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As an extension of the t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE), the spatially resolved t-SNE (SpaSNE) was designed to preserve both the global gene expression and the spatial structure for the spatially resolved profiling data. Paper: Dimensionality reduction for visualizing spatially resolved profiling data using SpaSNE.


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1. Introduction

As an extension of the t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE), the spatially resolved t-SNE (SpaSNE) was designed to preserve both the global gene expression and the spatial structure for the spatially resolved profiling data. By leveraging both the gene expression and the spatial information, SpaSNE gives a comprehensive low-dimensional visualization that could best reflect the molecular similarities of cells and the spatial interactions between cells.

Paper: Dimensionality reduction for visualizing spatially resolved profiling data using SpaSNE.

2. Result

Below is an example of the SpaSNE visualization for the mouse visual Cortex data.


𝑟1: Pearson correlation coefficient between pairwise Euclidean gene expression distances and embedding distances of points, which was used to measure gene expression preservation.

𝑟2: Pearson correlation coefficient between pairwise spatial position distances and embedding distances of points, which was used to measure spatial structure preservation.

3. Environment setup and code compilation

3.1. Download the package

The package can be downloaded by running the following command in the terminal:

git clone

Then, use

cd SpaSNE

to access the downloaded folder.

If the "git clone" command does not work with your system, you can download the zip file from the website and decompress it. Then, the folder that you need to access is SpaSNE-main.

3.2. Environment setup

The package has been successuflly tested in a Linux environment of python version 3.8.8, pandas version 1.3.4, and g++ version 11.2.0. An option to set up the environment is to use Conda (

You can use the following command to create an environment for SpaSNE:

conda create -n myenv python=3.8.8 pandas=1.3.4

After the environment is created, you can use the following command to activate it:

conda activate myenv

Please install Jupyter Notebook from For example, you can run

pip install notebook

in the terminal to install the classic Jupyter Notebook.

The *.cpp files need g++ to compile. The code has been successfully tested under g++ version 11.2.0. If your g++ version cannot successfully compile the code in the next step, please visit to download the GCC 11.2.

3.3. Compilation

After you set up the above environment, please run the following command in the terminal to generate the "spasne" executable file:


Please see the Makefile file for other commands. The "make" in the system that the software was tested is default to use GNU Make ( If using "make" cannot generate the "spasne" executable file in your system, please use the following command in the terminal to generate it:

g++ sptree.cpp spasne.cpp spasne_main.cpp -o spasne -O2

Now you could import spasne in the current directory.

3.4. Import spasne in different directories (optional)

If you would like to import spasne in different directories, there is an option to make it work. Please run

python install --user &> log

in the terminal and then use

grep Installed log

to obtain the path that the SpaSNE software is installed. You will see something like "Installed /home/chentang/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spasne-1.0-py3.8.egg".

You need to copy the "spasne" executable file generated by running "gmake" in the terminal to the folder that the software is installed:

cp spasne /home/chentang/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spasne-1.0-py3.8.egg/

Note, in the command above, please use your installed path to replace mine.

After doing these successfully, you are supposed to be able to import spasne when you are using Python or Jupyter Notebook in other folders:

import spasne

The entire flow of "Environment setup and code compilation" took less than five minutes on my local computer.

4. Parameter setting

SpaSNE has two key parameters: The global gene expression weight 𝛼 that balances the prevervations of local and global gene expressions, and the spatial weight 𝛽 that balances gene expressions and the spatial structure. A larger 𝛼 leads to a larger 𝑟1 and a smaller 𝑟2, while a larger 𝛽 leads to a larger 𝑟2 and a smaller 𝑟1. Thus, a proper ratio between 𝛼 and 𝛽 is required to give a relatively good preservation of both the gene expressions and the spatial structure. The following recommendations have been given for setting 𝛼 and 𝛽:

𝛼 ∈ [5,15], 𝛽 ∈ [1,7.5], and 𝛼 / 𝛽 ≥ 2.

When the random seed is variable or not set, a large 𝛼 may result in a large chance of embedding failure, especially for small (spatial samples) datasets. For example, for the BreastCancer1272 dataset used as an example in this software package, there was a higher chance of embedding failure when setting 𝛼 to 12 than setting it to 10 (𝛽 was also changed accordingly based on an 𝛼 / 𝛽 ratio). Therefore, for small datasets, it might be relatively stable when setting 𝛼 not larger than 10.

In this software package, the default parameters have been set as (𝛼 = 8, 𝛽 = 2) when the input of the spatial information is available, and (𝛼 = 8, 𝛽 = 0) when there is no input of the sptial information.

Please see the file for the introduction of more parameters.

5. Examples

5.1. SpaSNE examples

There are two SpaSNE examples in the "spasne-demos" folder.

cd spasne-demos

5.1.1. Please use jupyter notebook to open the spasne_VisualCortex1207_example.ipynb for the Mouse Visual Cortex example. This demo took approximately 30 seconds to complete on my local computer.

5.1.2. Please use jupyter notebook to open the spasne_BreastCancer1272_example.ipynb for the Human Breast Cancer example. This demo took approximately 33 seconds to complete on my local computer.

The annotation information for all the five datasets used in the paper are listed in the data_annotation_info.xlsx file under the "data-annotation-info" folder.

5.2. Preprocessing demos

There is one preprocessing example in the "preprocessing-demo" folder. This demo took approximately 12 seconds to complete on my local computer.

cd preprocessing-demo

5.2.1. Please use Jupyter notebook to open the preprocessing_BreastCancer1272_example.ipynb for the Human Breast Cancer example . Before running this file, please type the following command in the terminal to obtain the "data" folder:

tar xvzf data.tar.gz

5.3. The notebook script for the example in 5.1.1

Below is the notebook script for the Mouse Visual Cortex example. First, please type

cd spasne-demos

in the terminal to enter the "spasne-demos" folder.

Then, type

jupyter notebook &

to open the Jupyter Notebook. Left click the spasne_VisualCortex1207_example.ipynb file to open it.

Run the code below:

import sys
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scanpy as sc
import scipy
import sklearn
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as clr
import spasne

Loading data and transforming it to AnnData object

df_data = pd.read_csv('data/mouse_VisualCortex1207_data_pc200.csv',sep=",",header=0,na_filter=False,index_col=None) 
df_pixel = pd.read_csv('data/mouse_VisualCortex1207_pixels.csv',sep=",",header=0,na_filter=False,index_col=0) 
df_labels = pd.read_csv('data/mouse_VisualCortex1207_labels.csv',sep=",",header=0,na_filter=False,index_col=0) 
df_PCs = pd.DataFrame(list(df_data.columns), index = df_data.columns, columns =['PCs'] )
cluster_label = list(df_labels['LayerName'])
adata = sc.AnnData(X = df_data, obs = df_pixel, var = df_PCs)
adata.obs['gt'] = cluster_label

Visualizing spots from image

matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = 12.0
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6,5))
sz = 100

plot_color=['#911eb4', '#46f0f0','#e6194b', '#3cb44b', '#ffe119', '#4363d8', '#f58231',  '#f032e6', \
            '#bcf60c', '#fabebe', '#008080', '#e6beff', '#9a6324', '#ffd8b1', '#800000', '#aaffc3', '#808000', '#000075', '#000000', '#808080', '#ffffff', '#fffac8']
titles = 'Mouse visual cortex',alpha=1,x="y_pixel",y="x_pixel",color=domains,title=titles ,color_map=plot_color,show=False,size=sz,ax = axes)


Calculating data distances and spatial distances

N = df_data.shape[0]
X = np.array(df_data)
dist_sq = euclidean_distances(X, X)
dist_sq = (dist_sq + dist_sq.T) / 2.0
dist_data = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(dist_sq)
X_spa = np.array(df_pixel)
dist_sq = euclidean_distances(X_spa,X_spa)
dist_sq = (dist_sq + dist_sq.T) / 2.0
dist_spatial = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(dist_sq)
df_pixel = df_pixel.astype(np.float64)

Performing t-SNE embedding

tsne_pos = spasne.run_spasne(df_data, alpha = 0.0, randseed = 5)
dist_sq = euclidean_distances(tsne_pos, tsne_pos)
dist_sq = (dist_sq + dist_sq.T)/2
dist_model = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(dist_sq)
# Measuring gene expression presrvation
(r1,_) = scipy.stats.pearsonr(dist_data, dist_model)
# Measuring spatial structure presrvation
(r2,_) = scipy.stats.pearsonr(dist_spatial, dist_model)
# Calculating silhouette score based on ground truth annotations
ss = sklearn.metrics.silhouette_score(tsne_pos,cluster_label)
quant_eval_tsne = [r1,r2,ss]
adata.obs['tsne_pos_x'] = tsne_pos[:,0]
adata.obs['tsne_pos_y'] = tsne_pos[:,1]

Visualizing spots from t-SNE embedding

matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = 12.0
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6,5))
titles = 't-SNE, ' + 'r1 = %.2f'% quant_eval_tsne[0] + ', r2 = %.2f'%quant_eval_tsne[1] + ', s = %.2f'%quant_eval_tsne[2],alpha=1,x="tsne_pos_x",y="tsne_pos_y",color=domains,title=titles,color_map=plot_color,show=False,size=sz,ax = axes)

(-7.451521853408612, 9.16820293951664, -11.582022822788456, 9.920880900761276) Fig

Performing SpaSNE embedding

alpha = 9.0
beta = 2.25
spasne_pos = spasne.run_spasne(df_data, pixels = df_pixel, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, randseed = 5)
dist_sq = euclidean_distances(spasne_pos, spasne_pos)
dist_sq = (dist_sq + dist_sq.T)/2
dist_model = scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(dist_sq)
(r1,_) = scipy.stats.pearsonr(dist_data, dist_model)
(r2,_) = scipy.stats.pearsonr(dist_spatial, dist_model)
ss = sklearn.metrics.silhouette_score(spasne_pos,cluster_label)
quant_eval_spasne = [r1,r2,ss]
adata.obs['spasne_pos_x'] = spasne_pos[:,0]
adata.obs['spasne_pos_y'] = spasne_pos[:,1]

Visualizing spots from SpaSNE embedding

matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = 12.0
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6,5))
titles = 'spaSNE, ' + 'r1 = %.2f'% quant_eval_spasne[0] + ', r2 = %.2f'%quant_eval_spasne[1] + ', s = %.2f'%quant_eval_spasne[2],alpha=1,x="spasne_pos_x",y="spasne_pos_y",color=domains,title=titles,color_map=plot_color,show=False,size=sz,ax = axes)


6. Contact information

Please contact our team if you have any questions:

Yuansheng Zhou ([email protected])

Chen Tang ([email protected])

Xue Xiao ([email protected])

Lin Xu ([email protected])

Please contact Chen Tang for programming questions about the and *.cpp files.

7. Copyright information

The SpaSNE software uses the BSD 3-clause license. Please see the "LICENSE" file for the copyright information.

Notice: This SpaSNE software is adapted from the bhtsne code ( Please see the "LICENSE" file for copyright details of the bhtsne software. The implementation of the bhtsne software is described in the publication "Accelerating t-SNE using Tree-Based Algorithms" (


As an extension of the t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE), the spatially resolved t-SNE (SpaSNE) was designed to preserve both the global gene expression and the spatial structure for the spatially resolved profiling data. Paper: Dimensionality reduction for visualizing spatially resolved profiling data using SpaSNE.








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