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Releases: LievenPetersen/image-maker-for-angry-programmers


19 Mar 23:08
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This release adds tinyfiledialogs as a cross platform way to browse files.

  • Added button to load existing images, as an alternative to providing them via the command line.
  • Added alpha slider


19 Mar 19:25
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  • added undo/redo (u, ctrl-y, ctrl-z/ctrl-r, ctrl-shift-y, ctrl-shift-z)
  • improved color picker behavior


27 Jan 23:19
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A bug made it into the last release and a noticed a few other issues:

  • fixed not being able to edit the W/H Text-Boxes
  • fixed being able to draw on the canvas when dragging the mouse out of the menu
  • colors now properly blend with the previous color if they are transparent instead of replacing it. (Although the blending logic is not perfect yet)


27 Jan 00:41
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Time for another Windows build!

Change log:

  • added color fill tool
  • added mouse zoom and panning (MMB, RMB or arrow keys. Home key to re-center)
  • added new key-shortcuts (Ctrl-c for color pipette)
  • changed font
  • added menu scaling with keypad +/- keys
  • added buttons to double or halve canvas scale
  • changed grid and menu coloring
  • changed initial color from black to yellow, because it confused me that changing the hue still resulted in a different shade of black.

Note that the License has changed from MIT to Zlib, which is similarly permissive but has additional requirements.


16 Jan 17:32
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A very basic feature set is complete and with the new ability to make Windows builds, I ought to make some releases to share them.

  • Windows: binary attached.
  • Linux: build from source with Make and C-compiler (cc by default, you can change it to gcc).
    All dependencies are included with the source files.

feature overview:

  • HSV color picker
  • RGB hex-code
  • pipette tool
  • canvas resizing
  • load image via command line
  • save image to custom path
  • support image formats (png, bmp, qoi and raw)

Please keep in mind that crashes may happen and there are currently no recovery mechanisms.
Should a crash happen while saving, the file that was saved to may become corrupted.