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Game Design Document:
version whatever 2.2
Background music added, Menu art, extra instructions for "how to play"

version whatever 2.1
Placed more coins, diamonds, and bombs

version whatever 2.0
still need feedback on the resolution.

i made the car yellow

version .68
the aspect ratio was all wrong because my laptop is 4k.
i realized it looked dumb on a regular screen.
i changed the ratio to a regular 1080p screen
1920x1080 it looks normal now.

also, i added splash screen, fixed all the 16x9 aspect ratio issues

version .67
Added loop to reset coins and diamonds
Found a bug where you can get stuck on the fence when going over the ramp if you're not traveling fast enough (haven't fixed yet)

version .66
I added the link to the game design document. - vince

version .65
walls are done.
added secret section
added ramp to make jump easier

version .60
almost done with the tracks

version .55
updated readme with more credits
added more fences still. 

version .50
added working finish line
added more walls, still need to finish the track
added win menu

version .45
score system now fully functional
made track wider
added multiple pathways
added finish line

version .40 - roberto morales
fixed the main menu. all buttons work now

version .30 - roberto morales
moved all scripts to /Assets/Standard Assets/Vehicles/Car/Scripts
it was causing problems
added death menu
added pause menu
edit: moved all scripts back to scripts folder. ALL, even the car scripts

version .25 - roberto morales
added bombs
added coins
killbox has been removed from the fence, killbox is now bombs
added diamonds

version .20- roberto morales
added score system
added pause menu
added restart function

currently, score system isnt perfect, its the one from my 2d game
currently restart works, test by crashing into first frence on the left
currently pause menu doesnt do anything.

Version 0.15 - Neil De Los Santos
Centered some of the buttons and text in main menu and how to play
May have overwritten some of Vince Nguyen's changes


Version 0.13 - Roberto Morales
added fences around track
adjusted some of the car stats
adjusted some of the water reflections
the menu works but it needs to be fixed for a 16x9 ratio

Version 0.12 - Vince Nguyen
Fixed the main menu so it now correctly loads the game.

Version 0.11 - Roberto Morales
added colliders so car can't escape the map
Vince added a placeholder for main menu

Version 0.10 - Roberto Morales
First build. - something to start with 
Created terrain 
added skybox
added car (from default assets)
uploaded to rijeka

standard unity assets:!/content/32351
Background Music: samples from "Formula 06 (DJ Beam Vidio Remix)" by DJ Visage.