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Turbo Sequence Overview

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Turbo Sequence is built to support a modern way to render Skeletal Meshes. It's using GPU Instancing with Niagara to manage draw calls efficiently, which is mostly the bottleneck of traditional rendering systems. Turbo Sequence is using bones to animate the meshes, which allow IK and layer mask blending per Bone.

A Crowd

What is Turbo Sequence

Turbo Sequence is a Plugin for Unreal Engine 5 which is Open Source with an MIT License. The advantage of using Turbo Sequence over VATs is that Turbo Sequence uses bone joint bending instead of pre-computed animations, which allows runtime bone joint bending like IK or Sockets. Turbo Sequence is trying to use Draw-Calls per archetype efficiently and not per instance, which has an advantage compared to traditional Skeletal Meshes.

Traditional Rendering:

CPU       GPU
Instance 1 (Mesh data 1) -> Draw call
         |                      |
         v                      v
Instance 2 (Mesh data 2) -> Draw call
         |                      |
         v                      v
Instance N (Mesh data N) -> Draw call

GPU Instancing

CPU       GPU
Base mesh data -> Draw call
                  | (all instances combined)
                  Rendered instances

TS is optimized for crowds around 10k - 50k, if you need more units, use VATs, Turbo Sequence is built to combine Animation Quality with Modern Rendering which means it is just as fast as the Quality of Bone joint bending allows it.