1.0.2 Release
Removed outdated leaflet-lite.js dependency.
Added a zero intercept line for the path plot and made the inital progress bar for calibration indeterminate.
Generate Evids in YYJJJHHmm (from YYJJJHH) format to maintain compatability with SWFT.
Force UTC everywhere, including on insert into the DB.
Added a little mouse click handler to the load failure progress bar as a shortcut to the error report.
Report the full file path on a failed conversion.
Initial implementation of better error reporting during loads.
Updated the data example in the README to be less ambiguous w.r.t. literals vs. regex captures.
Some spring abstract classes are now deprecated due to default methods; updated.
Bumping up to the GA release of Spring Boot 2.0.2 for bugfixes and improvements.