This is a copy of a simple project I made during my JS course last year. The task was to create a webpage without any inherent purpose, except for the joy of visiting it and interact with it. It's nothing special, albeit a bit surreal, but has got some small issues that would be nice if they were tended to.
The deployed project:
Simple. I'd like to have this project cleaned up a bit, but don't get around to do it myself. On the other hand, it's also a very simple project and could work as a collection of "good first issues" for students or developers new to open source. So go ahead and grab an issue if you feel inclined! :)
This was one of my first school projects. Be nice. :)
Everything, including images and sound effects, are sorted in a system below the root. Clone or download the repo, and the it's pretty strightforward to run it on a local host with Live Server extension in VsCode, or similar.