Original: https://stackoverflow.com/a/54889233/5227717
These extensions make UserDefaults
observable and easy to use.
See documentation of UserDefaults.didChangeNotification
Posted when user defaults are changed within the current process.
public class let didChangeNotification: NSNotification.NameThis notification is posted on the thread that changes the user defaults. The notification object is the UserDefaults object. The notification doesn't contain a userInfo dictionary. This notification isn't posted when changes are made outside the current process, or when ubiquitous defaults change. You can use key-value observing to register observers for specific keys of interest in order to be notified of all updates, regardless of whether changes are made within or outside the current process.
// IMPORTANT: DON'T use DOT `.` in key.
// DOT `.` used to define `KeyPath` and this is what we don't need here.
extension UserDefaults.Key {
static let AppleMomentumScrollSupported : UserDefaults.Key = "AppleMomentumScrollSupported" // Bool
static let enableNetworkDiscovery : UserDefaults.Key = "defaults:enableNetworkDiscovery" // Bool
static let usesDetailedToolTips : UserDefaults.Key = "defaults:usesDetailedToolTips" // Bool
static let screenshotSavingPath : UserDefaults.Key = "defaults:screenshotSavingPath" // String
// From Source
var initialValues: [UserDefaults.Key: Any?] = [
.enableNetworkDiscovery : true,
.usesDetailedToolTips : false,
.screenshotSavingPath : FileManager.default
.urls(for: .picturesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)
.pixelMatchAAColor : NSColor.systemYellow,
.pixelMatchDiffColor : NSColor.systemRed,
// From Property List
from: Data(contentsOf: Bundle.main.url(forResource: "InitialValues", withExtension: "plist")!),
options: [],
format: nil
as? [String : Any?])?.forEach({ initialValues[UserDefaults.Key(rawValue: $0.key)] = $0.value })
UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: initialValues)
let discoveryEnabled: Bool = UserDefaults.standard[.enableNetworkDiscovery]
// Access Optional Values
let savingPath: String? = UserDefaults.standard[.screenshotSavingPath]
guard let savingPath: String = UserDefaults.standard[.screenshotSavingPath] else { return }
@IBAction func discoveryMenuItemTapped(_ sender: NSMenuItem) {
let enabled = sender.state == .on
sender.state = !enabled ? .on : .off
UserDefaults.standard[.enableNetworkDiscovery] = !enabled
// You must keep a reference to this object.
let observable = UserDefaults.standard.observe(key: .AppleMomentumScrollSupported) { (defaults, defaultKey, defaultValue: Bool) in
let momentumScrollSupported = defaultValue
// do something
class MyClass {
private var observables : [Observable]?
private var usesDetailedToolTips : Bool = false
private func setupHandlers() {
observables = UserDefaults.standard.observe(
keys: [.AppleMomentumScrollSupported, .usesDetailedToolTips],
callback: { [weak self] in self?.applyDefaults($0, $1, $2) /* You must use weak self here! */ }
private func applyDefaults(_ defaults: UserDefaults, _ defaultKey: UserDefaults.Key, _ defaultValue: Any) {
if defaultKey == .usesDetailedToolTips, let toValue = defaultValue as? Bool {
if usesDetailedToolTips != toValue {
usesDetailedToolTips = toValue
// do something