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BTC : 16eXZ8zzSgtepvuNHa6xQCgnXXSYgu87tC
Before use: For learning purposes only, I do not acknowledge or assume any illegal behavior or consequences caused Using interception.
Before use,install interception first or the aimbot would not working. put interception.dll in the same folder with compiled aimbot exe file,or it would not start.
This cheat is a rewrite version of Ascarre.Fixed lots of problems and add more features.Ive been working on this project for months.Now I pay more attention to another one with decryption,just want to release this one to thank everyone helped me.
Fix: 1.Wrong Position of the esp box and Aim position 2.When multiple targets the Aimbot doesnt work(Entity priority for Aimbot) 3.Aim speed will be diffrent while different numbers of target in sight. 4.Aimbot paused when using flick bot
Add: 1.more smooth flick bot 2.Instant flick,Silent aim. 3.More keybind choices. 4.Multiple language support 5.Config save and load. 6.Prediction,and show the prediction position point 7.hanzo E ability shooting floor to reflect bot 8.Right click to fire 9.Hanzo release button to fire. 10.show distance 11.Genji auto switch tracking and flick with auto fire according to distance 12.Auto scale FOV according to distance 13.Auto scale hitbox according to distance 14.Press CAP to lower aim pos.whether it is lowered will display on the right side of your screen 15.Rainbow color of esp box. Change the language by editing Config.ini.language = 1 for Eng and language = 0 for Chinese
Two predictive algorithms. The first type is estimation, suitable for heroes with fast ballistic speeds such as Hanzo. The second method is to solve parabolas, which is suitable for all heroes that require prediction and will make Hanzo more accurate. If the bullet does not fall, simply activate the linear ballistic function
Must install interception driver first. How to use:
1.When first use you need to install interception driver.Just open a cmd with admin,and cd into the folder,and input "install-interception.exe /install" if successfully installed it will prompt you to reboot your computer 2.run overwatch 3.open the cheat When using instant flick or fake silent aim,make the instant flick speed be 22.5*in game sensitivity. The cheat work best with 2 in game sensitivity.So if it is not that accurate or move slowly,just set your sensitivity and change your mouse dpi to suit yourself. For me,aim bot work good with 2 sensitivity.Silent work good with 45 speed.Change that by your self to suit you.For me ashe with 56% scoped sensitivity,and widow 40%。turn off Recoil compensation,also working good. There is a lot more funny funcion.Such as display IQ(base on the death and kill of your team).And when you click "IQ BOOST" button it will lock IQ to 300 lol.