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@LumpBloom7 LumpBloom7 released this 07 Mar 15:29

Thank you for showing interest in this ruleset. This is a tagged release (2025.307.0).
If you like this ruleset, do consider supporting me.

Sentakki is officially 5 years old! 🎊 🎉 🍾

Has it really been that long?

What's Changed

🌟 Make BREAK and EX modifiers universal by @LumpBloom7 in #668

SlideBodies can now have the EX modifier.
TOUCH and TOUCHHOld can have the BREAK modifier.

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🌟 Add Synesthesia mod by @LumpBloom7 in #655

Similar to the mod in osu!std.

🌟 Slightly improve feedback given when hitting hold notes by @LumpBloom7 in #669

When hitting the hold notes, the note now continuously flashes to indicate they are being held.

Also improved the transform code across all the HitObjects to (hopefully) increase their reliability in replay/editor scenarios.

Hold TouchHold

🌟 General changes to touch related hitobjects by @LumpBloom7 in #672

Updated the way touch based notes detect touches, with the goal of improving game feel.

  • TOUCH: No behavioural changes
  • TOUCHHOLD: Any attempts to hold them too early will be ignored, similar to Touch notes. TouchHolds are released after all detected inputs are released (including the previously ignored ones)
    This means you can't complete a map with only Touchholds by simply holding the finger in the centre without ever releasing it.
  • SLIDE: Slide segments will ignore all inputs attempts made before the previous segments are completed.

🌟 Add Difficulty Adjust mod by @LumpBloom7 in #671

For now, Difficulty Adjust only has options to remove the BREAK and EX modifier from hitobjects.

Relax mod has also been removed, with its functionality merged into Difficulty Adjust. It always felt out of place, as its implementation is completely different from what is implemented by other rulesets.

Hold note changes

These are efforts to improve the feel when playing these notes. In practice, this shouldn't be noticable to the average player.

Update existing mods by @LumpBloom7 in #654

Mostly just making mods make more sense when compared to official ruleset counterparts
Changes include:

  • Removing No-Fail
    • This didn't actually do anything since sentakki no longer have a fail-state
  • Add extended label for spin mod
  • Use progressive score multiplier for rate adjust mods
  • Add variable score multiplier for HardRock
    • 1.1 for Maji, 1.2 for Gati
  • Make Hidden configurable
  • Make most mods "ranked", where sensible
  • Spin is now Barrel Roll

Minor changes

Full Changelog: 2024.1209.1...2025.307.0


Complaints? Suggestion? Or just want to discuss stuff?

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Refer to this wiki page

Steps to install language packs can be found here.