A minimalistic Python based portfolio manager.
This version only supports the saudi stock exchange (Tadawul)
pip install -r requirements.txt
cat requirements.txt
TadawulStocks relies on phantomJS for retrieving Tadawul's market data.
Go to http://phantomjs.org/download.html and download your box's version.
Navigate to conf/info.conf and fill in the phantomJS option with the path to your phantomJS executable.
Assuming you installed all the prerequisites, open a terminal in the TadawulStocks directory and type:
python launcher.py
You will be presented with a mutt like window. The top section is the log view, the bottom, the command view. Type
The log view should return all available commands
refresh: Launch the portfolio refresher(n); n = 10 sec
action: Launch the buy and sell window
my: Launch your portfolio view
stock: Show all stocks
fetch: Fetch prices from Tadawul.com.sa
log_sell: Show the sell log
log_buy: Show the buy log
Note: You must use a slash before issuing the command
Issue the action command
A new terminal should popup with with two options
Option (X)Buy
( )Sell
Go through the process and buy your stocks.
If you wish to search for stocks. In the command view(the one you launched the /action command with) type
A list of all Tadawul stocks will render in the log view. Press CTRL-F. A contained popup will appear for you to search with. Type the name of the stock you wish to find; only upper case search is allowed.
Issue the refresh command
Note: refresh must be issued before my
Issue the portfolio view command
You will notice that the price is set 1 SAR; all new stocks will have a price of 1 SAR to them. You will need to issue the fetch command in order to get the latest price from tadawul.com.sa
Note: On average it will take 2 minutes to fetch the data. The delay is from tadawul.com.sa; it could also be attributed to that fact the I am using a webdriver to parse the data.
All of your activities can be viewed by issuing the log commands
Tree View
├── conf
│ ├── info.conf
│ └── stocks.conf
├── future
│ └── chart.py
├── log
│ ├── buy.log
│ ├── MyStock.li
│ └── sell.log
├── market
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── TadawulStocks.py
├── rss
│ ├── feeds.db
│ └── rss.py
├── action.py
├── feeder.py
├── launcher.py
├── README.md
├── refresh.py
├── requirements.txt
└── view.py
As the name suggests, conf contains the config files:
- info.conf
- stocks.conf
info.conf contains basic operation options.
# Adjust the values as you see fit.
emulator_geo_title =-T "Buy'nSell" -geometry 100x50+0+100 -bg grey24
emulator_geo_title =-T "Portfolio Refresher" -geometry 30x24-0+50 -bg grey24
emulator_geo_title=-T "My Stocks" -geometry 150x40+750+100 -bg grey24
emulator_geo_title=-T "Feeder" -geometry 30x24-0-50
The emulator option under the SYS section should be filled with the desired terminal emulator of your choosing. The command option is the parameter by which the emulator launches programs with in a new window. xterm is the default emulator.
As stated in the aforementioned installation section of this document, the phantomJS option should be filled with the path to your phantomJS binary file. You can find it under the phantomjs-x.x.x-linux-xxx-xx/bin/ directories.
The ACTION, MAIN, VIEW, and FEED sections contain the emulator's title and geometry settings. These are relative to the emulator in use; if you changed the emulator to terminator for example, you will need to adjust the values of the emulator_geo_title option as well. You can also change the foreground and background colours to your liking; please refer to your emulator's documentation for more information on customizing it. The latter and former sections(except phantomJS) are required by launcher.py.
The stocks.conf contains information retaining your stocks. It should not be edited manually, action.py and feeder.py will take care of everything.
Example of stocks.conf
code = 4190
last_price = 200
shares = 100
last_buying_price = 198
last_purchase_date = 2014-07-01
Sections are named after the stock. The code option refers to Tadawul's code system of arranging stocks. last_price is the last the price retrieved from tadawul.com.sa. The rest of the options are self-explanatory.
The log directory contains the log files:
- MyStock.li
- buy.log
- sell.log
MyStock.li is a file that is written to by refresh.py in order for view.py to render it in a continuous viewable form.
buy.log and sell.log register your activity accordingly.
###market The market directory was created to house multiple stock markets; the idea was to create a packaged directory that could be imported.
from market.USAStocks import *
from market.UKStocks import *
#and so on
Currently, the only market available is the Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul). The former market is defined in TadawulStocks.py. For future markets, I will refrain from using the method used to retrieve market data from Tadawul. Seeing as how they lack an API, I was forced to use phantomJS as the mean for achieving my goal. You can find further information by viewing the source code.
###action.py action.py takes care of buying and selling stocks. For buying stocks, it has two options:
- By Code
- Choose from list
Saves all data to stocks.conf
###feeder.py feeder.py will retrieve your stock's last price from tadawul.com.sa.
Saves the last_price to stocks.conf
It could be improved. +[TODO]
###launcher.py All scripts are launched through it.
The commands are as follows:
refresh: Launch the portfolio refresher(n); n = 10 sec
action: Launch the buy and sell window
my: Launch your portfolio view
stock: Show all stocks
fetch: Fetch prices from Tadawul.com.sa
log_sell: Show the sell log
log_buy: Show the buy log
All commands must start with a slash
When the Log view is focused, you can search its contents by pressing on CTRL-F
###refresh.py & view.py refresh.py takes care of creating the tables by which view.py relies on to represent. The default refresh period is 10 seconds.
Just to clarify, refresh.py writes the rendered table(stocks) to MyStock.li every 10 seconds. view.py reads MyStock.li every 10 seconds. Future versions will see the end of refresh.py
###future & rss directories Meant for future improvements to TadawulStocks