This is the code for the University of Florida's 2015 IEEE Robot. You need Ubuntu 14.04, and ROS Indigo. For some installation instructions, see
All of this is written for Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) and ROS Indigo ( - get the desktop-full version.
First, follow this tutorial for setting up git. Then follow the first three ROS tutorials, and make your catkin workspace.
Once you make your catkin workspace (the ROS tutorials will teach you how to do this), go to the src folder, and clone this repository
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone [email protected]:ufieeehw/IEEE2015.git
catkin_make ~/catkin_ws
Your directory structure should like like "~/catkin_ws/src/IEEE2015/ros/"
To use the 2D Simulators/Visualizers, you need pygame
sudo apt-get install python-pygame
If you want to use the 3D simulator, you need some Gazebo packages
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-indigo-ros-control ros-indigo-ros-controllers
To get everything without any effort, do:
sudo apt-get install aptitude
sudo aptitude install python-pygame ros-indigo-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-indigo-ros-control ros-indigo-ros-controllers ros-indigo-gazebo-ros-control
then run
catkin_make -C ~/catkin_ws
When you commit something, the message should be of format "TOPIC: Verb action" - ex: "VISION: Add etch-a-sketch detection". This is important so that we can see a chronological list of commits and know what has caused changes
Please include a with any new package. It should describe:
- The topics it publishes to and listens to
- A brief explanation of what the package does
Commit ROS-ready code to the ROS directory under the appropriate package
Commit non-ROS-ready code to the python, XMega or cpp directory as appropriate
Only commit non-text files (Like pictures, 3D models, etc) if they are necessary to run or test your code!
Commit everything, even if it's unfinished! The value of git is being able to track progress and see your code history
Th-th-th-that's all folks!
Simplicity is more important than speed
Reliability and accuracy are more important than speed
Uncommented code is as good as an empty file
Use the metric units! Don't use imperial! No imperial!
When publishing and subscribing to measured topics, ALWAYS SPECIFY UNITS AND A REFERENCE FRAME!
Indent with 4 spaces