KCL + Helm = kclipper
KCL is a constraint-based record & functional language mainly used in cloud-native configuration and policy scenarios. It is hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as a Sandbox Project. The KCL website can be found here.
Kclipper combines KCL and Helm by wrapping KCL with additional plugins and commands, and by providing packages which act as friendly plugin interfaces.
Learn how kclipper compares to Holos and other KCL Helm plugins here.
To use kclipper, you must install it as a KCL replacement. Kclipper is a superset of KCL; all upstream KCL commands, packages, etc., are preserved. Docker images for x86 and arm64 are also available, which allow kclipper to be used as an Argo CD Config Management Plugin.
Render Helm charts directly within KCL; take full control of all resources both pre- and post-rendering. Use KCL to its full potential within the Helm ecosystem for powerful and flexible templating, especially in multi-cluster scenarios where ApplicationSets and/or abstract interfaces similar to konfig are heavily utilized:
import helm
import manifests
import regex
import charts.podinfo
import charts.kube_prometheus_stack.crds as prometheus_crds
env = option("env")
_podinfo = helm.template(podinfo.Chart {
valueFiles = [
values = podinfo.Values {
replicaCount = 3
postRenderer = lambda resource: {str:} -> {str:} {
if regex.match(resource.metadata.name, "^podinfo-service-test-.*$"):
resource.metadata.annotations |= {"example.com/added" = "by kcl patch"}
_serviceMonitor = prometheus_crds.ServiceMonitor {
metadata.name = "podinfo"
spec.selector.matchLabels = {
app = "podinfo"
manifests.yaml_stream([*_podinfo, _serviceMonitor])
Declaratively manage all of your Helm charts and their schemas. Private, OCI, and local repos are all supported. Choose from a variety of available schema generators to enable validation, auto-completion, on-hover documentation, and more for Chart, CRD, and Value objects, as well as values.yaml
files (if you prefer YAML over KCL for values, or want to use both). Use KCL keys to define the same chart with unique configuration (e.g. multiple targetRevisions). Optionally, use the kcl chart
command to make quick edits from the command line:
import helm
charts: helm.Charts = {
# kcl chart add -c podinfo -r https://stefanprodan.github.io/podinfo -t "6.7.0"
podinfo: {
chart = "podinfo"
repoURL = "https://stefanprodan.github.io/podinfo"
targetRevision = "6.7.0"
schemaGenerator = "AUTO"
# kcl chart repo add -n bjw-s -u https://bjw-s.github.io/helm-charts/
# kcl chart add -c app-template -r @bjw-s -t "3.6.0"
app_template_v3: {
chart = "app-template"
repoURL = "@bjw-s"
targetRevision = "3.6.0"
schemaValidator = "KCL"
schemaGenerator = "CHART-PATH"
schemaPath = "charts/common/values.schema.json"
repositories = [repos.bjw_s]
# kcl chart add -c my-chart -r ./my-charts/
my_chart: {
chart = "my-chart"
repoURL = "./my-charts/"
crdGenerator = "TEMPLATE"
Automate updates to all KCL and JSON Schemas, in accordance with your declarations:
Also works with Renovate! You can find example pull requests and a config file in this repo.
Enjoy blazing-fast reconciliation times. Kclipper is built with performance in mind and is optimized for speedy rendering at runtime. It achieves this with a custom Helm template implementation, based on the Argo CD Helm source implementation, with edits to minimize I/O.
Chart | Vanilla Argo CD | kclipper | kclipper (schemaValidator=KCL) |
podinfo | 9.1 ms/op | 0.78 ms/op | 0.76 ms/op (~12x) |
app-template | 159 ms/op | 143 ms/op | 1.48 ms/op (~107x) |
Approximate values from my Mac Mini M2.
See benchmarks for more details.
Pairs excellently with konfig. Mix and match your Helm chart definitions with other resources like NetworkPolicies, ExternalSecrets, and more. Manage your entire application with a simple, fully-typed frontend interface and intelligently share configuration between resources:
import tenant
import konfig.models.frontend
import konfig.models.templates.networkpolicy
import konfig.models.utils
import charts.grafana_operator
import charts.grafana_operator.crds as grafana
appConfiguration: frontend.App {
name = "grafana"
charts.grafanaOperator = grafana_operator.Chart {
values = grafana_operator.Values {
resources.requests = {
cpu = "10m"
memory = "50Mi"
secretStore = tenant.secretStores.default.name
externalSecrets.grafana = frontend.ExternalSecret {
name = "grafana-credentials"
ref: "grafana-admin-username"
ref: "grafana-admin-password"
extraResources.grafanaFoo = grafana.Grafana {
metadata.name = "grafana-foo"
spec.config = utils.GrafanaConfigBuilder(domainName, "foo")
extraResources.grafanaBar = grafana.Grafana {
metadata.name = "grafana-bar"
spec.config = utils.GrafanaConfigBuilder(domainName, "bar")
networkPolicies = {
denyDefault = networkpolicy.denyDefault
kubeDNSEgress = networkpolicy.kubeDNSEgress
kubeAPIServerEgress = networkpolicy.kubeAPIServerEgress | {
endpointSelector.matchExpressions = [{
key = "app.kubernetes.io/name"
operator = "In"
values = ["grafana-operator"]
⚠️ You should not currently use kclipper in multi-tenant Argo CD environments. See #2.
Binaries are posted in releases. Images and OCI artifacts are available under packages.
The binary name for kclipper is still just kcl
, so it can be used as a drop-in replacement for official KCL binaries. Versions are tagged independently of upstream KCL, e.g. kclipper v0.1.0
maps to kcl v0.11.0
, but kclipper releases still follow semver with consideration for upstream KCL changes.
To use kclipper with Argo CD, see the Argo CD Config Management Plugin docs.
This guide assumes you are fully utilizing plugins, packages, and the kcl chart CLI. If you only want to use a subset of these, please see the extension docs.
First, navigate to your project directory. If you don't have a KCL project set up yet, you can run the following command:
kcl mod init
We now have the following project structure:
├── kcl.mod
├── kcl.mod.lock
└── main.k
Now, we can initialize a new charts
kcl chart init
This should result in a project structure similar to the following:
├── charts
│ ├── charts.k
│ ├── kcl.mod
│ └── kcl.mod.lock
├── main.k
├── kcl.mod
└── kcl.mod.lock
The important note is that the charts
package is available to your KCL code, but is in its own separate package. You should not try to combine packages or write your own code inside the charts
package, other than to edit the charts.k
The charts.k
file will have no entries by default.
import helm
charts: helm.Charts = {}
You can add a new chart to your project by running the following command:
kcl chart add -c podinfo -r https://stefanprodan.github.io/podinfo -t "6.7.0"
This command will automatically add a new entry to your charts.k
file, and generate a new podinfo
package in your charts
⚠️ Everything in the chart sub-packages,podinfo
in this case, is auto-generated, and any manual edits will be lost. If you need to make changes, you should do so in thecharts.k
file, or in your own package that imports thepodinfo
package (e.g. via overriding attributes).
Your project structure should now look like this:
├── charts
│ ├── charts.k
│ ├── kcl.mod
│ ├── kcl.mod.lock
│ └── podinfo
│ ├── chart.k
│ ├── values.schema.json
│ └── values.schema.k
├── main.k
├── kcl.mod
└── kcl.mod.lock
And your charts.k
file will have a new entry for the podinfo
import helm
charts: helm.Charts = {
podinfo: {
chart = "podinfo"
repoURL = "https://stefanprodan.github.io/podinfo"
targetRevision = "6.7.0"
schemaGenerator = "AUTO"
Note that keys and folder/package names will be valid KCL identifiers, whereas the chart argument is the name of the Helm chart. Typically these will be the same, but for example an
chart will have a key and folder/package namedapp_template
The charts.podinfo
package will contain the schemas podinfo.Chart
and podinfo.Values
, as well as a values.schema.json
file for use with your values.yaml
files, should you choose to use them. You can now use these objects in your main.k
import helm
import charts.podinfo
_podinfo = helm.template(podinfo.Chart {
values = podinfo.Values {
replicaCount = 3
Here, _podinfo
is a list of Kubernetes resources that were rendered by Helm. You can use the manifests
package to render these resources to a stream of YAML, which can be piped to kubectl apply -f -
, be used in a GitOps workflow e.g. via an Argo CMP, etc.
In a real project, you might want to abstract away rendering of the output, package charts with other resources, and so on. For an example, I am using kclipper in my homelab, using the konfig pattern. In this case, a frontend package defines inputs for charts, a mixin processes those inputs, and a backend package renders the resources.
When you want to update a chart, you can edit the charts.k
file like so:
import helm
charts: helm.Charts = {
podinfo: {
chart = "podinfo"
repoURL = "https://stefanprodan.github.io/podinfo"
- targetRevision = "6.7.0"
+ targetRevision = "6.7.1"
schemaGenerator = "AUTO"
Or, alternatively, you can run the following command (wraps KCL automation):
kcl chart set -c podinfo -O targetRevision=6.7.1
Then run re-generate the charts.podinfo
package to update the schemas:
kcl chart update
Likewise, the same applies to any other changes you may want to make to your Helm charts. For example, you could change the schemaGenerator
being used, or add or remove a chart from the charts
The following schema generators are currently available:
Name | Description | Parameters |
NONE (default) | Do not use a schema generator (Values will be [...str]: any ). |
AUTO | Try to automatically select the best schema generator for the chart. | |
VALUE-INFERENCE | Infer the schema from one or more values.yaml files (uses helm-schema) | |
URL | Use a JSON Schema file located at a specified URL. | schemaPath |
CHART-PATH | Use a JSON Schema file located at a specified path within the chart files. | schemaPath |
LOCAL-PATH | Use a JSON Schema file located at a specified path within the project. | schemaPath |
is generally the best option. It currently looks for values.schema.json
files in the chart directory (i.e. CHART-PATH
with schemaPath: "values.schema.json"
), and falls back VALUE-INFERENCE
if none are found.
The following CRD schema generators are currently available:
Name | Description | Parameters |
NONE (default) | Do not use a CRD generator. | |
TEMPLATE | Use CRD resources from the helm template output. | |
CHART-PATH | Use CRD files located at a specified path within the chart files. | crdPath |
generator will use global values defined in charts.k
. If needed, you can use these to set any required values for the chart:
charts: {
external_secrets: {
chart = "external-secrets"
repoURL = "https://charts.external-secrets.io/"
targetRevision = "0.14.3"
schemaGenerator = "AUTO"
crdGenerator = "TEMPLATE"
values: {
installCRDs = True
crds: {
createClusterExternalSecret = False
createClusterGenerator = False
createClusterSecretStore = False
createPushSecret = True
You may find yourself wanting to define some values in a values.yaml file, either due to personal preference or because you don't want to copy or import a large set of values into KCL. In any case, you can use the values.schema.json
file like so:
# yaml-language-server: $schema=./charts/podinfo/values.schema.json
replicaCount: 3
# ...
Where $schema
defines a relative path from the values.yaml
file to the values.schema.json
Then, use the valueFiles
argument, again with a relative path to the values.yaml file:
import helm
import charts.podinfo
_podinfo = helm.template(podinfo.Chart {
valueFiles = ["values.yaml"]
You can also combine both the values
and valueFiles
arguments. If the same value is defined in both locations, values defined in the values
argument will take precedence over values defined in valueFiles
Please note that if you use valueFiles
and schemaValidator=KCL
, the valueFiles' contents will not be validated against any chart JSON Schemas during KCL runs. So, it might be a good idea to validate against values.schema.json
in a pre-commit hook or similar.
Helm repositories are supported and may use http://
, https://
, or oci://
URLs. You can also specify a local path. For local paths, all relative paths are relative to the topmost KCL module, and absolute paths start from the repository root. Accessing local charts from paths external to your repository is not allowed.
You can add Helm repositories to your project by running the following command:
kcl chart repo add -n chartmuseum -u http://localhost:8080 -U BASIC_AUTH_USER -P BASIC_AUTH_PASS
This will add a new entry to your repos.k
import helm
repos: helm.ChartRepos = {
chartmuseum: {
name = "chartmuseum"
url = "http://localhost:8080"
usernameEnv = "BASIC_AUTH_USER"
passwordEnv = "BASIC_AUTH_PASS"
You can then use these repositories in your charts.k
import helm
charts: helm.Charts = {
private_chart: {
chart = "private-chart"
repoURL = "@chartmuseum"
targetRevision = "0.1.0"
repositories = [repos.chartmuseum]
Subcharts can also use any repositories you add to repositories
. If you have multiple subcharts that use different repositories, add all required repositories to the repositories
Tasks are available (run task help
You can use the included Devbox to create a Nix environment pre-configured with all the necessary tools and dependencies for Go, Zig, etc.
KCL and this project are both licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE for details.
KCL is copyright The KCL Authors, all rights reserved.
This project would not be possible without the hard work of the KCL authors, the Helm authors, and the Argo authors.
Also, thanks all of the contributors to other KCL packages and plugins. Notably, @ghostsquad, @tvandinther, and @suin. Your work has consistently given me inspiration and new ideas for this project.
Also, special thanks to:
- @dadav for maintaining helm-schema and go-jsonpointer, which are both heavily used in klipper's schema generators.
- @carinacolvin_art for creating the kclipper logo.