JULY-11-2022 Designed and edited by: Laurie Sylvester Jon Strand Amed Espinosa
This app provides an architecture for a functioning website that interacts with AWS DynamoDB utilizing the CRUD Repository interface.
The service implements findById, save, existsById, deleteById & findAll() from the CRUD Repository and uses these calls in the controller via the service.
The webpage makes local get, put, post and delete RESTful api calls to manipulate objects in a DynamoDB table. With AWS credentials this app has the potential to interact with the DynamoDB database when running on AWS services.
It can also be run with a local instance through a local Docker container. To run the local container, run the ./local-dynamodb.sh on the command line from the project's root directory.
Best used with AWS CLI.**
This app was designed for artists to upload, update, delete and view their own artwork as well as view others' uploaded works.
FUTURE FEATURE: Upload a photo of the artwork to S3 on AWS.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a replication of the original product, some info has been changed. Also please recognize the two other parties who were involved in the creation of this project (See top of README).