Typescript types so good they’re magic!
A predicate type function is a type that takes at least three generics, where the final two generic types are called OnTrue
and OnFalse
will always default to Conditional.True
, and OnFalse
will always default to Conditional.False
, meaning that they are not required.
A predicate type function will always return Conditional.True
or Conditional.False
(i.e. Conditional.Any
An example of this is the Inheritance.IsExtensionOf
predicate type function, which takes two parameters ExtendedType
, BaseType
and returns whether ExtendedType extends BaseType
export type IsExtensionOf<
OnTrue = Conditional.True,
OnFalse = Conditional.False
> = ExtendedType extends BaseType ? OnTrue : OnFalse;
// Not necessary to provide values for OnTrue and OnFalse
type WithDefaults = IsExtensionOf<1, number>; // Conditional.True
//Not necessary to provide values for OnFalse when providing a value for OnTrue
type WithDefaultOnTrue = IsExtensionOf<1, number, 2>; // 2
//Can provide any value for OnTrue and OnFalse
type ProvidingValues = IsExtensionOf<
{ result: "no" }
>; // "yes"
// Can nest predicate calls inside each other
type Nested = IsExtensionOf<
"is a number, and a string",
"is a number, not a string"
"not a number, not a string"
>; // "is a number, not a string"
A getter type function is a type that always takes at least two generic, where the final generic type is called Default
will always default to never
, meaning that it is not required.
A getter function will “get” some value, and if it cannot (for a variety of reasons), then it will return Default
type Tuple__Head<T extends Tuple.Any, Default = never> = T extends [
infer Head,
...infer _Tail
? Head
: Default;
type Head = Tuple__Head<[1, 2, 3]>; // 1
// an empty tuple has no head
type HeadDefault = Tuple__Head<[], "SomeDefaultValue">; // "SomeDefaultValue"
export type Struct__Get<
TStruct extends Struct.Any,
Key extends Struct.KeysAllowed,
Default = never
> = Key extends keyof TStruct ? TStruct[Key] : Default;
type Value = Struct__Get<
{ a: "aValue", b: "bValue" },
>; // "aValue"
type ValueDefault = Struct__Get<
{ a: "aValue", b: "bValue" },
>; // "SomeDefaultValue"