Acorn example = new Acorn("UTORid", "Password");
try {
} catch (LoginFailedException e) {
// do something...
// you need to provide registration index(the index of the returned array ) to do further action. ie. Get Course Info
List<String> eligibleRegistrations = example.getEligibleRegistrations();
List<EnrolledCourse> appliedCourse = example.getCourseManager().getAppliedCourses();
List<PlannedCourse> plannedCourse = example.getCourseManager().getPlannedCourses();
int registrationIndex = 0;
String courseCode = "CSC373H1", sectionCode = "Y", courseSessionCode = "20175";
EnrolledCourse course = example.getCourseManager().loadExtraInfo(courseCode, courseSessionCode, sectionCode, registrationIndex);
String spaceInfo = example.getCourseManager().getCourseSpace();
int registrationIndex = 0;
String courseCode = "CSC373H1", sectionCode = "Y", lecSection = "LEC,5101";
boolean result = example.getCourseManager().enroll(registrationIndex, courseCode, sectionCode, lecSection);
String transcriptHtml = example.getGradeManager().getGradeHtml();
String session = "?";
String invoiceHtml = example.getAccountManager().getInvoice(session);