This repo contains three functions. One support dynamic reload rules of prometheus, the other is used to support multi TiDB version.
Function1 - Automatic generation monitoring configurations for ansible deployment and operator deployment
Generate versioned monitoring data that is used by tidb-operator or tidb-ansible. It is a binary to load monitoring configurations from special component repo and it also contain platform monitoring from platform-monitoring
Ansible deployment and operator deployment has different platform monitoring files. The structure of platform monitoring directory is here:
|-- ansbile
| |---- grafana
| | | ---- machine.json
| |
| |---- rule
| | ---- machine.rules.yaml
|-- operator
|---- grafana
| |
| |----- node.json
|---- rule
| |
| |---- node.rules.yaml
|---- datasource
|---- k8s-cluster.yaml
|---- tidb-cluster.yaml
The binary will automate load platform monitoring based on the above directory structure to different deployment directory.
go build -o pull-monitoring cmd/monitoring.go
Error: required flag(s) "config" not set
load [flags]
--auto-push auto generate new branch from master and push auto-generate files to the branch
--config string the monitoring configuration file.
-h, --help help for load
--output-dir string the base directory of the program (default ".")
--tag string the tag of pull monitoring repo.
It is a simple binary to trigger a reload when Rules are updated. It watches dirs and call reload
API that the rules has been changed.
It provide a UI to update rules(For ease of use, the UI is similar with UI of Prometheus).
The text editor is friendly to Yaml format. To quickly verify that the modification is successful, there is Rules UI which get rules from Prometheus (You can also verify it by Prometheus.).
There is binary in reload/build/{plateform}/reload
, you can run it like this
./reload --watch-path=/tmp/prometheus-2.8.0.darwin-amd64/rules --prometheus-url=
Generate versioned monitoring data that is used by tidb-operator. This project pulls TiDB monitoring data from tidb-ansible and uses the git tag to understand the TiDB version.
All TiDB version monitoring information is automatically generated (by default it generates for TiDB version >= 2.1.8). The structure of monitor directory is like this
|── v2.1.8
| ├── dashboards
| │ ├─ overview.json
| │ ├─ binlog.json
| │ |_ pd.json
| | |_ tikv_pull.json
| | |_ tidb.json
| |
| |── rules
| | ├── tidb.rule.yml
| | ├── tikv.rule.yml
| | └── pd.rule.yml
| |—— Dockerfile
| |__
|── v3.0.0
| ├── dashboards
| │ |- overview.json
| │ |- binlog.json
| │ |- pd.json
| | |- tidb.json
| | |- tikv_details.json
| | |- tikv_sumary.json
| | |_ tikv_trouble_shooting.json
| |
| |── rules
| | ├── tidb.rule.yml
| | ├── tikv.rule.yml
| | └── pd.rule.yml
| |—— Dockerfile
| |__
|___ ...
There will be monitoring binary, you can run it like this
./monitoring --path=.
The program will replace some variables and the docker will receive 4 variables:
GF_PROVISIONING_PATH // grafana provisioning path
TIDB_CLUSTER_NAME // TiDB cluster name
TIDB_ENABLE_BINLOG // whether enable binlog
PROM_CONFIG_PATH // proemtheus rules config path