A new source for whatever may need it. Freedom, privacy, and fundamental rights for all.
Randomness and projects to help the time go by. Let’s be positive and influence the world to keep on going on, don’t lose that drive.
Helping others is what this group is about. To maintain integrity which will keep rolling towards that eternal posture.
This is where it begins, being open(source).
Enjoy life. Learn and have fun. Anybody can help, as new as you may be. Anything you may dabble in, feel free to add.
All resources will be at the repository GuideOfAllThings. A lot of sorting needs to be done.
Discord - Guide Of All Things
Guide Of All Things is anything and everything, organizing info and putting things together is what we do. Guides are on the way.
Malbern is the organization to host this. We welcome all! Please check it out, it’s just a place trying to make things better.
Currently… *Programming Languages ** Python
- Web Development HTML CSS JavaScript Cyber Security Networking Electrical Hardware Software
Creating guides.
Figuring things out.
Organizing information.
Creating documentation.
Feel free to add your own programming languages, topics, and whatever else may not be here.
[CyberSecurity](/CyberSecurity/ReadMe.md 4