LibreOffice Template System (formerly WollMux) is a LibreOffice extension with enhanced template, form, and autotext functionality. It can construct templates on the fly from multiple files (e.g. letterhead, footer, and body text) and will fill in personal and organizational data from various databases such as LDAP. An extra form GUI presents fields in an easily navigable manner and offers plausibility checks and computed values to ease filling in the form. Chainable printing functions allow various transformations during print and custom dialogs.
The LibreOffice Template System is licensed under the European Union Public Licence (EUPL).
More information about the LibreOffice Template System can be found at our main page at
LibreOffice Template System is separated into 3 modules:
- wollmux: All main classes of the extension
- wollmux-interfaces: UNO API Interfaces
- unohelper: Support classes for using UNO
The following applications have to be installed to compile the LibreOffice Template System:
- JAVA Development Kit (e.g. Adoptium) (at least Java 11)
- Apache Maven
- Git
- LibreOffice SDK
Afterwards the property UNO_PATH
has to be set in the maven settings.
- open
- add a profile
is the folder, where the LibreOffice executable is located (eg. /opt/libreoffice/program)
Before building the LibreOffice Template System, you need to install UNOHelper to your local maven repo (the prebuilt package is currently not available):
git clone
mvn install
Then run the following commands to download and build the LibreOffice Template System:
git clone
mvn clean package
The compiled extension can be found at oxt/target/LOTS.oxt
- There are files with header to update: Some of the source files don't have a license header. The header can be updated with:
mvn license:update-file-header
LOTS.oxt extension is not installed in LibreOffice, but is loaded from external by starting a debug session in eclipse. There exist an additional extension LOTS_ButtonsOnly.oxt, which only contains the toolbars and dialogs. This extension must be installed in LibreOffice. Therefore call
mvn -P ButtonsOnly generate-sources
and the extension is build and installed, if the program unopkg
is available. Otherwise you have to manually install the extension, which can be found at oxt/target/LOTS_ButtonsOnly.oxt.
Activate the maven profile "development" in Project > Properties > Maven > Active Maven Profiles.
Configure a debug-configuration of type "Java Application" with main class de.muenchen.allg.itd51.wollmux.DebugExternalWollMux. Add a user defined library to the classpath. The library must contain these jars of LibreOffice which can be found at <path_to_LibreOffice>/program/classes:
- java_uno.jar
- juh.jar
- jurt.jar
- ridl.jar
- unoloader.jar
- unoil.jar
Make sure, that there is no running LibreOffice process before starting debugging.
- Hot code replacement
- different startup behaviour
If you have a running instance, which you like to debug. You can connect to it by another Eclipse debug-configuration:
- type: Remote java Application
- connection type: Standard (Socket Attach)
- connection properties: localhost, 8000
There are also some configuration changes for LibreOffice necessary. Go to Tools → Options... → LibreOffice → Advanced → Parameters... and add the following parameters:
If suspend is set to y
, LibreOffice waits until an external process connects before initializing.
Translate the LibreOffice Template System
To update pot files from source, run these commands:
xgettext --default-domain=wollmux --output=core/i18n/wollmux.pot --language=java --from-code=UTF-8 --keyword --keyword=m $(find . -name "*.java")
This creates the core/i18n/wollmux.pot
template file. It will be picked up by Weblate, and the po files will be updated accordingly.
The translations will be committed to this repository from time to time. The build system will then pick up the po files, and convert and bundle them with the LibreOffice Template System.