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4.02. Buffs
Furkan SAMANLI edited this page Jul 31, 2018
9 revisions
NOTE: If you want better descriptions for these buffs, click here
Description for the buff | Buffname |
Aatrox E slow | AatroxEConeMissile |
Aatrox Passive Description | AatroxPassive |
Aatrox Passive on Cooldown | AatroxPassiveActivate |
Aatrox Passive off Cooldown | AatroxPassiveReady |
Aatrox Q enemy airborne | AatroxQ |
Aatrox R range and attack speed buff | AatroxR |
Aatrox W passive | AatroxWLife |
Aatrox W next auto will heal | AatroxWONHLifeBuff |
Aatrox W next auto will damage | AatroxWONHPowerBuff |
Aatrox W active | AatroxWPower |
Nunu channeling ult | Absolute_Zero |
Nunu ult move and attack slow | AbsoluteZeroSlow |
Abyssal Scepter magic resist debuff | Abyssal_Scepter |
Abyssal Scepter aura (on owner) | Abyssal_Scepter_Aura |
Aegis of the Legion aura (on owner) | Aegis_of_the_Legion |
Aegis of the Legion mr and regen buff | Aegis_of_the_Legion_Friend |
Ahri on W cast | AhriFoxFire |
Ahri Passive Description | AhriPassive |
Ahri E (on target) | AhriSeduce |
Ahri DoomBot damage increase (on target) | AhriSeduceDoom |
Ahri Passive Ready | AhriSoulCrusher |
Ahri Passive Counter | AhriSoulCrusherCounter |
Ahri Passive ? | AhriSoulCrusherNumbers |
Ahri R can be used | AhriTumble |
Akali Q mark (on target) | AkaliMota |
Akali R off cooldown | AkaliShadowDance |
Akali W invisible | AkaliTwilightShroud |
Akali W movespeed buff | AkaliTwilightShroudBuff |
Akali W movespeed debuff enemies in area | AkaliTwilightShroudDebuff |
Akali Passive bonus damage on-hit | AkaliTwinAP |
Akali Passive Description | AkaliTwinDisciplines |
Akali Passive heal on dmg given | AkaliTwinDmg |
Master Yi Q hit target and will be damaged | Alpha_Strike |
Master Yi Q'ing | Alpha_Striking |
Malzahar E debuff (on target) | AlZaharMaleficVisions |
Malzahar R DoT (on target) | AlZaharNetherGrasp |
Malzahar R knockdown (on target) | AlZaharNetherGraspSound |
Malzahar Passive Description | AlZaharSummonVoidling |
Malzahar Passive Counter (probably) | AlZaharSummonVoidlingBuff |
Malzahar Passive Ready | AlZaharSummonVoidlingReady |
Malzahar Voidling description | AlZaharVoidling |
Malzahar Voidling damage and armor buffed | AlZaharVoidlingPhase2 |
Malzahar Voidling attack speed buffed | AlZaharVoidlingPhase3 |
Speed Shrine (In ARAM?) | AramSpeedShrineBuff |
Ryze Passive | Arcane_Mastery |
Ascended buff | AscBuff |
Ascension buff of Xerath | AscBuff_Xerath |
Ascension user teleporting | AscWarp |
Ascension short dmg reduc and tenacity buff after teleport | AscWarpProtection |
Ashe Passive Counter (probably) | AsheCritChance |
Ashe Passive ready | AsheCritChanceReady |
Amumu W active (on owner) | AuraofDespair |
Amumu W aura (on target) | AuraofDespairDamage |
Azir E shield on encounter with enemy champ | AzirEShield |
Azir Passive Description | AzirPassive |
Azir Passive ready | AzirPassiveAvailable |
Azir Q slow (on target) | AzirQSlow |
Azir R knockback | AzirRBump |
Azir R movespeed buff for allies | AzirRHaste |
Shaco Passive Description | Backstab |
Bag of Tea hp/mana regen (removed from game) | Bag_of_Tea |
Banshee's Veil spell shield | BansheesVeil |
Tryndamere Passive Description | Battle_Fury |
Poppy W Passive | BattleHardened |
??? | BerserkBuff |
Bilgewater Cutlass movespeed debuff (on target) | BilgewaterCutlass |
Black Cleaver % armor reduc (on target) | Black_Cleaver |
Morgana E (on target) (probably) | Black_Shield |
Blackfire Torch DoT (on target) | BlackfireTorchBurn |
Blackfire Torch stack counter | BlackfireTorchCharges |
Black Omen attackspeed reduc (on target) | BlackOmen |
BoTRK slow (on target) | BladeOfTheRuinedKing |
BoTRK movespeed bonus (on owner) | BladeOfTheRuinedKingSelf |
Blade Weaving (mastery) aa ad bonus | BladeWeaving |
Bleed reveal | Bleed |
Bleed DoT | Bleeding |
Summoner's Rift Red Buff | BlessingoftheLizardElder |
Blind CC | Blind |
Teemo Q blind debuff | Blinding_Dart |
Lee Sin E2 slow (on target) | BlindMonkCripple |
Lee Sin R (on knockbacked target) | BlindMonkDragonsRage |
Lee Sin Passive | BlindMonkFlurry |
Lee Sin W2 (on self) | BlindMonkIronWill |
Lee Sin W shield (on both target and owner) | BlindMonkSafeguard |
Lee Sin Q1 hit (on target) | BlindMonkSonicWave |
Lee Sin E1 hit (on target) | BlindMonkTempest |
Blink Dagger mana regen | BlinkDagger |
Blink Dagger on cooldown | BlinkDaggerCheck |
Blitzcrank Passive on cooldown | BlitzcrankManaBarrierCD |
Warwick E passive | Blood_Awareness |
Nunu W buff | Blood_Boil |
Warwick E reveal (on target) | Blood_Scent |
Tryndamere Q passive buff | Bloodlust |
Overlord's Bloodmail HP regen | Bloodmail2 |
??? armor increase | Boistrous_Resolve |
Furor enchanted boot movespeed buff | BootsDeathmarchSpeed |
Homeguard enchanted boot movespeed buff | BootsHomeguardSpeed |
Brand Passive (on target) | BrandAblaze |
Brand Passive Description | BrandPassive |
Braum E | BraumE |
Braum Passive | BraumMark |
Braum Passive damage tracker? | BraumMarkDamageTracker |
Braum Passive unstunnable target | BraumMarkStunReduction |
Braum R knocked up target | BraumPulseLineKnockup |
Braum Q slow | BraumQSlow |
Braum Passive stunned target | BraumStunDebuff |
Braum W armor and mr | BraumWPassiveStatsDoubler |
Breath Stealer AP and bonus AD reduc | Breathstealer |
Elise human stun | BuffEliseCocoon |
Elise E slow | BuffEliseESlow |
Elise Spider Rappel | BuffEliseRappel |
Elise Spiderling heal elise on aa buff | BuffEliseSkitter |
Elise ? | BuffEliseSpider |
Elise Spider Form | BuffEliseSpiderForm |
DoT | Burning |
Mundo W dmg aura and CC reduc | BurningAgony |
Nidalee Bushwack reveal and DoT | BushwhackDamage |
Tristana R knockback (on target) | Buster_Shot |
Caitlyn R channel (on target) | CaitlynAceintheHole |
Caitlyn Passive Counter | CaitlynHeadshotCount |
Caitlyn Passive Ready | CaitlynHeadshotReady |
Caitlyn W root debuff | CaitlynYordleTrap |
Caitlyn W reveal (on target) | CaitlynYordleTrapSight |
Viktor R debuff?? | Calamitys_Grasp |
Teemo buff on invisibility break | CamoflagueBuff |
Teemo Passive Description | Camouflage |
Teemo Passive invisible | CamouflageStealth |
Gangplank R AoE slow (on target) | CannonBarrageSlow |
Twisted Fate Red Card Slow | CardmasterSlow |
Twisted Fate E counter | CardMasterStack |
Twisted Fate E ready | CardMasterStackParticle |
Cho'Gath Passive Description | Carnivore |
Cassiopeia Passive Description | CassiopeiaDeadlyCadence |
Cassiopeia W poison | CassiopeiaMiasma |
Cassiopeia Q poison | CassiopeiaNoxiousBlast |
Cassiopeia Q movespeed buff | CassiopeiaNoxiousBlastHaste |
Cassiopeia Passive Stack Counter 0 | CassiopeiaPoisonTicker |
Cassiopeia Passive Stack Counter 1 | CassiopeiaPoisonTicker2 |
Cassiopeia Passive Stack Counter 2 | CassiopeiaPoisonTicker3 |
Cassiopeia Passive Stack Counter 3 | CassiopeiaPoisonTicker4 |
??? | Caster_Minion_Aura |
Catalyst Heal buff | CatalystHeal |
Chalice of Harmony on cooldown | ChaliceCheck |
Chalice of Harmony Buff | ChaliceOfHarmony |
Alistar? dashing with w? | Charging |
Chill (move and attackspeed debuff) | Chilled |
Zilean R (on target) | ChronoShift |
Cleanse buff | Cleanse |
Alistar Passive Description | Colossal_Strength |
Soraka Passive Description | Consecration_Self |
Corki R Counter Big One Loaded | CorkiMissileBarrageCounterBig |
Corki R Counter Normal Loaded | CorkiMissileBarrageCounterNormal |
WTF??? | CorpseExplosion |
Jax Dodging and can recast E | Counter_Strike_Can_Cast |
Some jungle monster's % damage increase | CrestofCrushingWrath |
Some jungle monster's movespeed buff | CrestofFlowingWater |
Some jungle moster's attackspeed increase and cdr | CrestofNaturesFury |
Summoner's Rift blue buff | CrestoftheAncientGolem |
Summoner's Rift new blue buff?? | CrestoftheAncientGolem2015 |
Summoner's Rift blue buff aura??? | CrestoftheAncientGolemAura |
??? | CrestofUnyieldingStone |
Attackspeed reduc? | Cripple |
Fiddlesticks R active | Crowstorm |
Crystal Flask HP and mana regen | CrystalFlask |
Crystal Flask stack counter | CrystalFlaskCharge |
Amumu Passive Description | Cursed_Touch_Marker |
Amumu Passive proc on target | CursedTouch |
Amumu Passive Description again? | CursedTouchMarker |
Amumu Passive self? | CursedTouchSelf |
Amumu R entangle CC | CurseoftheSadMummy |
Darius armor penetration | DariusAxeGrabArmorPen |
Darius R can be recast | DariusExecuteMulticast |
Darius Passive proc on target | DariusHemo |
Darius Passive Description | DariusHemoMarker |
Darius Passive Description again? | DariusHemoPassive |
Darius Passive movespeed buff | DariusHemoSpeedIcon |
Darius W attack modifier | DariusNoxianTacticsActive |
Darius W attack and movespeed slow | DariusSlow |
Morgana Q rooted for years (xD) | Dark_Binding |
Dash Spell or normal dash? | Dash |
Karthus Passive Description | Death_Defied |
Karthus zombie state | Death_Defied_Buff |
Deathfire Grasp max HP DoT | Deathfire_Grasp |
Deathfire Grasp magic damage increase | DeathfireGraspSpell |
Katarina R channeling and enemies are hit | DeathLotusSound |
Shaco Q invisibility and attack modifier | Deceive |
Rammus W | DefensiveBallCurl |
Ryze R active | DesperatePower |
Stealth Prohibitor (de?)buff | Destealth |
Twisted Fate R reveal debuff (on target) | Destiny |
Twisted Fate can teleport | Destiny_Marker |
Twisted Fate Red Card Slow (But has ult's name, wtf?) | Destiny_Slow |
Tristana Passive Buff | Detonating_Shot |
Diana Q debuff (on target) | DianaMoonlight |
Diana W cast and spheres surronding her | DianaOrbs |
Diana Passive Description | DianaPassive |
Diana W Shield | DianaShield |
Master Yi Passive Ready | DoubleStrikeReady |
Master Yi Passive Counter | DoubleStrikeStacks |
Dragon Vision Buff | Dragon_Vision_Buff |
Dragon DoT and dmg reduc | DragonBurning |
Fiddlesticks W | Drain |
Draven E knockaside (on target) | DravenDoubleBump |
Draven W movespeed buff | DravenFury |
Draven W attackspeed buff | DravenFuryBuff |
Draven Passive Description | DravenPassive |
Draven Passive Stacks Counter | DravenPassiveStacks |
Draven has 1 or more axe(s) | DravenSpinning |
Tristana Passive Description | Draw_a_Bead |
Reallly rito? Teemo leaving trail behind him boosting allies? | Eagle_Eye |
Elise Passive Description | ElisePassive |
Elise Spider Q Slow | EliseSpiderQSlow |
Elixir of Brilliance AP and CDR buff | Elixer_of_Brilliance |
Elixir of Agility attackspeed and critchance buff | Elixer_of_Elusiveness |
Elixir of Fortitude HP and AD buff | Elixer_of_Fortitude |
Ichor of Illumination AP, cdr and mana regen buff | ElixirOfIllumination |
Elixir of Iron size, tenacity and slow resist buff | ElixirOfIron |
Ichor of Rage AD and attackspeed buff | ElixirOfRage |
Elixir of Ruin buff | ElixirOfRuin |
Elixir of Sorcery buff | ElixirOfSorcery |
Elixir of Wraith buff | ElixirOfWrath |
Emblem of Valor HP regen buff | Emblem_of_Valour |
Emblem of Valor HP regen aura | Emblem_of_Valour_Aura |
Morgana Passive Description | Empathize |
Singed Passive Description | Empowered_Bulwark |
Jax W attack modifier | EmpowerTwo |
Ashe R stun | Enchanted_Crystal_Arrow |
Ashe R AoE slow | Enchanted_Crystal_Arrow_Slow |
Devour Stack Counter | Enchantment_Slayer_Stacks |
Annie Passive Ready | Energized |
Entropy DoT | Entropy |
Warwick Passive Description | Eternal_Thirst |
Warwick Passive stacking | Eternal_Thirsted |
Warwick Passive (on target) | EternalThirstBuff |
Warwick Passive stacking again? | EternalThirsted |
Evelynn E attackspeed buff | EvelynnE |
Evelynn Passive Description | EvelynnPassive |
Evelynn R shield | EvelynnRShield |
Evelynn R slow | EvelynnRSlow |
Evelynn Invisibility | EvelynnStealthMarker |
Evelynn W movespeed buff | EvelynnWActive |
Evelynn W passive movespeed | EvelynnWPassive |
Baron Nashor AD, AP, mana and HP regen buff | ExaltedwithBaronNashor |
Executioner's Calling will wound enemies hit | Executioners_Calling |
Exhaust miss autoattacks? | Exhaust |
Explosive Shot DoT | Explosive_Shot_Debuff |
Explosive Cartridges AoE | ExplosiveCartridges |
Eye of the Storm dmg absorb and bonus AD | Eye_Of_The_Storm |
Another unused buff? | EzrealEnergyBurst |
Ezreal W attackspeed buff | EzrealEssenceFluxBuff |
Ezreal W attackspeed debuff | EzrealEssenceFluxDebuff |
Ezreal Passive attackspeed buff | EzrealRisingSpellForce |
Ezreal Passive Description? | EzrealRisingSpellForceBuff |
Fear CC (aimlessly run) | Fear |
Cho'Gath R stack counter | Feast |
Alistar R AD and dmg reduc buff | Ferocious_Howl |
Fiora Passive Description? | FioraDuelist |
Fiora Passive HP regen buff | FioraDuelistHot |
Fiora attackspeed buff | FioraFlurry |
Fiora movespeed buff | FioraFlurryMS |
Fiora Q can be used again | FioraQCD |
Fiora Q movespeed buff | FioraQDebuff |
Fiora parry next aa | FioraRiposte |
Fiora parry permanent AD buff | FioraRiposteBuff |
Dragon DoT (on target) | FireoftheGreatDragon |
Xin Zhao armor increase (dat buffname tho) | FizzAirborne |
Fizz R stuck (on target) | FizzChurnTheWatersCling |
Fizz W passive DoT | FizzMalison |
Fizz Passive Description | FizzPassive |
Fizz W Active (on owner) | FizzSeastoneActive |
Fizz W passive DoT again? | FizzSeastoneTrident |
Anivia Q can be recast? | FlashFrost |
Flee CC (run on a straight line) | Flee |
Singed (W or E?) thrown someone (on target) | FlingBuff |
Ashe Passive Description | Focus |
Force of Nature HP regen | ForceofNature |
Kassadin E stack counter | ForcePulse |
Kassadin E ready | ForcePulseAvailable |
Turret Fortify buff | Fortify |
Frost Shot slow (on target) | Frost_Arrow |
Frost Shot (on owner) | Frost_Shot |
Frozen Mallet slow | Frozen_Mallet_Slow |
Frozen Heart Aura attackspeed reduc (on target) | FrozenHeartAura |
Galio Shield (on shielded target) | GalioBulwark |
Galio channeling R | GalioIdolOfDurand |
Galio Q slow (on target) | GalioResoluteSmite |
Galio E movespeed buff | GalioRighteousGustHaste |
Galio Passive Description | GalioRunicSkin |
??? | GarenCommandOther |
Garen spin to win | GarenE |
Garen W passive | GarenKillBuff |
Garen Passive Description | GarenPassive |
Garen Passive on cooldown | GarenPassiveCooldown |
Garen Passive active | GarenPassiveHeal |
Garen Q attack modifier | GarenQBuff |
Garen Q movespeed buff | GarenQHaste |
Garen W active | GarenW |
Twisted Fate R2 teleporting | Gate |
Corki E resistance debuff | Gatling_Gun |
Corki E active (on owner) | GatlingGunSelf |
Taric Passive Description | Gemcraft |
Ghost Ward | GhostWard |
Ghost Ward stack counter | GhostWardCharge |
Jungle monster grants sight? | GiftOfSight |
Anivia R? active | GlacialStorm |
Another rito only buff | GlobalEmptyBuff |
Gnar E attackspeed buff | GnarEAttackSpeed |
Gnar has high fury | GnarFuryHigh |
Gnar Passive Description | GnarPassive |
Gnar Q slow | GnarQSlow |
Gnar R knockback | GnarRKnockback |
Gnar full fury | GnarTransform |
Gnar about to transform | GnarTransformSoon |
Gnar cannot get rage while this exists | GnarTransformTired |
Gnar W movespeed buff | GnarWBuff |
Gnar W proc (on target) | GnarWProc |
Gouged DoT and HP regen block | Gouged |
Gragas Passive Description | GragasPassive |
Gragas Q can be detonated | GragasQ |
Gragas W attack modifier | GragasWAttack |
Gragas W damage reduc | GragasWSelf |
Graves Passive Description | GravesPassive |
Graves Passive buff | GravesPassiveGrit |
Graves Passive buff | GravesPassiveGritStacks |
Graves W slow | GravesSmokeCloud |
Graves attackspeed buff | GravesSteroid |
Grievous Wound heal reduc | GrievousWound |
Guardian Angel buff | Guardian_Angel |
Phage slow | Hamstring |
Baron Nashor Buff | HandOfBaron |
Baron Nashor buffed minion? | HandOfBaronSplit |
Baron Nashor Buff again? | HandOfBaronV2 |
Tenacity buff? | Hardening |
Guardian Angel on cooldown | HasBeenRevived |
Ghost movespeed and no-collision buff | SummonerHaste |
Alistar Q airborne | Headbutt |
Caitlyn Passive Description | Headshot_Marker |
If unit has this buff, secondary heals will be less effective | HealCheck |
HP pot buff | Health_Potion |
??? | HealthBomb |
Hecarim W DoT AoE (on target) | HecarimDefileLifeLeech |
Hecarim Passive Description | HecarimPassive |
Hecarim E charging | HecarimRamp |
Hecarim E next aa will knockback target | HecarimRampAttack |
Hecarim ? | HecarimRapidSlash |
Hecarim ?? | HecarimRapidSlash2 |
Hecarim W (on owner) | HecarimW |
Zilean Passive Description | Heightened_Learning |
Heimerdinger turret ready (stack=turret count) | Heimerdinger_Turret_Ready |
Heimerdinger Passive Description | HeimerdingerPassive |
Heimerdinger Secret Pentakill buff | HeimerdingerPentakill |
Heimerdinger Q turret buff | HeimerdingerQ |
Heimerdinger turret active (on turret) | HeimerdingerQPower |
Heimerdinger R activated buff | HeimerdingerR |
Heimerdinger RQ turret buff | HeimerdingerSuperTurret |
Heimerdinger RQ turret slow | HeimerdingerUltTurretSlow |
Hexdrinker activated | HexdrunkEmpowered |
Hexdrinker on cooldown | HexdrunkTimerCD |
Hextech Gunblade slow | HextechGunblade |
Revealed by Hextech Sweeper | HextechSweeper |
Master Yi R active | Highlander |
Janna Q can be released | Howling_Gale |
Howling Abyss aura mana regen passive xp and heal reduc | HowlingAbyssAura |
Warwick W attackspeed buff | Hunter's_Call |
Nunu E move and attackspeed debuff | Iceblast |
Dr. Mundo Q slow | InfectedCleaverDebuff |
Annie's Tibbers' damage aura | Infernal_Guardian |
Annie countdown to Tibbers' despawn | InfernalGuardianTimer |
Warwick R suspend on target | Infinite_Duress |
Warwick R lifesteal on him | InfiniteDuress |
Warwick R on him | InfiniteDuressSound |
Item restoring 10 mana/sec | Innervating_Locket |
Aura item increased mana regen on ally | InnervatingLocketAuraFriend |
Aura item increased mana regen on self | InnervatingLocketAuraSelf |
Singed R buff | Insanity_Potion |
Twisted Fate R teleporting | InstaGate |
URF buff | InternalTestBuff |
Irelia W passive heal on attack | IreliaHitenStyle |
Irelia W active heal and bonus dmg on attack | IreliaHitenStyleCharged |
Irelia passive tenacity | IreliaIonianDuelist |
Irelia can cast R to fire blade | IreliaTranscendentBlades |
Locket of the Iron Solari HP regen aura | IronStylusAura |
Locket of the Iron Solari active shield | IronStylusBuff |
Locket of the Iron Solari shielded before | IronStylusCheck |
Ninja? | Is_Ninja |
Pirate? | Is_Pirate |
Pirate Hunter? | IsPirateHunter |
Frenzy rune's attackspeed buff | ItemAngelHandBuff |
Orb of Winter passive shielded | ItemAvalanche |
Banshee's Veil HP regen? | ItemBansheesVeilRegen |
Blackfire's Torch magic dmg increase | ItemBlackfireTorchSpell |
??? bleeding for %HP | ItemBladedGauntlet |
The Bloodthirster shield fading | ItemBTOverhealDecay |
The Bloodthirster shield exists | ItemBTOverhealTimer |
Unit revealed by Clairvoyance | ItemClairvoyanceSight |
Crystalline Flask HP&mana regen | ItemCrystalFlask |
Crystalline Flask charge counter | ItemCrystalFlaskCharge |
Dervish Blade movespeed buff | ItemDervishBlade |
Trap is disabled | ItemDisable |
Ohmwrecker active turret is disabled | ItemFaithShaker |
Wriggle's Lantern upgrade to Feral Flare counter | ItemFeralFlareCounter |
Iceborn Gauntlet area slow and dmg on next hit | ItemFrozenFist |
??? burning | ItemFullBurn |
Ghost Ward revealing area (probable timer) | ItemGhostWard |
Ghost Ward charge counter | ItemGhostWardCharge |
Frost Queen's Claim slow | ItemGlacialSpike |
Guardian's Horn MS, armor and MR buff | ItemHorn |
Guardian's Horn ready counter | ItemHornCounter |
Guardian's Horn ready buff | ItemHornUsable |
A buff tracking how jungler has done? | ItemJungleStatsTracker |
??? bleeding and revealed | ItemLightBringerBleed |
??? burning | ItemLiteBurn |
Madred's Razor stack counter | ItemMadredsRazorCounter |
Mercurial movespeed buff | ItemMercurial |
Some sort HP pot regen | ItemMiniRegenPotion |
Explorer Ward revealing area | ItemMiniWard |
Elesia's Essence? HP&mana regen | ItemMiraclePermanentBlessing |
Buff given by gromp? monster is burning | ItemMonsterBurn |
Buff given by gromp? regenerating hp&mana while under attack | ItemMonsterRegen |
Phage speed by attacking minions | ItemPhageMiniSpeed |
Phage speed by attacking champs | ItemPhageSpeed |
Pickpocket? cooldown | ItemPickpocket |
Scavenging smite speed buff for stealing enemy buff | ItemPoachersKnifeSpeed |
Burning? | ItemPrimalFlareBurn |
Aegis of the Legion aura on allies | ItemRunicAegisFriend |
Aegis of the Legion aura on self | ItemRunicAegisSelf |
Seraph's Embrace shield | ItemSeraphsEmbrace |
Challenging smite on target reveal and true damage on hit | ItemSmiteChallenge |
Devastating Smite? showing damage to champions? | ItemSmitePlayerStack |
Devastating Smite? can be cast on champs | ItemSmitePlayerStacked |
Smite? shield | ItemSmiteShield |
Chiling Smite slow on target | ItemSmiteSlow |
Spectre's Cowl HP regen | ItemSpectreCowlRegen |
??? next monster kill will grant gold | ItemSpiritGold |
Statikk Shiv stack counter | ItemStatikkShank |
Same as above | ItemStatikShank |
Same as above again | ItemStatikShankCharge |
Ohmwrecker movespeed given near turrets | ItemVoidSpeed |
Wraith's Collar? slow and reveal debuff | ItemWraithCollar |
Same as above | ItemWraithCollarCS |
Wriggle's Lantern upgrade to Feral Flare counter | ItemWrigglesLanternCounter |
Shaco trap buff | Jack_In_The_Box |
Janna E attack damage buff | JannaEoTSBuff |
Jarvan IV R in air | JarvanIVCataclysm |
Jarvan IV E passive and flag aura attackspeed buff | JarvanIVDemacianStandard |
Jarvan IV Q armor debuff | JarvanIVDragonStrikeDebuff |
Jarvan IV Q knockup | JarvanIVDragonStrikePH2 |
Jarvan IV W shield | JarvanIVGoldenAegis |
Jarvan IV Passive desc | JarvanIVMartialCadence |
Jarvan IV Passive cooldown on target | JarvanIVMartialCadenceCheck |
Jarvan IV Q armor debuff | JarvanIVStrikeThroughDebuff |
Jax R active armor and MR | JaxDuelist |
Jax E dodge buff | JaxEvasion |
Jax Passive desc | JaxPassive |
Same as above | JaxRelentlessAssault |
Jax Passive counter | JaxRelentlessAssaultAS |
Jax R passive bonus magic dmg on next atk | JaxRelentlessAttack |
Jayce E gate speed on ally | JayceAccelerationGate |
Jayce W attackspeed buff | JayceHyperCharge |
Jayce R magic dmg on next atk | JaycePassiveMeleeAttack |
Jayce R armor&MR reduce on next atk | JaycePassiveRangedAttack |
Jayce R armor&MR debuff on target | JaycePassiveShred |
Jayce is ranged | JayceStanceGun |
Jayce is melee | JayceStanceHammer |
Jayce W AoE damage | JayceStaticField |
Added on Caitlyn as she gets taunted by Jinx, last until C. dies or damages J. | JinxCaitAgitate |
Added on Jinx permnt. if there is Cait/Vi as enem(ies). | JinxCatchMe |
Added on Cait/Vi permnt. if there is Jinx as enemy. | JinxCatchMeEnemy |
Jinx E burn debuff | `JinxEFireBurn`` |
Jinx E on mine (probable timer) | JinxEMine |
Jinx E snare | JinxEMineSnare |
Jinx Passive movespeed buff | JinxPassiveKill |
Jinx Passive description (or counter on enemy?) | JinxPassiveMarker |
Jinx Q wielding the rocket launcher | JinxQ |
Jinx Q wielding the minigun | JinxQIcon |
Jinx Q minigun attackspeed buff | JinxQRamp |
Jinx W target on hit | JinxWSight |
Kayle W movespeed buff | JudicatorDivineBlessing |
Kayle passive desc | JudicatorHolyFervor |
Kayle passive armor&MR debuff | JudicatorHolyFervorDebuff |
Kayle R on target | JudicatorIntervention |
Kayle Q slow | JudicatorIntervention |
Kayle E range buff | JudicatorRighteousFury |
Kalista passive description on tied ally | KalistaCoopStrikeAlly |
Kalista tied ally pulled by R | KalistaCoopStrikeProtect |
Kalista tie description on self | KalistaCoopStrikeSelf |
Kalista E buff somehow on self | KalistaExpunge |
Kalista E stack counter on enemy | KalistaExpungeMarker |
Kalista passive desc | KalistaPassive |
Same as above | KalistaPassiveBuff |
Same as above | KalistaPassiveCoopStrike |
Kalista tied ally is in range | KalistaPassiveOn |
Kalista R knockup on enemy | KalistaRAllyStun |
Kalista R on tied ally, ready to cast | KalistaRInvuln |
Kalista R on self, says ally is waiting to do stuff | KalistaRx |
Kalista W reveal buff | KalistaWSight |
Karma R is active | KarmaMantra |
Karma R is off CD | KarmaMantraCharge |
Karma R is active | KarmaMantraEnergized |
Karma R is on CD | KarmaMantraRefresh |
Karma RE speed buff | KarmaMantraSBHaste |
Karma RE (???) slow | KarmaMantraSBSlow |
Karma Passive desc | KarmaPassive |
🤔 | KarmaQ |
Karma Q slow | KarmaQMissile |
Karma RQ slow | KarmaQMissileMantra |
Karma E shield | KarmaSolKimShield |
Karma W bind on target | KarmaSpiritBind |
Karma W root | KarmaSpiritBindRoot |
Karthus E is on | KarthusDefile |
Karthus R on target timer | KarthusFallenOne |
Katarina Q mark | KatarinaDaggered |
Katarina W speedbuff | KatarinaWHaste |
Kennen W passive counter | KennenDoubleStrikeCounter |
Kennen W passive ready | KennenDoubleStrikeIndicator |
Kennen W passive ready | KennenDoubleStrikeLive |
Kennen W passive ready | KennenDoubleStrikeProc |
Kennen E speed and dmg buff | KennenLightningRush |
Kennen E armor&MR buff | KennenLightningRushBuff |
Kennen next attack on him deals dmg&mark? | KennenLightningShield |
Kennen next attack deals dmg&mark | KennenLightningShieldActive |
Kennen Passive mark counter on target | KennenMarkOfStorm |
Kennen stun reducer | KennenMoSDiminish |
Kennen R active | KennenShurikenStorm |
Kha'Zix E evolution desc | KhazixEEvo |
Kha'Zix x Rengar event buff on Kha'Zix | KhazixHunt |
Kha'Zix x Rengar event Kha'Zix lost | KhazixHuntDefeatK |
Kha'Zix x Rengar event Rengar lost | KhazixHuntDefeatR |
Kha'Zix x Rengar event buff on Rengar | KhazixHuntEnemy |
Kha'Zix x Rengar event Kha'Zix won & evolve | KhazixHuntVictoryK |
Kha'Zix x Rengar event Rengar won & full stack | KhazixHuntVictoryR |
Kha'Zix Passive desc | KhazixPassive |
Kha'Zix Passive is ready | KhazixPDamage |
Kha'Zix Q Isolated mark on targets | KhazixQDR |
Kha'Zix Q evolution desc | KhazixQEvo |
Kha'Zix R stack counter | KhazixR |
Kha'Zix R evolution desc | KhazixREvo |
Kha'Zix R stealth buff | KhazixRStealth |
Kha'Zix W evolution desc | KhazixWEvo |
Kha'Zix Evo'd W sight | KhazixWSight |
Kog'Maw W buff | KogMawBioArcaneBarrage |
Kog'Maw Q passive | KogMawCausticSpittle |
Kog'Maw Q debuff on target | KogMawCausticSpittleCharged |
Kog'Maw Passive description | KogMawIcathianDisplay |
Kog'Maw Passive activated | KogMawIcathianSurprise |
Kog'Maw Passive on target ("RUN!!") | KogMawIcathianSurpriseSound |
Kog'Maw R stack counter | KogMawLivingArtillery |
Kog'Maw R sight on target | KogMawLivingArtillerySight |
Kog'Maw E slow | KogMawVoidOoze |
Malphite E attack speed debuff | LandslideDebuff |
Reduced physical and magic damage that I doubt is from Last Whisper | Last_Whisper |
LeBlanc can cast W to tp to yellow marker | LeblancDisplacement |
LeBlanc can cast R to tp to purple marker | LeblancDisplacementM |
LeBlanc Q mark | LeblancMarkOfSilence |
LeBlanc mimic'd Q mark | LeblancMarkOfSilenceM |
LeBlanc passive desc? | LeblancPassive |
LeBlanc passive on cd | LeblancPassiveCooldown |
LeBlanc E root | LeblancShackle |
LeBlanc E chain on target | LeblancShackleBeam |
LeBlanc mimic'd E chain on target | LeblancShackleBeamM |
LeBlanc mimic'd E root | LeblancShackleM |
Leona Q aa modifier | LeonaShieldOfDaybreak |
Leona W armor&mr buff on self | LeonaSolarBarrier |
Leona passive mark on target | LeonaSunlight |
Leona passive desc | LeonaSunlightPassive |
Leona E root | LeonaZenithBladeRoot |
Leviathan stacks | LeviathanCap |
Lich Bane next aa modifier | LichBane |
Wraith lifestealing attack | Lifesteal_Attack |
Ionic Spark stack counter | LightningRodCounter |
Ionic Spark ready | LightningRodReady |
🤔 | Lightslicer |
Lissandra can tp to her E | LissandraE |
Lissandra passive desc | LissandraPassive |
Lissandra passive ready | LissandraPassiveReady |
Lissandra Q slow | LissandraQ |
Lissandra R stun | LissandraR |
Lissandra R invulnerable&untargetable | LissandraRSelf |
Lissandra R slow | LissandraRSlow |
Lissandra W root | LissandraW |
Lucian passive desc | LucianPassive |
Lucian passive ready | LucianPassiveBuff |
🤔 has the passive desc | LucianQ |
Lucian R is being channeled | LucianR |
Lucian W movespeed buff | LucianWBuff |
Lucian W mark on target | LucianWDebuff |
Same as LucianWBuff
LucianWSelfBuff |
Lulu E reveal on enemy | LuluEBurn |
Lulu E shield on ally | LuluEShield |
Lulu passive desc | LuluPassive |
Lulu Q slow | LuluQSlow |
Lulu R on target | LuluR |
Lulu W movespeed buff | LuluWBuff |
Lulu W polymorph on enemy | LuluWDebuff |
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