Autonomous ground vehicle using ROS.
This project is developed using ROS on ubuntu.
Hardware used : Arduino mega, encoder motors , l298N motor driver RP-LIDAR A1-M8.
Software : I recommend using Ros melodic or kinetic to make it work more effectively. I used basic codes of NOX robot and modified its Arduino code, URDF file and other configuration files. NOX robot uses a Depth cam but in my case I used a LIDAR.
IN underground mines surveying .
Industrial automation for forklifts and small container movers.
For military purpose. TO tarck and give point cloud data (2d&3d) using LIDARS and produce visula maps.
The Arduino mega and RP lidar communicate with ROS using ROS serial communication. The SLAM(Simultaneous Localisation And Mapping ) can be achieved in 3 mapping methods:
- G-mapping
- Hector mapping
- Cartography In this rover, we will be using SLAM based on G-mapping.
I worked on G-mapping and Hector mapping in 2D lidar and LOAM technique in 3D lidar(livox-mid40).We can use these two techniques combined and deploy a fully autonomus robot in underground mines and unkonwn areas.
working video link