + bagName)
#get list of topics from the bag
listOfTopics = []
for topic, msg, t in bagContents:
if topic not in listOfTopics:
topicName = '/detection/vision_objects/traffic_light'
# topicName = '/detection/vision_objects/front'
filename = folder + '/' + topicName.replace( '/', '_slash_') + '.csv'
with open(filename, 'w+') as csvfile:
filewriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter = ',')
firstIteration = True #allows header row
for subtopic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topicName): # for each instant in time that has data for topicName
#parse data from this instant, which is of the form of multiple lines of "Name: value\n"
# - put it in the form of a list of 2-element lists
msgString = str(msg)
msgList = msgString.split( '\n')
instantaneousListOfData = []
for nameValuePair in msgList:
splitPair = nameValuePair.split(':')
for i in range(len(splitPair)): #should be 0 to 1
splitPair[i] = splitPair[i].strip()
#write the first row from the first element of each pair
if firstIteration: # header
headers = ["rosbagTimestamp"] #first column header
for pair in instantaneousListOfData:
firstIteration = False
# write the value from each pair to the file
values = [str(t)] #first column will have rosbag timestamp
for pair in instantaneousListOfData:
if len(pair) > 1:
Data cleaning process below:
#Find the maximum number of columns among all the rows
#with open(folder + "/" + "_slash_detection_slash_vision_objects_slash_front.csv", 'r',encoding = "ISO-8859-1") as temp_f:
#with open(folder + "/" + "_slash_detection_slash_vision_objects_slash_front.csv", 'r') as temp_f:
#Encoding error solution: try utf-8
with open(folder + "/" + "_slash_detection_slash_vision_objects_slash_traffic_light.csv", 'r') as temp_f:
# get No of columns in each line
col_count = [ len(l.split(",")) for l in temp_f.readlines() ]
### Generate column names (names will be 0, 1, 2, ..., maximum columns - 1)
#Blank csv file, rosbag file error.
if col_count == 0:
print(folder +" has no detected object.")
#column_names = [i for i in range(max(col_count))]
#Hard coding the column index from 1 to 1000, since there're maximum 9 objects can be detected in one frame. It's working but might need some modification.
column_names = [i for i in range(1000)]
import pandas as pd
# inside range set the maximum value you can see in "Expected 4 fields in line 2, saw 8"
# here will be 8
#data = pd.read_csv(folder + "/"+"_slash_detection_slash_vision_objects_slash_front.csv",header = None,names=column_names )
#data.to_csv( folder + "_slash_detection_slash_vision_objects_slash_front.csv", index=False)
#Mixed type data in the same column solved...
data = pd.read_csv(folder + "/"+"_slash_detection_slash_vision_objects_slash_traffic_light.csv",header = None,names=column_names, engine='python')
data.loc[0] = ""
data.to_csv( folder + "_slash_detection_slash_vision_objects_slash_traffic_light.csv", index=False)
#maximum number of objects detected in one frame:9, still hard coding, may be there's better way...
f = pd.read_csv(folder + "_slash_detection_slash_vision_objects_slash_traffic_light.csv", usecols=[0,15,90,91,92,93,95,118,193,194,195,196,198,221,296,297,298,299,301,324,399,400,401,402,404,427,502,503,504,505,507,530,605,606,607,608,610,633,708,709,710,711,713,736,811,812,813,814,816,839,914,915,916,917,919,])
f.to_csv(folder+"_cleaned.csv", index=False)
#Model With Traddic Lights
f["15"] = f["15"].map({'"RedLeft"':0,'"Red"':1,'"RedRight"':2,'"GreenLeft"':3,'"Green"':4,'"GreenRight"':5,'"Yellow"':6,'"Off"':'7','"YellowRight"':8})
f["118"] = f["118"].map({'"RedLeft"':0,'"Red"':1,'"RedRight"':2,'"GreenLeft"':3,'"Green"':4,'"GreenRight"':5,'"Yellow"':6,'"Off"':'7','"YellowRight"':8})
f["221"] = f["221"].map({'"RedLeft"':0,'"Red"':1,'"RedRight"':2,'"GreenLeft"':3,'"Green"':4,'"GreenRight"':5,'"Yellow"':6,'"Off"':'7','"YellowRight"':8})
f["324"] = f["324"].map({'"RedLeft"':0,'"Red"':1,'"RedRight"':2,'"GreenLeft"':3,'"Green"':4,'"GreenRight"':5,'"Yellow"':6,'"Off"':'7','"YellowRight"':8})
f["427"] = f["427"].map({'"RedLeft"':0,'"Red"':1,'"RedRight"':2,'"GreenLeft"':3,'"Green"':4,'"GreenRight"':5,'"Yellow"':6,'"Off"':'7','"YellowRight"':8})
f["530"] = f["530"].map({'"RedLeft"':0,'"Red"':1,'"RedRight"':2,'"GreenLeft"':3,'"Green"':4,'"GreenRight"':5,'"Yellow"':6,'"Off"':'7','"YellowRight"':8})
f["633"] = f["633"].map({'"RedLeft"':0,'"Red"':1,'"RedRight"':2,'"GreenLeft"':3,'"Green"':4,'"GreenRight"':5,'"Yellow"':6,'"Off"':'7','"YellowRight"':8})
f["736"] = f["736"].map({'"RedLeft"':0,'"Red"':1,'"RedRight"':2,'"GreenLeft"':3,'"Green"':4,'"GreenRight"':5,'"Yellow"':6,'"Off"':'7','"YellowRight"':8})
f["839"] = f["839"].map({'"RedLeft"':0,'"Red"':1,'"RedRight"':2,'"GreenLeft"':3,'"Green"':4,'"GreenRight"':5,'"Yellow"':6,'"Off"':'7','"YellowRight"':8})
#Model with Objects
#f["15"] = f["15"].map({'"Car"':0,'"Van"':1,'"Pedestrian"':2,'"Motorcyclist"':3,'"Truck"':4,'"Bus"':5,'"Cyclist"':6})
#f["118"] = f["118"].map({'"Car"':0,'"Van"':1,'"Pedestrian"':2,'"Motorcyclist"':3,'"Truck"':4,'"Bus"':5,'"Cyclist"':6})
#f["221"] = f["221"].map({'"Car"':0,'"Van"':1,'"Pedestrian"':2,'"Motorcyclist"':3,'"Truck"':4,'"Bus"':5,'"Cyclist"':6})
#f["324"] = f["324"].map({'"Car"':0,'"Van"':1,'"Pedestrian"':2,'"Motorcyclist"':3,'"Truck"':4,'"Bus"':5,'"Cyclist"':6})
#f["427"] = f["427"]..map({'"Car"':0,'"Van"':1,'"Pedestrian"':2,'"Motorcyclist"':3,'"Truck"':4,'"Bus"':5,'"Cyclist"':6})
f["90"] = f["90"]/1224
f["91"] = f["91"]/1024
f["92"] = f["92"]/1224
f["93"] = f["93"]/1024
f["193"] = f["193"]/1224
f["194"] = f["194"]/1024
f["195"] = f["195"]/1224
f["196"] = f["196"]/1024
f["296"] = f["296"]/1224
f["297"] = f["297"]/1024
f["298"] = f["298"]/1224
f["299"] = f["299"]/1024
f["399"] = f["399"]/1224
f["400"] = f["400"]/1024
f["401"] = f["401"]/1224
f["402"] = f["402"]/1024
f["502"] = f["502"]/1224
f["503"] = f["503"]/1024
f["504"] = f["504"]/1224
f["505"] = f["505"]/1024
f["605"] = f["605"]/1224
f["606"] = f["606"]/1024
f["607"] = f["607"]/1224
f["608"] = f["608"]/1024
f["708"] = f["708"]/1224
f["709"] = f["709"]/1024
f["710"] = f["710"]/1224
f["711"] = f["711"]/1024
f["811"] = f["811"]/1224
f["812"] = f["812"]/1024
f["813"] = f["813"]/1224
f["814"] = f["814"]/1024
f["914"] = f["914"]/1224
f["915"] = f["915"]/1024
f["916"] = f["916"]/1224
f["917"] = f["917"]/1024
f["0"] = "x"
Convert from cleaned csv file to txt files.
f.to_csv(folder + "_cleaned.csv", index=False)
with open(folder + "_cleaned.csv",'r') as f:
with open(folder+ "_updated_cleaned.csv",'w') as f1:
next(f) # skip header line
for line in f:
if not os.path.exists(folder +'_txt'):
os.makedirs(folder + '_txt')
except OSError:
print ('Error: Creating directory of data')
with open(folder + "_updated_cleaned.csv", "r", ) as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
rownumber = 0
for row in reader:
g=open(folder + '_txt'+ '/'+str(rownumber-1)+".txt","w")
for i in row:
if(i == 'x'):
g.write(i + ' ')
rownumber = rownumber + 1
os.remove(folder + "_txt/-1.txt")
directory_path = folder + '_txt'
No_of_files = len(os.listdir(directory_path))
remove empty txt files. The reason why I do this is for this system, the 'blank' txt files will be filled with enters, which makes it's size bigger than 0,so we cannot use os.path.getsize() to solve this problem.
for i in range(No_of_files):
filename = folder + "_txt/" + str(i) + ".txt"
with open(filename, 'r') as read_obj:
# read first character
one_char = read_obj.read(1)
# if not fetched then file is empty,
if one_char == '\n':
for i in range(No_of_files):
filename = folder+"_txt/"+str(i)+".txt"
filesize = os.path.getsize(filename)
if filesize <= 60:
print("Done reading all " + numberOfFiles + " bag files.")
After the images and txt files are extracted from the bagfile. These are some useful python files that delete the empty txt files, list out the frames with detected objects.
import os
directory_path = 'delayed'
No_of_files = len(os.listdir(directory_path))
#remove empty txt files
for i in range(No_of_files):
filename = directory_path + "/"+str(i)+".txt"
with open(filename, 'r') as read_obj:
# read first character
one_char = read_obj.read(1)
# if not fetched then file is empty
if one_char == '\n':
import os
f = open("frames_contain_objects.txt", 'w')
directory_path = 'txt'
No_of_files = len(os.listdir(directory_path))
for i in range(No_of_files):
filename = "txt/"+str(i)+".txt"
filesize = os.path.getsize(filename)
i = ("%04d" % (i,))
if filesize > 60:
If the extracted txt file does not match with the extracted images: use delay.py to rename the txt files.
import os
print("Delay ==> ")
delay = input()
delay = int(delay)
path = "2020-11-18-16-38-31/2020-11-18-16-38-31_txt"
filename = "2020-11-18-16-38-31/2020-11-18-16-38-31-txt"
except OSError:
print ("Creation of the directory %s failed" % path)
print ("Successfully created the directory %s " % path)
tmp = os.listdir(filename)
No_of_files = len(os.listdir(filename))
for j in range(0,No_of_files):
index = int(tmp[j].strip(".txt"))
oldindex = filename + "/"+ tmp[j]
newindex = path + "/" + str(index-delay) + '.txt'
print("Rename: "+tmp[j]+" ==> " +str(index-delay) + '.txt')
print("Rename Over.")
Some useful command: Error in mounting and unmount:
Sudo fdisk -l
Sudo ntfsfx diskname
Compress and decompress:
tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz ~/pathtofile
Tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz
Sudo apt-install ncompress
Compress -v filename/path
Fast Copy:
Rsync -ah --progress filename destpath