TextPro Is A Simple But Effective Site To Maipulate & Modify Texts.
- Convert Uppercase to Lowercase & ViceVersa
- Remove Extra Spaces
- Copy & Clear Text
- Total no of words and characters in Text
- Show minimum read time of text & sentences
- Beautiful UI compatiable With Any screen size.
To See How It Looks [YouTube] Click Here !
Local Host Will Work fine but when you open this (On Your Network : https://192.......) some features specially copy text will not work as it required HTTPS support for Website so for that either you find out yourself or use OpenSSL Method like me.
- Install OpenSSL.
- Generate a self-signed SSL certificate using OpenSSL.
- Configure your React project to use HTTPS with the generated certificate by updating the .env file.
- Start your development server, and your site will be served over HTTPS.
kindly use chatgpt for further help if its too complex for you to understand heeee...
**i know i messed up project's title and name , forgot to change it to textplay