A Taco Truck and Eating Area on Great Ocean Highway YMAP + FiveM Ready.
Taco Truck, Hot Dog Stand, Burger Stand. Has spawning AI peds occasionally and a few random dirt bikes, an ATV and an off road truck to match the area. Some nice trees for a scenic view along the coastline. A hidden spot in a way behind the sign for police to do radar. Also has barriers for protection. The reflectors on the top of the barriers are bendable like in real life.
Or get map on Tebex - [ https://legacysmaps.tebex.io/category/maps 3 ]
You may also contact me at:
- [ https://discord.gg/eots ] in a #support-ticket ask for Legacy
To Install For FiveM:
- Just drop into your server resource > maps folder or folder of your choice.
- Add ensure Legacy_HwyRestStop to your server.cfg and thats it!
No additional resources required. (How damn refreshing, right?) This WILL NOT interfere with any of your MLO's or anything.
"In the city, respect is everything." - GTA2
Cheers! Legacy, Tactical Gaming Network [ Playing GTA Since 1997 ]
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