The program aims to simulate a theoretical refrigeration cycle -- given inputs such as temperature, pressure, superheat / subcooling, and compressor efficiency. There are several refrigerants the user can choose from. The properties were determined using the CoolProp library and results were verified against the IRC Fluid calculator online and Cengel's Engineering Thermodynamics. The simple version evaluates the performance of a refrigeration cycle by prompting the user in the terminal. The GUI version allows for interaction with dropdown menus and an output table. The Streamlit version (courtesy of Lasse Thomsen) allowed me to host the program as a web-based app.
I included a PDF of an example refrigeration cycle problem from the ASHRAE fundamentals book... as verification for potential users :)
Link to a web based version of the program:
- Create virtualenv with
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- install off requirements with
pip install -r requirements.txt
- to update requirements use
pip freeze > requirements.txt
- to update requirements use
Build the program to dist/
using pyinstaller -F
- Install the dev requirements with
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
- Run
numerous deploy -o your-org-slug
. You can find your org slug by runningnumerous orgarnization list
after you have signed up for free on can find your org slug by runningnumerous orgarnization list
after you have signed up for free on