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Pavel I. Kryukov edited this page Feb 7, 2018 · 17 revisions

Inspiring Courses

Many sources of information have been used to develop the course. We are grateful to the authors of these courses:

MIPT-ILab Stuff

We're very pleased to thank everybody who worked together with us on this and related projects as a mentor:

Our special thanks are dedicated to MIPT-ILab laboratory leaders who makes our work with student possible and efficient:

  • Ivan Sidorenko (2009 — 2010)
  • Evgeny Paramonov (2010 — 2014)
  • Oksana Gareeva (since 2014)

and to Dr. Arnold Plotkin who organized collaboration between Intel and MIPT.


We thank all the students participated in MIPT-MIPS through these years:

2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018
Borody Dmitry Alehin Andrey Abramov Semyon Chirkov Grigoriy Karasev Ivan
Kochetygov Andrey Vladislav Fofanov Belikov Ilya Gaynullin Dmitriy Korepanov Georgiy
Kravtcov Alexander Grevcev Nikita Dmitry Ermilov Khakhulin Taras Piskunov Aleksey
Limonova Elena Gusarov Aleksei Goncharov Ilya Kiseleva Diana Selnitsky Ilya
Mullayanov Timur Isupov Sergey Korolev Kirill Koposov Denis Seppar Aleksandr
Neufeld Erwin Kayda Aleksandr Kunakhov Ivan Krotov Ilya Sidorenko Anton
Patushin Alexander Khatskevich Alex Ladin Oleg Kuzmin Igor Smirnov Vladislav
Perepechkin Ilya Konychev Valery Lyubogoschev Mikhail Levitskiy Ilya
Poroshin Pavel Kurapov Petr Matveev Igor Melnikov Grigoriy
Rozhnyov Alexander Lysenko Pavel Nasonov Andrey Nagapetyan Albert
Samarin Yuri Mitrokhin Anton Panov Vladimir Paramonov Aleksandr
Rybakov Stephan Prokopenko Denis Prutyanov Viktor
Solomatin Ilya Pronin Alexander Shashev Aleksandr
Romanenkov Andrey Tvelov Rafael
Saenko Anna Yarmuhametov Vadim
Saydumarov Valery Zavodskikh Roman
Shakirov Anvar
Sidorov Alexey
Tvere Mikhail

GitHub community

Additionally, we thank GitHub users for their feedback and corrections:

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