This project is a homework project for the course: Modern Flight Control Systems, Dr. Bei Lu, Spring, 2021. Based on Simulink, this project established a six-degree-of-freedom nonlinear model of the aircraft and balanced it to obtain a stable flight state. In this state, linearization and dynamic stability analysis of the model were carried out. Finally, the differences between the linearized model and the nonlinear model were compared.
load "sheet.mat".
check the model: the trim mode should be connected. Then you can use the trim function in the shell to find the desired stable state. You can use
[x,u,y] = trim('unlinearized',xi,ui,yi,[],[],[])
or you want to set more limits on state, use
[x,u,y] = trim('unlinearized',xi,ui,yi,[],[],[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])
A recommended state has been set in xi, yi, ui.
check the model: the test mode should be connected.
run the model and you can see the result in graph.
You can change the input as you like in test mode.
- Matlab2020a or up version is required.
- There is also a linearized model for you to compare.