Source codes for training and evaluating the multi-frame in-loop filter (MIF) approach. [1]
Baidu Cloud Disk:
Folder HM-16.5_Data and Data_Generation_and_Training contain the training codes for the proposed MIF approach.
Generate pre-required files using "*.bin" files in the HIF Database.
Path into "HM-16.5_exdata/bin/vc10/x64/Release/" and run "TAppDecoder.exe" (for Windows).
Or, path into "HM-16.5_exdata/bin/" and run "TAppDecoderStatic" (for Linux).
Here, the command file "run.bat" or "" is an example to transfer 16 "*.bin" files into pre-required files, containing reconstructed YUV files ("rec.yuv", "rec_nof.yuv"), CU and TU files ("Info_CUDepth.dat", "Info_TUDepth.dat").
Create folders to store these pre-required files and then rename them.
Info_(mode)_(video name)_qp(QP value)_nf(number of frames)_CUDepth.dat Info_(mode)_(video name)_qp(QP value)_nf(number of frames)_TUDepth.dat rec_(mode)_(video name)_qp(QP value)_nf(number of frames).yuv rec_nof_(mode)_(video name)_qp(QP value)_nf(number of frames).yuv
In folder "F:/DataHEVC/RA_Info/", the renamed information files are:
Info_RA_BasketballPass_416x240_50_qp32_nf500_CUDepth.dat Info_RA_BasketballPass_416x240_50_qp32_nf500_TUDepth.dat
In folder "F:/DataHEVC/RA_Rec/", the reconstructed YUV file (after standard in-loop filter) is:
In folder "F:/DataHEVC/RA_Rec_nof/", the reconstructed YUV file (no in-loop filter) is:
Note: the results after Step 2 can be downloaded at "" (code: n170) for demo use, containing the data for 4 YUV files.
Path into "Data_Generation_and_Training/". Edit "".
Set YUV_PATH_TRUTH, YUV_PATH_OTHER (YUV files and CU, TU files) and SAMPLE_PATH (to store training, validation and test samples).
Set "INDEX_LIST_TRAIN", "INDEX_LIST_VALID" and "INDEX_LIST_TEST" to decide which parts of YUV files are used for training, validation and test.
Edit "".
Set ENCODER_MODE = 'LDP', 'LDB' or 'RA'.
Set MULTI_FRAME_MODE = 0 or 1.
Run "" to get data files.
Edit "".
Edit "".
Run "" to generate the models. The codes are based on TensorFlow 1.X (1.15 is recommended), which do not support TensorFlow>=2.0 currently.
Note: Steps 4~7 need to be run multiples times, for obtaining both MIF-Net and IF-Net models (MULTI_FRAME_MODE = 0 and 1) at all four QP values (22, 27, 32, 37).
Path into "Data_Generation_and_Training/Models/" to find the model files.
Here, one model corresponds to three model files, for example: model_20200530_200942_10000_qp22_rec_nof_densenet.dat.index model_20200530_200942_10000_qp22_rec_nof_densenet.dat.meta
Folder HM-16.5_MIF-Net contains both encoder and decoder for the MIF approach. All source codes are stored in its sub-folder HM-16.5_MIF-Net/source, and the compiled executable files are in HM-16.5_MIF-Net/bin.
In total, eight C++ files have been modified, as below.
- source/App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecTop.cpp
- source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncTop.cpp
- source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecSlice.cpp
- source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecGop.cpp
- source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecGop.h
- source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncSlice.cpp
- source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncGOP.cpp
- source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncGOP.h
To run the codec, please refer to file HM-16.5_MIF-Net/bin/
Below is an example when the encoder is running.
[1] Tianyi Li, Mai Xu, Ce Zhu, Ren Yang, Zulin Wang and Zhenyu Guan, “A Deep Learning Approach for Multi-Frame In-Loop Filter of HEVC,” IEEE TIP, vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 5663-5678, Nov. 2019.