Update dependency @types/express to v4.17.21 - abandoned #69
Jenkins-Linkurious / CI/Jenkins
May 14, 2024 in 1m 15s
Build: error in 'sh' step
Build / Shell Script
Error in sh
step, with arguments npm run build --if-present
script returned exit code 1
Build log
[2024-05-14T13:33:30.264Z] + npm run build --if-present
[2024-05-14T13:33:30.264Z] > @linkurious/[email protected] build /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ns_lke-plugin-csv-importer_PR-69
[2024-05-14T13:33:30.264Z] > npm run build:project && npm pack ./csv-importer.lke && npm run gunzip
[2024-05-14T13:33:30.524Z] > @linkurious/[email protected] build:project /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ns_lke-plugin-csv-importer_PR-69
[2024-05-14T13:33:30.524Z] > npm-run-all build:public build:backend copyManifest
[2024-05-14T13:33:31.095Z] > @linkurious/[email protected] build:public /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ns_lke-plugin-csv-importer_PR-69
[2024-05-14T13:33:31.096Z] > tsc -b src/public && npm run copy-assets && cd src/public/dist && browserify *.js --debug -o ../../../csv-importer.lke/public/index.js
[2024-05-14T13:33:34.391Z] > @linkurious/[email protected] copy-assets /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ns_lke-plugin-csv-importer_PR-69
[2024-05-14T13:33:34.391Z] > cp -R src/public/assets csv-importer.lke/public && cp src/public/index.html csv-importer.lke/public
[2024-05-14T13:33:35.770Z] > @linkurious/[email protected] build:backend /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ns_lke-plugin-csv-importer_PR-69
[2024-05-14T13:33:35.770Z] > tsc -b src/backend && npm run installProduction
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.060Z] node_modules/@linkurious/rest-client/node_modules/@types/express/index.d.ts(16,23): error TS4090: Conflicting definitions for 'express-serve-static-core' found at '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ns_lke-plugin-csv-importer_PR-69/node_modules/@types/express-serve-static-core/index.d.ts' and '/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/ns_lke-plugin-csv-importer_PR-69/node_modules/@types/express/node_modules/@types/express-serve-static-core/index.d.ts'. Consider installing a specific version of this library to resolve the conflict.
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.060Z] npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.060Z] npm ERR! errno 1
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.060Z] npm ERR! @linkurious/[email protected] build:backend: `tsc -b src/backend && npm run installProduction`
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.060Z] npm ERR! Exit status 1
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.060Z] npm ERR!
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.060Z] npm ERR! Failed at the @linkurious/[email protected] build:backend script.
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.060Z] npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR! /home/jenkins/.npm/_logs/2024-05-14T13_33_38_792Z-debug.log
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] ERROR: "build:backend" exited with 1.
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR! errno 1
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR! @linkurious/[email protected] build:project: `npm-run-all build:public build:backend copyManifest`
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR! Exit status 1
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR!
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR! Failed at the @linkurious/[email protected] build:project script.
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR! /home/jenkins/.npm/_logs/2024-05-14T13_33_38_859Z-debug.log
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR! errno 1
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR! @linkurious/[email protected] build: `npm run build:project && npm pack ./csv-importer.lke && npm run gunzip `
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR! Exit status 1
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR!
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.061Z] npm ERR! Failed at the @linkurious/[email protected] build script.
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.062Z] npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.062Z] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
[2024-05-14T13:33:39.062Z] npm ERR! /home/jenkins/.npm/_logs/2024-05-14T13_33_38_894Z-debug.log
- Prepare (34 sec)
- Lint (5.8 sec)
- PRe release (1.8 sec)
- Build (16 sec)
Error: script returned exit code 1