- Test Explorer for .NET Core
Test explorer has moved to the test view panel
Test being run are indicated by a spinner
Failed test adds to the problem terminal view. This can be turned off with a setting
New keyboard shortcuts for re-running last test command and running all tests.
Open a .NET Core test project, or set dotnet-test-explorer.testProjectPath
to the folder path of .NET Core test project. Then, you will see all the tests in Test Explorer.
Run all tests, default Alt+R Alt+A
Rerun last command, default Alt+R Alt+R
Run test(s) in context, default Alt+R Alt+C
: Folder path of .NET Core test project. You could set the full path or the relative path to the workspace root path. (Default is "")dotnet-test-explorer.useTreeView
: If false, will list all tests as the full namespace. When set to true a tree will be created based on the namespaces of the tests. (Default is true)dotnet-test-explorer.build
: If true, projects will be built when refreshing the test explorer. (Default is true)dotnet-test-explorer.restore
: If true, dotnet restore will run when refreshing the test explorer. (Default is true)dotnet-test-explorer.showCodeLens
: Determines whether to show the CodeLens test status or not. (Default is true)dotnet-test-explorer.codeLensFailed
: The text to display in the code lens when a test has failed. (Default is "")dotnet-test-explorer.codeLensPassed
: The text to display in the code lens when a test has passed. (Default is "")dotnet-test-explorer.codeLensSkipped
: The text to display in the code lens when a test has been skipped. (Default is "")dotnet-test-explorer.pathForResultFile
: The path to (temporarily) store test result files in. (Default is os temp dir)dotnet-test-explorer.autoExpandTree
: If true, the tree will be in an expanded state by default. (Default is false)dotnet-test-explorer.addProblems
: If true, failed tests will add to problems view. (Default is true)
Try and change the setting dotnet-test-explorer.pathForResultFile to point to a folder you have access right too. Code lense functionality also requires the C# extension)
This requieres you to run dotnet sdk version 2.1.2 or higher.
See #56
By default, anonymous telemetry data collection is turned on to understand user behavior to improve this extension. To disable it, update the settings.json as below:
"dotnet-test-explorer.enableTelemetry": false
See Change Log here
Currently, the extension is in the very initial phase. If you find any bug or have any suggestion/feature request, please submit the issues to the GitHub Repo.