This is the code for the paper "Graph Structural Attack by Perturbing Spectral Distance" accepted by KDD 2022.
Code is tested in Python 3.10.10. Some major requirements are listed below:
pip install torch==1.13.1+cu117 torchvision==0.14.1+cu117 torchaudio==0.13.1 --extra-index-url
pip install torch_geometric
pip install pyg_lib torch_scatter torch_sparse torch_cluster torch_spline_conv -f
pip install dgl
pip install networkx
pip install numba
To execute the attack, you will first train and save a clean model; then attack a loaded model in both training time (poisoning attack) and test time (evasion attack). The following example commands on Cora data are run under the root folder.
python --dataset cora --gnn_epochs 200 --lr 0.01
By default, the clean model will be saved at ./log/nat_model_saved/
When pairing SPAC with other attacks, the argument --spac_weight controls the strength of SPAC term, and --loss_weight controls the other attack's task loss term.
- For poisoning attack: --attacker can choose from [minmax, Meta-Self, Meta-Train, random]
- For evasion attack: --attacker can choose from [PGD, random]
Run SPAC (spectral attack) alone:
python --gnn_path ./log/nat_model_saved/ --spac_weight 1.0 --loss_weight 0.0
Run SPAC-Min (Max-Min paired with SPAC):
python --gnn_path ./log/nat_model_saved/ --spac_weight 1.0 --loss_weight 1.0
Run SPAC (spectral attack) alone:
python --gnn_path ./log/nat_model_saved/ --spac_weight 1.0 --loss_weight 0.0
Run SPAC-CE (PGD-CE paired with SPAC):
python --gnn_path ./log/nat_model_saved/ --spac_weight 1.0 --loss_weight 1.0
Please cite our paper if you find this repo useful for your research or development.
title={Graph structural attack by perturbing spectral distance},
author={Lin, Lu and Blaser, Ethan and Wang, Hongning},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining},