This is the GitHub
organization of MAT381E: Introduction to Data Science at Department of Mathematics, Istanbul Technical University.
Throughout the semester, we will cover R
data science packages and focus on data importing, cleaning, reshaping, manipulating, and visualizing.
The main topics which we cover are:
- Tools for data importing, manipulating, and tidying.
- Basic principles of data visualization and data visualization tools.
- Handling with strings and dates in data.
- Scraping data from web.
- Data extraction from social networking sites such as Twitter.
- Basic principles of text mining.
- Network analysis and visualization.
- Basic principles of geographic information system.
- Visualization of spatial and urban data.
- Web-based applications.
- Relational databases.
- Reproducible research.
The course syllabus is available at
This course could not be possible without ITU-Zoom, ITU-Ninova, RStudio along with all open-source packages, GitHub, and GitHub Classroom.
Cautionary Note 1: If you are an educator and my course syllabus and materials motivate you to adapt a similar style for your course, please let me know it via [email protected]. I will appreciate any credit.
Cautionary Note 2: Any piece of document/code/example here cannot be used for commercial use. Violations will be treated as needed.
- Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, İstatistik ve Coğrafi veri portalı
- İBB Açık veri
- İzmir Belediyesi Açık veri
- NASA data
- Bike Share data
- Harvard dataverse
- Alternative Fuels Data Ceneter, US Department of Energy
- Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, US Department of Energy
- Global Carbon Atlas (Go downwards Research Tab)
- Uber Movement
- EU Open Data Portal
- US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Climate
- UK Urban Big Data Center
- US Earth Data
- World Bank, Atlas of Social Protection Indicators
- Europe's Eye on Earth-Copernicus
- Global Forest Watch
- United Nations-World Inequality Database on Education
- Global Energy Monitor
- Mor Haritam
- USGS Data Science
- Voter Turnout Database
- US Patent and Trademark Office
- Animal Network Data
- The Internet Archive
- United Nations Global Pulse
- Open Data Institute
- Center for Humanitarian Data
- Data for Vulnerable21
- World Bank-Data for Better Lives
- Data Viz Conference Videos-Outlier 2021
- CrisisReady
- Data-driven humanitarian Mapping Workshop
- Michigan Institute for Data Science at University of Michigan
- Network Science Institute at Northeastern University
- Berkley Data Science Institute
- Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis at Stanford University
- Northeastern University Text, Maps, and Networks
- UK Alan Turing Institute
- Center for Data and Computing at the University of Chicago
- Berkman Kein Center at Harvard University
- Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions
- Department of Network and Data Science at Central European University
- eScience Institute at University of Washington
- Standford Institute for Computational & Mathematical Engineering
- Institute Pure and Applied Mathematics at UCLA
- New York University, Data Science Center
- Columbia University Data Science Institute
- Berkley Computing, Data Science, Society
- Center for Spatial Data Science at University of Chicago
- Halicioglu Data Science Institute at UC San Diego