Releases: LibreSign/libresign
Releases · LibreSign/libresign
What's Changed
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- fix: restrict access to validation endpoints #4702
- fix: add information note about visible signature #4686
Milestone: v9.9.3
Full Changelog: v9.9.2...v9.9.3
What's Changed
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- chore: replace deprecated function #4648
- chore: remove wrong annotation #4604
- chore: check if user exists #4601
- chore: prevent create cfssl config path every time #4587
- chore: tests improvement #4583
- chore: small tests improvement #4580
- refactor: moved hashes to be close to version number #4574
- refactor: moved version of JSignPdf to InstallService #4570
- fix: add pending code #4654
- fix: prevent success when signature file dont exists #4642
- fix: ltr language #4632
- fix: use entities instead of char convertoing #4629
- fix: hide request button to anauthorized account #4623
- fix: add maxlength to names of cert #4608
- fix: typo #4591
- fix: prevent generate a path without existing folder #4565
- fix: prevent warning when haven't names #4562
- fix: prevent warning of fsockopen #4554
- fix: prevent delete binary files when execute unit tests #4544
Milestone: v11.0.2
Full Changelog: v11.0.1...v11.0.2
What's Changed
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- chore: replace deprecated function #4647
- chore: remove wrong annotation #4603
- chore: check if user exists #4600
- chore: prevent create cfssl config path every time #4586
- chore: tests improvement #4584
- chore: small tests improvement #4579
- refactor: moved hashes to be close to version number #4575
- refactor: moved version of JSignPdf to InstallService #4568
- fix: add function that only exists at nextcloud 32 #4653
- fix: prevent success when signature file dont exists #4641
- fix: ltr language #4630
- fix: use entities instead of char convertoing #4628
- fix: hide request button to anauthorized account #4622
- fix: add maxlength to names of cert #4607
- fix: prevent call other autoload before libresign #4596
- fix: typo #4590
- fix: prevent generate a path without existing folder #4564
- fix: prevent warning when haven't names #4561
- fix: prevent warning of fsockopen #4553
- fix: prevent delete binary files when execute unit tests #4543
Milestone: v10.6.2
Full Changelog: v10.6.1...v10.6.2
What's Changed
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- chore: replace deprecated function #4646
- chore: remove wrong annotation #4602
- chore: check if user exists #4599
- chore: prevent create cfssl config path every time #4585
- chore: tests improvement #4582
- refactor: moved hashes to be close to version number #4573
- refactor: moved version of JSignPdf to InstallService #4569
- fix: prevent success when signature file dont exists #4640
- fix: ltr language #4631
- fix: use entities instead of char convertoing #4627
- fix: hide request button to anauthorized account #4621
- fix: add maxlength to names of cert #4606
- fix: typo #4589
- fix: prevent generate a path without existing folder #4563
- fix: prevent warning when haven't names #4560
- fix: prevent warning of fsockopen #4552
- fix: prevent delete binary files when execute unit tests #4545
Milestone: v9.9.2
Full Changelog: v9.9.1...v9.9.2
What's Changed
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- chore: bump java #4533
- refactor: convert to promisse #4525
- refactor: force typing #4506
- fix: prevent error when enpty data from backend #4526
- fix: use async await #4522
- fix: retrieve saved data #4517
- fix: display errors at error page #4514
- fix: display error at same route #4510
- fix: hide sidebar when is not necessary #4503
- fix: redirect to login when validation page is not public #4499
- fix: logout if is using different account #4496
- fix: prevent error when validate signed file using cfssl cert #4478
- fix: remove licence file #4474
Milestone: v11.0.1
Full Changelog: v11.0.0...v11.0.1
What's Changed
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- chore: bump java #4532
- refactor: convert to promisse #4524
- refactor: force typing #4505
- fix: prevent error when enpty data from backend #4527
- fix: use async await #4523
- fix: retrieve saved data #4534
- fix: display errors at error page #4513
- fix: display error at same route #4509
- fix: hide sidebar when is not necessary #4502
- fix: redirect to login when validation page is not public #4498
- fix: logout if is using different account #4495
- fix: prevent error when validate signed file using cfssl cert #4477
- fix: remove licence file #4473
Milestone: v10.6.1
Full Changelog: v10.6.0...v10.6.1
What's Changed
- Update translations
- Bump dependencies
- chore: bump java #4531
- refactor: convert to promisse #4529
- refactor: force typing #4504
- fix: prevent error when enpty data from backend #4528
- fix: use async await #4521
- fix: retrieve saved data #4516
- fix: display errors at error page #4512
- fix: display error at same route #4508
- fix: hide sidebar when is not necessary #4501
- fix: redirect to login when validation page is not public #4497
- fix: logout if is using different account #4494
- fix: prevent error when validate signed file using cfssl cert #4476
Milestone: v9.9.1
Full Changelog: v9.9.0...v9.9.1