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NSpecifications - Specifications on .net

What is the Specification Pattern?

When selecting a subset of objects, it allows to separate the statement of what kind of objects can be selected from the object that does the selection.


A cargo has a separate storage specification to describe what kind of container can contain it. The specification object has a clear and limited responsibility, which can be separated and decoupled from the domain object that uses it.

What can you do with Specification Pattern?

  1. Validate an object or check that only suitable objects are used for a certain role
  2. Select a subset of objects based a specified criteria, and refresh the selection at various times
  3. Describe what an object might do, without explaining the details of how the object does it, but in such a way that a candidate might be built to fulfill the requirement

What are the advantages of this library over others

  1. One-liner specifications
  2. Query an in-memory collection and databases using same code
  3. Easy composition of specifications
  4. Use a Specification in place of any Expression<Func<T, bool>> and Func<T, bool>
  5. Combine a boolean with a Specification in order to negate it when value is false
  6. Is / Are extension methods

One-liner specifications

var greatWhiskey = new Spec<Drink>(drink => drink.Type == "Whiskey" && drink.Age >= 11);

Query an in-memory collection and databases using same code

Database query dataContext.Places.Where(cheapPlacesToEat & open)
Filter in-memory collection list.Where(cheapPlacesToEat & open)

Easy composition of specifications

var greatWhiskey = new Spec<Drink>(drink => drink.Type == "Whiskey" && drink.Age >= 11);
var fresh = new Spec<Drink>(drink => drink.Extras.Contains("Ice"));
var myFavourite = greatWhiskey & fresh;
var yourFavourite = greatWhiskey & !fresh;

Use a Specification in place of any Expression<Func<T, bool>> and Func<T, bool>

var books = new List<Book>();
var boringBookSpec = new Spec<Book>(book => book.NumberOfPages > 300);
var boringBooks = books.Where(boringBookSpec);

Combine a boolean with a Specification in order to negate it when value is false

static ASpec<Place> CheapPlace = new Spec<Place>(p => p.Price < 10);

// If isCheap is not set it will simply return all places
// If isCheap is true it will return only Cheap places
// If isCheap is false it will return all places that are not Cheap
public Places[] FindPlaces(bool? isCheap = null) {
    // Initialize spec with an all-inclusive specification
    var spec = Spec.Any<Place>();
    // Apply filter only if a filter was specified
    if (isCheap.HasValue)
        spec = spec & (CheapPlace == isCheap.Value);
    // Let the repository search it in the DB
    return repository.Find(spec);

Is / Are extension methods

var cold = new Spec<Drink>(d => d.TemperatureCelsius < 2);

if (candidateDrink.Is(cold))
    Console.Write("Candidate drink is cold.");
if (new[] { blackberryJuice, appleJuice, orangeJuice }.Are(cold))
    Console.Write("All candidate drinks are cold.");

Other possible reasons

  • Easily finding all existing queries in the source code with a simple search for usages of Spec
  • Write more readable, manageable and elegant code

This Library was based on Eric Evans book

Specifications are described by Eric Evans as separate, combinable, rule objects, based on the concept of predicates but more specialized. "A SPECIFICATION is a predicate that determines if an object does or does not satisfy some criteria."

Technical Documentation

The Old Way: ISpecification<T>

The most basic form of Specification used to be implemented via a simple interface, the probem is that it could only be used for in-memory queries.

public class BoringBookSpec : ISpecification<Book> {
    public IsSatisfiedBy(Book book)
        return book.Rating < 3 && book.Pages > 450;

We could call it like this:

var isBoring = new BoringBookSpec().IsSatisfiedBy(book);

Or like this:

var boringBookSpec = new BoringBookSpec();
var boringBooks = allBooks.Where(boringBookSpec.IsSatisfiedBy);

ISpecification<T> could also do composition:

var boringBookSpec = lowRatedBookSpec.And(bigBookSpec);

This way of using Specifications had some cons:

  • it was very verbose, because every new specification had to be defined in a new class
  • it couldn't be converted to database queries
  • and, or and not "operators" were implemented as methods, not as real operators.

Let's see now a more intuitive way to create and manage Specifications.

The New Way: new Spec<T>(expression)

ISpecification<T> is now extended by the ASpec<T> abstract class. This abstract class enables a set of new features such as:

  • real operators (&, |, !, ==, !=)
  • implicit operators that make any Specification to be interchangeable with Expression<Func<T, bool>> and Func<T, bool>

ASpec<T> is an abstract class therefore it can't be directly instantiated. Instead we use Spec<T> to create a new instance. This generic class should be good for 99.9% of your specifications but if you need to make your own implementation of Specification you can always extend it from ASpec<T>.

ASpec<Car> fastCar = new Spec<Car>(c => c.VelocityKmH > 200);

Pros of using this generic implementation

  • only one line needed to define a new specification
  • it returns ASpec<T> class (and not just an interface) so that we can now use real operators for making composition;
  • it stores a Linq Expression in the created instance, therefore it can be easily used by any IQueryable<T>, suitable for querying DBs.


var greatWhiskey = new Spec<Drink>(drink => drink.Type == "Whiskey" && drink.Age >= 11);
var fresh = new Spec<Drink>(drink => drink.Extras.Contains("Ice"));
var myFavouriteDrink = repository.FindOne(greatWhiskey & fresh);

Let me dig into the details:

  • Following the example from Eric Evans book I usually name my specifications as objects rather than predicates. I could name it greatWhiskeySpec or greatWhiskey for short but not isGreatWhiskey. My aim is to make it clear that a specification is be a bit more than just a simple boolean expression.
  • As you may have noticed by now this code now is much less verbose than when we were using ISpecification<T>.
  • I can now compose specifications using friendly operators: ! (not), & (and), | (or), == (compare spec with a boolean).
  • I'm passing my specifications directly as a parameter to a repository method that expects a Linq Expression, but it receives a specification instead and that's converted automatically.

Real Use Cases

Let's say that I need to search for users by name (if specified) and by their locked-out state. This is how I'd do it.

First I'd have to find a meaningful place to store my specifications:

  • It could be in a static class called Specifications or Specs for short. I could invoke it like this: Specs.LockedOutUser.
  • Or it could be in a static classe per entity type like (UserSpecs, UserGroupSpecs, ...). Ex: UserSpecs.LockedOut .
  • It could be in a static members inside the User entity. Ex: User.LockedOut. This is my favourite, because specifications are always tightly coupled to entities and this can make maintenance easier.

The only thing I'd like to note here is that hosting specifications in static members do not present any problem for Unit Testing. Specifications usually don't need to be mocked.

Let's blend the specifications into the User class.

public class User 
    public string Name { get; }
    public bool IsLockedOut { get; }
    // Spec for LockedOut
    public static readonly ASpec<User> LockedOut = new Spec<User>(user => user.IsLockedOut);  
    // Spec for NamedLike
    public static ASpec<User> NamedLike(string text) 
    	return new Spec<User>(user => name.Contains(text));

While in the first member LockedOut is instantiated once (it's a readonly static field), the second member NamedLike need to be instantiated for every given text parameter (it's a static factory method). That's the way that specifications need to be done when they need to receive parameters.

When I need to make my query I can do it like this:

public IEnumerable<User> FindByNameAndLockedStatus(string name = null, bool? isLockedOut = null) {
    // Initialize the spec with an all inclusive spec
    var spec = Spec.Any<User>;
    // Apply Name filter
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
    	spec = spec & User.NamedLike(name);
    // Apply LockeOut filter
    if (isLockedOut.HasValue)
    	spec = spec & (User.LockedOut == isLockedOut.Value);
    return _repository.Find(spec);

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Specification Pattern for .Net






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