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Releases: MPAS-Dev/MPAS-Model

MPAS Version 8.2.2

20 Sep 20:13
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This bugfix release addresses several issues in the MPAS-Atmosphere model
and in the MPAS infrastructure. Specific changes include:

  • Fix to a portability issue in the MPAS registry 'parse' tool, which caused
    files in the src/core_<CORE>/inc directory to not be generated correctly at
    build time on some systems (PR #1229).

  • Addition of two fields, brtemp and cldmask, that are needed by MPAS-JEDI.
    Although not needed by stand-alone MPAS-Atmosphere, these fields are
    associated with the jedi_da package and therefore have no effect when
    MPAS-Atmosphere is run without setting config_jedi_da = true (PR #1232).

  • Removal of a redundant query of the nCellsSolve dimension in the
    physics_run_init routine. The extra query had no impact on results, and its
    removal can be considered clean-up (PR #1236).

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Ted Mansell (NOAA NSSL) and Michael Toy (NOAA GSL)
for identifying issues that have been addressed in this release.

MPAS Version 8.2.1

07 Aug 22:46
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This bugfix release addresses several issues in the MPAS-Atmosphere model
and in the MPAS infrastructure. Notable changes include:

  • Improved detection of an 'mpi_f08' module (PR #1202), as well as improved
    detection of netCDF and PnetCDF library paths (PR #1203), in the top-level

  • The addition of a missing dependency in the physics Makefile to correct
    parallel build issues (PR #1204).

  • Fixes to the CMake build files used by MPAS-JEDI (PR #1205).

  • Fixes to double-precision builds of MPAS-Atmosphere (PR #1207, PR #1208).

  • Correction of the calculation of height AGL used in the computation of 1-km
    radar reflectivity fields (PR #1213).

  • Correction of an issue that prevented the MYNN PBL scheme from being used
    without also using the Thompson aerosol-aware microphysics (PR #1215).

  • Fixes to allow MPAS-Atmosphere to be built without physics (i.e., dynamics-
    only builds) (PR #1221).

  • Various code cleanup and minor corrections (PR #1206, PR #1212, PR #1224,
    PR #1226).

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Michael Toy (NOAA GSL) for first identifying the error
in the calculation of the height AGL array that affect the 1 km radar reflectivity fields.

MPAS Version 8.2.0

28 Jun 04:55
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This release of MPAS introduces several significant changes to MPAS-Atmosphere.

New physics

  • The Noah-MP v5.0.1 land-surface model is now available by setting
    config_lsm_scheme = 'sf_noahmp' in the &physics namelist group.

    • New static files that include the soilcomp, soilcl1, soilcl2,
      soilcl3, and soilcl4 fields are required when activating Noah-MP in
      the model.
  • The aerosol-aware Thompson microphysics (as in WRF v4.1.4) is available by
    setting config_microp_scheme = 'mp_thompson_aerosols' in the &physics
    namelist group.

    • An aerosol climatology file (QNWFA_QNIFA_SIGMA_MONTHLY.dat) is used when
      running the init_atmosphere_model program to produce initial and lateral
      boundary conditions for nifa and nwfa.

Physics changes

  • Physics schemes in the physics_mmm directory are now obtained from a
    separate, shared MMM-physics repository at compile time using the
    manage_externals tool.

  • The revised Monin-Obukhov scheme replaces the Monin-Obukhov scheme in the
    'mesoscale_reference' suite.

GPU capabilities

  • The scalar transport code has been ported to GPUs using OpenACC directives.

    • The atmosphere core must be compiled with OPENACC=true.
    • Additional timers in the log file capture host-device data transfer times.


  • The build system no longer requires an intermediate clean step when compiling
    one core before another.

MPAS Version 8.1.0

18 Apr 22:14
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This release of MPAS introduces several updates and new capabilities for MPAS-Atmosphere, most notably:

  • The MYNN Surface Layer and Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) schemes have been updated. The PBL scheme includes the options needed to run the Eddy Diffusivity Mass Flux (EDMF) scheme.

  • A separate driver for the parameterization of surface processes over sea-ice points has been added.

  • The build system now tests for the availability of the modern mpi_f08 module in the MPI library. If detected, the mpi_f08 module interface to Fortran MPI routines will be used in favor of the older mpi module interface.

  • The atmosphere core now supports the storage and retrieval of time-invariant fields in a separate I/O stream, offering significant disk space savings, especially in cases where large ensembles or cycled simulations are being run. See Section 8.3 of the User's Guide for more details.

  • The top-level Makefile provides a new intel build target for the Intel oneAPI Fortran, C, and C++ compiler suite.

  • To support real-data simulations on meshes with grid distances approaching 1 km or less, the init_atmosphere core provides an option, config_30s_supersample_factor, for super-sampling of the 30 arc-second terrestrial fields (terrain, land use, soil category, and MODIS FPAR monthly vegetation fraction).

  • When compiling, PRECISION=single is now the default, and double-precision builds must be specified with PRECISION=double.

MPAS Version 8.0.2

26 Mar 20:51
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This bugfix release addresses several issues in the MPAS-Atmosphere model:

  • Generalize the mpas_sphere_angle function to provide correct results for non-unit-radius spheres. This generalization fixes problems in remapping static fields to the outermost layer of specified-zone cells in limited-area meshes. (PR #1148)

  • Initialize mvd_r and mvd_c before first use in the Thompson microphysics scheme to prevent the potential use of uninitialized memory, which could lead to floating-point exceptions. (PR #1152)

  • Correct the units for the grid scale input field to the Thompson cloud fraction scheme. (PR #1153)

Acknowledgements: Thanks are due to Brett Wilt (The Weather Company) for first identifying the bug in the units of dx_p in the call to the Thompson cloud fraction scheme.

MPAS Version 8.0.1

07 Jul 00:06
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This bugfix release addresses several issues in MPAS-Atmosphere, specifically:

  • Fix an OpenMP error in the deallocation of an array (rthdynten) when neither
    the Grell-Freitas nor the Tiedtke/nTiedtke cumulus schemes are used. (PR #1099)

  • Fix a compilation issue due to a missing include path for the physics_mmm
    directory when certain Fortran compilers are used. (PR #1096)

  • Fix an issue in reading real-valued global attributes from input files with
    SMIOL when the input file is of a different precision than the compiled
    precision of MPAS. (PR #1091)

  • Fix a memory leak for the recloud_p, reice_p, and resnow_p arrays in the
    deallocate_microphysics routine. (PR #1090)

  • Correct the units and description for the rt_diabatic_tend, pv_vertex,
    pv_edge, and pv_cell variables in the atmosphere core's Registry.xml file. (PRs #1089 and #1092)

MPAS Version 8.0.0

16 Jun 21:03
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This major release of MPAS introduces significant new features in the
MPAS-Atmosphere model and its supporting software infrastructure.


  • Enable parallel remapping of static fields with arbitrary graph partition
    files; special CVT partition files are no longer required.

  • Reset the default for the lower air-temperature extrapolation
    (config_extrap_airtemp) from 'linear' to 'lapse-rate' in the namelist. This
    applies to initialization and to lateral boundary condition generation for

  • Set the condition for the lower extrapolation of the horizontal velocity
    such that it returns the lowest analysis level value instead of a linear
    extrapolation when the requested level is below the analysis level.

  • Create a new init case (13) for creating 3-d CAM-MPAS grids.


  • Update the Noah land surface scheme to the WRF 4.5 release.

  • Update the MM5 surface layer scheme to the WRF 4.5 release.

  • Implemented the CCPP-compliant version of:

    • the revised MM5 surface layer scheme;
    • the parameterization of the gravity-wave drag over orography;
    • the YSU Planetary Boundary Layer scheme;
    • the scale-aware nTiedtke parameterization of convection; and
    • the WSM6 cloud microphysics parameterization.
  • Correct the initialization of the maximum snow albedo over sea ice points
    (now set to 0.75 instead of 0).

  • Fix the option that defines the surface albedo over sea ice points. The
    default option is now set to zero and the default value for the surface
    albedo over sea ice points is set to 0.65.

  • In the dynamics, rework the computation of the advective tendency of
    potential temperature needed as forcing in the nTiedtke and Grell-Freitas
    parameterizations of deep convection. The advective tendency of potential
    temperature is now computed the same way for the nTiedtke and Grell-Freitas
    convection schemes.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: The updated Noah scheme requires new look-up tables.
    The script that is run at build time should correctly
    update these tables, but tables in other run directories will need to be
    manually updated.


  • Modify the regional MPAS-A relaxation-zone filters to increase the
    robustness of regional MPAS-A simulations, including access to specific
    relaxation-zone filter parameters through the namelist. The defaults for
    regional relaxation-zone filtering for the horizontal momentum have been
    changed from the previous release.

  • Generalize the 2nd-order horizontal mixing used in the upper wave absorbing
    region in MPAS-A, including access to the configuration parameters through
    the namelist.

  • The pressure-level height diagnostic is now interpolated using ln(p) for
    increased accuracy. This significantly reduces the diagnostics height bias
    in the previous version.

  • Change the vertical interpolation weights for projecting cell-centered
    variables to w levels to be the vertically integrated average. Previously
    the weights represented a linear interpolation in z. These weights are
    computed in the initialization code and used in both the initialization and

  • Eliminate the need to specify a horizontal length scale in namelists
    (config_len_disp). New mesh files supply this length scale, which is read by
    the model at start-up.

  • Include changes to the initialization and to MPAS-A such that this release
    can be directly used in CESM/CAM.


  • Introduce a new I/O layer, the Simple MPAS I/O Layer. SMIOL provides a
    subset of the parallel I/O functionality of PIO, but with a simplified
    design that minimizes external dependencies to just the Parallel-NetCDF
    library. When the $PIO environment variable is not set at compile time,
    SMIOL will be used in MPAS.

  • Refactor halo communication to make use of a new group (aggregated) halo
    exchange module. The new mpas_halo module is designed to be amenable to
    GPU-direct communication of halos with OpenACC. In this release, however,
    OpenACC directives have not yet been added.

MPAS Version 7.3

24 Mar 20:19
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This minor release addresses one issue in the MPAS-Atmosphere model.


  • Update the script to use HTTPS rather than the
    unencrypted Git protocol when obtaining the MPAS-Data repository from

MPAS Version 7.2

14 Feb 23:32
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This minor release addresses several issues in the MPAS-Atmosphere model.


  • Correct the use of uninitialized memory in the init_atm_case_squall_line
    routine by initializing the qvb array to zero before its first use.

  • Fix a bug in the vertical extrapolation of relative humidity and specific
    humidity to model levels below the lowest first-guess level when first-guess
    levels are given in top-to-bottom order in the input intermediate file.

  • Fix reproducibility issues in several fields within the Noah LSM over land-ice
    points when running with different MPI task counts; however, only one of these
    fields -- smstav, the surface moisture availability field -- persists outside
    of the physics driver and is written to MPAS-Atmosphere restart files.

  • Correct the units and description attributes for the GWDO fields var2d, con,
    oa1, oa2, oa3, oa4, ol1, ol2, ol3, and ol4 in both the init_atmosphere and
    atmosphere core Registry.xml files.

  • Add code that had inadvertently been omitted for computing dtheta_dt_mp, the
    potential temperature heating rate from microphysics. Prior to this change,
    the dtheta_dt_mp field would always contain a constant zero value when written
    to model output files.

  • Correct a check on the availability of the dtheta_dt_mix variable when
    computing depv_dt_mix in the PV diagnostics module.

  • Correct the parallel computation of iLev_DT (and other fields that depend on
    it, including u_pv, v_pv, theta_pv, vort_pv, depv_dt_diab_pv, and
    depv_dt_fric_pv) in the PV diagnostics module.

MPAS Version 7.1

03 Sep 20:21
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This minor release addresses several issues in the MPAS-Atmosphere model and
initialization, and it corrects several minor compilation issues.


  • In calculating moist air density in the real-data initialization case, virtual
    temperature, rather than temperature, should be used.

  • An out-of-bounds array access in the GWDO scheme when running with multiple
    OpenMP threads has been corrected.

  • A check has been added in the init_atmosphere core to ensure that the
    intermediate file interval and the 'surface' stream output interval are

  • A non-standard BOZ-literal constant has been corrected in the
    module_ra_cam_support.F file. The non-standard constant lead to build
    failures, particularly with newer versions of the GNU compilers.

General software:

  • The logic to add PIO libraries to the definition of LIBS in the top-level
    Makefile has been updated to accommodate newer versions (approx. 2.5.2 or
    later) of the PIO library; without the fix to the Makefile, builds would
    fail with the message
  Checking for a usable PIO library...
  ************ ERROR ************
  Failed to compile a PIO test program
  Please ensure the PIO environment variable is set to the PIO installation directory
  ************ ERROR ************
  • Various options for the 'gfortran' build target have been cleaned up.

  • Occasional parallel build failures related to a race condition in the ezxml
    library compilation have been addressed.