Written by: Phan Phan Hải Long and Nguyễn Hải Ninh
Note: This project written and tested on Java SDK 20.0.1, so it is recommended to use the same version to avoid any issues.
2.Fill Slack token
, Airtable token
and Airtable base id
in config.json file:
- Please get Slack User token
with below permissions to be able to use all features of the application:
- Please get Airtable token
with below permissions to be able to use all features of the application:
- Please get Airtable base id
from your airtable base and make sure that Table and Field has name in fields will match with fields, otherwise you will get an error. You can refill your base configuration in fields, or you drop all tables and fields not match with fields file and this application will create them exactly as in fields automatically.
3.To start the application, run main method in class MainUI.
<!-- use for parsing json files-->
<!-- use for make http requests to airtable api -->
<!-- use for make requests to slack api -->
<!-- use for make xlsx files -->