material and scripts used to create figures of the bioRxiv preprint: "The guidance and adhesion protein FLRT2 dimerizes in cis via dual Small-X3-Small transmembrane motifs" Verity Jackson et al. , BioRxiv 2020
If you are using these scripts please cite: Verity Jackson et al. , BioRxiv 2020
Scripts to analyse data in the models/CG/sims_DPPC/ repository xtc and gro files contain only TM dimers to reduce the size of each file.
vmd -dispdev text -e calculate_distance.tcl python
vmd -dispdev text -e crossing_angle_all.tcl
vmd -dispdev text -e distance_CA.tcl
python (averaged density)
python (single simulation data on top of the averaged data)
vmd -dispdev text -e protein_contact.tcl
vmd -dispdev text -e get_density_TM.tcl
Note: this tcl script was also used to display lipid densities for the PM-like system (see Fig. 2-B)
the coordinates of the main representative structures for RH1 and RH2 configurations in a PM membrane are available in the folder Models/PM
the starting coordinates of the systems for CG-FEP calculations are available in the Models/FEP folder
open VMD
for CG: File -> Load Visualization state -> TM_main_struct_XXX.vmd
for AT: File -> Load Visualization state -> XXX_AT_end.vmd