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#Converts your QGIS indoor project to IMDF


  • - file with classes
  • - script to run in QGIS (Alt + P)
  • config_project_name.txt - includes all other configuration variables for current project where project_name is name of QGIS project what you want to export
  • *.json - file with your google service account credentials

Before running*

Please set up this variables inside config_project_name.txt (project_name is current QGIS project name variable):

  • We should specify variables for address layer:
Variable Explanation
address_str Formatted postal address, excluding suite/unit identifier
locality_str Official locality (e.g. city, town) component of the postal address
province_str Province (e.g. state, territory) component of the postal address
country_str Country component of the postal address
postal_code Mail sorting code extension associated with the postal code - it Could be None
In the future I hope we will find a solution to get correct address automatically
  • We should set up the category_venue, name_venue variable for each specific project
  • We MUST form a dictonary building_dct where keys should be building names and values should be level_lst type variables. level_lst - dictionary where keys should be a level names and a values (-int type) should be ordinal - which tell the position of the layer in levels pie, where the 0 is base-ground level:
level_lst_1 = {'Basement_floor': -1, 'GF': 0, 'L2': 1 , 'L3': 2}
level_lst_2 = {'Basement_floor': -1, 'GF': 0, 'L2': 1 , 'L3': 2, 'L4': 3}
building_dct = {'Building_name_1': level_lst_1,
                'Building_name_2': level_lst_2,
Real example:
building_dct = {'Building_name_1': {'Basement_floor': -1, 'GF': 0, 'L2': 1 , 'L3': 2},
                'Building_name_2': {'Basement_floor': -1, 'GF': 0, 'L2': 1 , 'L3': 2, 'L4': 3}}

  • We should create the venue layer in the existing QGIS project. We MUST create venue layer by hand if there are several buildings in one QGIS project. In the venue should be only one polygon. Name of the layer - 'venue'
  • If project consist of several building than the building field in level layers SHOULD be filled for every feature

Please set up this variables inside We should specify:

  • IMDF_PATH - path to,
  • CREDENTIALS_PATH - path to Service Account Credentials json file


  • Footprint level can include polygons with categories: 'Subterranean', 'Ground', 'Aerial'. In the script we are creating only 'Ground' category temporary polygon based on ground floor

  • Openings - required to properly show entrances to the units. You need to create openings manually and name each layer by adding '_openings'. For example '1F_openings'. f'{level_name}_openings'. We don't need to create openings for 'Kiosk', 'Section', 'Fixture'

  • [Optional] Section - is an area that serves a specific purpose. For example, an airport would have baggage claim, check-in area, gate and security sections. Field section_category need to be created in the data and filled with one of the possible values based on Apple sections list

  • [Optional] Kiosk - can be placed on top of the unit. Algorithm will create an occupant feature if occupant (filled with typeCode of retail/service related value what can be applicable for occupant for example 'cafes-coffee-tea-houses') and occupant_tid (filled with tid what can be applicable for occupant for example '20600') are filled with values

  • [Optional] Fixtures - having this features required for some types of buildings for example airports

  • [Optional] Amenities as a separate points layer - we can have amenities in a points layer that can be added to the final file. To use name each points layer with amenities by adding '_amenities'. For example '1F_amenities'. f'{level_name}_amenities'

  • For correct forming we need to fill tid column for all objects in level layers according to our taxonomy

  • For correct forming we need to place all names/titles of the objects in name column in level layers


If all set, run the inside your QGIS. The *.geojson parts of IMDF should be created


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