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Background & Objective

We all know how annoying it can be when our devices run out of battery, especially when we are out and about. Picture this: you forgot to charge your phone/laptop last night, but you’ve got a full day of outdoor work ahead. That’s why ChargeFinder is here. It is a handy app that saves you from the dreaded "low battery anxiety." With ChargeFinder, you can quickly locate nearby spots where you can grab a shared power bank for a quick charge.


Home Page

home page

home page demo

  • Explore the map and find the charging stations near you! You can click on any stations to check its detail
  • Get Direction will show you the route to a selected charging station based on the travel mode selected (walking, driving, bicycling, transit)
  • Click Rent to rent a power bank, notice that this button won't appear unless you are logged-in
  • The You are here! marker shows where you currently are on the map. If you don't give browser permission to access your location, a default location will be used instead
  • Click the center icon at the top of the screen to have map recentered back to you

Rental History Page

rental history page

  • View your current or past rental history. Current rental would have a Rented status and past rental would show Returned
  • Duration field would show your current rental duration and is updated in real-time
  • Click Return to return a power bank, you will be charged (simulation charge) based on the closest hours you have rented
  • Be aware that you can't view your rental history unless you are logged-in

Login Page

login page

  • Login using your newly created account credentials
  • JWT authentication mechanism used
  • Error message would show up if credentials don't match with what we stored in the database

Register Page

register page

  • Create a new account on our site
  • JWT authentication mechanism used
  • Error message would show up if trying to register account with duplicate username or email
  • Secure password-hashing using Bcrypt

Account Page

account page

  • View your account information
  • Click Logout to logout

Team Members

  • Jason Lai: full-stack developer
  • Felina Korte: full-stack developer
  • Sriram Kora: full-stack developer
  • Thejus Hari Krishna Rao: backend developer
  • Zayyan Farooqi: backend developer

How To Run This Project

Download and Install

  1. IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition (for back-end usage)

  2. JDK 17 (use java -version to verify installation in terminal)

  3. Maven (use mvn -v to verify installation in terminal)

  4. Visual Studio Code (for front-end usage)

  5. In IntelliJ, Preferences -> Plugins, install Lombok from the marketplace lombok

In the Back-end Directory

Set Up and Run the Back-end

  1. In IntelliJ, click the reload icon to ensure all dependencies are installed, then click clean and compile, you should see [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS shown in the Run tab for each of these operations. reload back-end

  2. Create a file and save it in the back-end directory (/back-end/ directory (where the GitHub project is present). To ensure this file is configured with the correct environmental variables, please contact our developers for more information, as those data are sensitive and not allowed to be publicly shared on GitHub.

The file should look something like this

  1. Go to src -> main -> java -> com.opensourcedev.backend, and run MainApplication, this will boot up the back-end.

start back-end

In the Front-end Directory

Set Up and Run the Front-end

  1. In VS Code, Run npm install to install all dependencies listed in package.json.

  2. Create a .env file and save it in the front-end directory (/front-end/.env). Please watch this tutorial (2:30 - 5:00) to see how to acquire your own Google Maps API key.

The .env file should look something like this

#add your google maps api key below for the map functionalities of the project to work
REACT_APP_SERVER_URL = http://localhost:8080
  1. Run npm start to start the front-end.

  2. Open http://localhost:3000 to view our app in your browser.

Run the Tests

  1. In IntelliJ, go to src -> test -> java -> com.opensourcedev.backend, and run MainTest unit tests
  2. Alternatively, you can run mvn test in back-end's root directory using terminal. unit tests in terminal
  3. You can also run Postman tests for integration testing by importing and running the collections inside LoginResgisterTests