This repository complements the paper:
"Testing Self-Adaptive Software with Probabilistic Guarantees on Performance Metrics"
Claudio Mandrioli, Martina Maggio
European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE) 2020
In the paper, we formulate the problem of testing a software that adapts itself as a chance-contrained optimization problem. Normally we test software systems to provide guarantees on their behavior. However, adaptive software changes its behavior, so we cannot say that we tested it in all the possible configurations (the configuration space may be infinite or anyway very large). Generally speaking, because we adapt, we cannot give formal guarantees that the software will always do the right thing (e.g., it still has to explore alternatives to learn the correct behaviour). So we need to move into the space of probabilistic guarantees: testing to obtaing the probability that the software performs in an acceptable way. The paper explores the theories that can be used to formulate the described problem and what results can be obtained. Techniques from traditional statistics are presented and their limitations are discussed. The paper proposes the use of the novel Scenario Theory [1] to overcome said limitations. Two case study are presented and discussed to validate the proposed methodology.
The repository has two sub-directories for the two case study presented in the paper: Tele Assistance Servic (TAS) [2] and Self-Adaptive Video Encoder (SAVE) [3].
To use the software clone this repository and follow the steps presented in the README files in each of the artifact directories. The README files include both instructions to reproduce the paper results and to re-use the software.
The artifact is meant to be open and accessible in the long term. For this reason it is available also in the more long-term service Zenodo.