Craftworx features many changes in gameplay from vanilla 7 Days to Die, which up until now haven’t been as obvious to the players as I’d thought when I started making it. There is now a wiki for Craftworx, located within the Github repository. It should help with understanding the differences between this mod and the vanilla game. You can access it directly by following this link: https://github.com/LatheosMod/Craftworx/wiki
Craftworx features a custom HUD created by adapting Sirillion's SMX UI, LavenderJosh's Quality of Life and Firearms Improvement Mod, skullpoker's Deep Diving perk, Valmar's Working Ovens & Sinks, numberz's Expanded Minibike Storage, Katt's New Foods, three08's Third Forge Input and a flamethrower from Andy of Andy's Mods (originally for A12 but updated to A16). Credit for those parts of this mod goes to them. Additionally, Valmar, Sirillion and StompyNZ were extremely helpful in getting parts of this mod working properly, and Sphereii has been dedicated in getting Craftworx to look fantastic in the 7D2D Mod Launcher. Thanks, guys!
There is now a Discord channel for this mod. It's a work in progress, so expect constant changes (and, likely, mistakes). It can be found here: https://discord.gg/23hS3V7
7 Days to Die Modding Forums https://7daystodie.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?61-Modding
Sirillion's SMX UI https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?42922-SMX-By-Sirillion
LavenderJosh's Quality of Life and Firearms Improvement Mod https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?71340-Quality-of-Life-and-Firearms-Improvement-Mod
Magoli's CompoPack (Prefabs) https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?28057-Compo-Pack-for-Random-Gen
stallionsden's Expanded Backpack https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?72974-Backpack-expansion-a16-onwards
Andy's Mods https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzWKM0Bt-LnX9ZLTe5FWPFg/featured
7D2D Mod Launcher https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?48537-The-7D2D-Mod-Launcher-A-Mod-Launcher-for-7-Days-to-Die
--- EAC MUST be disabled to play this mod ---
In order to play nicely with the 7D2D Mod Launcher, the mod is set up with the correct folder structure to put files where the need to be to run the game properly. Installing this mod is a great deal easier as a result. Simply unpack the archive and copy the contents of Craftworx-master into your \Steam\SteamApps\common\7 Days To Die, and the files will go where they need to go.
I do strongly recommend using the 7D2D Mod Launcher, as it makes keeping your game updated a great deal easier.
Please be aware that if the game updates, that will overwrite this mod, and you will have to reinstall it.
--- Servers ---
Craftworx was designed for use in single-player games, so running this mod on a server may present some difficulties I haven't foreseen. If your players are missing the icons from this mod, have them download the icon pack; extract the archive and copy the \Mods folder to their 7 Days to Die folder. In the case of the expanded backpack, the server admin needs to download the appropriate version of the 72-slot backpack, which can be found here: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?72974-Backpack-expansion-a16-onwards
There are more directions on setting up a dedicated server in that post.
Craftworx Icon Pack https://github.com/LatheosMod/CraftworxIcons/archive/master.zip