Pokematf is a game developed in C++ using OpenGL library. The game resembles vintage Pokemon games on Nintendo consoles.
Run the game : Type " ./Pokemon " in console
Compile the code: Type " make " in console
Compile and run the game: Type " make && ./Pokemon " in console
Gameplay tips:
Move using WASD.
Open Pokedex on key P where you can set you favorite pokemon you own to fight for you using F.
In Pokedex navigate using A, D keys.
Stand next to the Pokecenter and press H to heal all pokemons you own and refill healing potions.
Explore the forest for encounters with wild pokemons and a chance to catch them when their health is low enough.
Use light attack while fighting Pokemon to lower their health.
Restore health to your Pokemon with healing potions.
Change you favorite Pokemon while battling a wild one or while exploring the world.
Additionally project was used to test various software development tools:
- CMake
- Valgrind/Callgrind
- ClangTidy
- GCov
- Doxygen
- ClangFormat
- Git hooks
- Docker