CCT 1.0.7
Features and Changes:
Basic plotting for Measured Mws spectra and tables + export results as JSON file in File->Export Measured Mws.
Added a constraint set configuration panel in Parameter for the velocity model and the model space bounds on Shape (V/B/G) models for advanced users.
Updated the input/output formats to include the new configurable fields (see schema folder for updates.)
Combined V/B/G Shape plots into one instead.
Support loading bands from the Envelope tool in CCT.
Changed the Envelope tool to generate evid folder names consistent with the evid used for filenames and headers.
Updated notebook to use new REST JSON format for measurements.
Slight changes to Site and Measure for more consistent include/exclude painting behavior.
Made all plots change their status immediately on include/exclude instead of waiting on refresh.
Added ability to remove reference events from Site table.
Added ability in Shape and Site to grow/shrink the data on the Y and X axis respectively via a button toggle.
Added a toggle for waveform plot pop-up behavior in Window->Waveform Pop-ups; defaults to pop-up the first time and respects focus thereafter.
Workaround for the classloading problem introduced by System Classloader ForkJoinPool changes in Java 9+ with Javafx WebKit native JNI loaders.
Cleaned up some map plotting problems related to include and exclude.
Small offset fix to account for waveform plots where the origin is very close to the begin time.
Remove dependency on BoringSSL for use on Java 9+
Fixed some web client serialization errors related to tiling from abritrary WMS sources.
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