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To use the Mangopay Checkout SDK, you’ll need:

  • A Mangopay ClientId and API key
  • A User to register the card for (see Testing - Payment methods for test cards)
  • iOS 13+
  • Xcode 12.2
  • Swift 5.3+


Mangopay Checkout SDK can be installed via SPM(highly recommended) or Cocoapods.


  1. Open your Xcode project and go to File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
  2. In the prompted dialog, enter the repository URL
  3. Select “checkout-ios-sdk” package by checking the corresponding checkbox
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation


Open your podfile and add:

pod 'MangopayCheckoutSDK’

Add these sources above your podfile:

source ''
source ''

Initialize the SDK

Initialize the SDK with your ClientId , NethoneMerchantIdandand select your environment (Sandbox or Production).

🚨 The Initialization should only be done once for an instance of the application, We recommend putting this inside the `AppDelegate` class
MangopayCheckoutSDK.initialize(clientId: "client_id", profillingMerchantId: "profillingMerchant_id", environment: .sandbox)

Initialization parameters

Argument Type Description
clientId String MGPEnvironment
profillingMerchantId String The profilingMerchantId is required to initialize the Checkout SDK, even if you are not subscribed to fraud prevention. Contact Mangopay to obtain your identifier.
environment Environment Expected backend environment.

Default value: Environment.SANDBOX

Allowed values:Environment.SANDBOX, Environment.PRODUCTION |

Configure and present the PaymentSheet

🚨 The Checkout has an integrated fraud profiler that performs background checks and collects data on the payer's device to assess transaction risk.

On successful card tokenization, the SDK provides a fraudProfilerId. When making a PayIn request, add this as ProfilingAttemptReference to enable fraud protection.

  1. Create a Checkout Sheet instance in your ViewController

    var checkout: MGPPaymentSheet!
  2. Configure paymentSheet with paymentMethodOptions

let paymentMethodOptions = PaymentMethodOptions(
    cardOptions: cardOptions,
    applePayOptions: applePayOptions,
    paypalOptions: paypalOptions

2.1 Card Options Configuration

let cardOptions = MGPCardOptions(supportedCardBrands: [.mastercard, .visa, .discover])

Card Options Configuration Parameters

Argument Type Description
supportedCardSchemes Array<[CardType]> Card schemes to be shown for Card Payment option
cardRegistration CardRegistration? You can provide CardRegistration optionally from configuration or provide it from callbacks

2.2 ApplePay Options

      let applePayOptions = MGPApplePayOptions(
            amount: 10,
            delegate: self,
            merchantIdentifier: config.merchantID,
            merchantCapabilities: .capability3DS,
            currencyCode: "USD",
            countryCode: "US",
            supportedNetworks: [
            requiredBillingContactFields: [.name],
            billingContact: contact,
            shippingType: .delivery

for ApplePay Options Parameter kindly refer to this section.

2.3 Paypal Options Configuration

**let** paypalOptions = MGPPaypalOptions()

Paypal Options Configuration Parameters

Argument Type Description
color PayPalButton.Color Color of the paypal button. Default to gold if not provided.
edges PaymentButtonEdges Edges of the button. Default to softEdges if not provided.
label PayPalButton.Label Label displayed next to the button's logo. Default to no label.
  1. Create a payment handler/ Callbacks
    let callback = CallBack(
         onPaymentMethodSelected: { paymentMethod in
         onTokenizationCompleted: { tokenizedData in
             onCreateCardRegistration: { cardInfo in
             onPaymentCompleted: { attemptReference, result in
             onCreatePayment: { paymentMethod, attemptReference in
           switch paymentMethod {
             case .card(_):
             case .payPal:
             default: return nil
       onCancel: {
         onError: { error in

CallBack parameters

Property Type Description
onPaymentMethodSelected ((PaymentMethod) -> Void) Triggered when a payment method has been selected.
onTokenizationCompleted ((TokenizedCardData) -> Void) Triggered when a card tokenization is completed and a CardId is returned
onCreateCardRegistration ((MGPCardInfo) async -> MGPCardRegistration?) This gives developers control over making card registration creation optional during the Payment session. It is only called when the shooper clicks the "Pay" button for card payment
onPaymentCompleted ((PaymentMethod, String?) async -> Payable?) Triggered when the transaction is completed, whatever the outcome (whether successful or failed).
onCancelled () -> Void)? Called when the payment sheet is closed
onError Triggered when an internal Checkout SDK error has occurred.
🚨 The Checkout has an integrated fraud profiler that performs background checks and collects data on the payer's device to assess transaction risk.

On successful card tokenization, the SDK provides a fraudProfilerId. When making a PayIn request, add this as ProfilingAttemptReference to enable fraud protection.

  1. Initialize the PaymentSheet
checkout = MGPPaymentSheet.create(
       paymentMethodOptions: paymentMethodOptions,
       branding: PaymentFormStyle(),
       callback: callback
  1. Present the payment Sheet
checkout.present(in: self)

Card Element

The Card Element offers a ready-made component that allows you to create your own card payment experience and tokenize card payment details. With our Card Element, you can easily incorporate a custom pay button and have control over the tokenization process.

When using Card Element, you still benefit from real-time card data validation, and the ability to customize the payment form.

1. Create an instance of the MangoPayCheckoutForm Payment Form

lazy var elementForm: MGPPaymentForm = {
        let form = MGPPaymentForm(
            paymentFormStyle: PaymentFormStyle(),
            supportedCardBrands: [.visa, .mastercard, .maestro]
        return form


Property Type Description
paymentFormStyle PaymentFormStyle Property for styling the payment form.
supportedCardBrands Array The supported card brands listed above the payment form.

2. Add payment form to your parent view and add the appropriate layout constraints


Using MangopayCheckoutForm with card tokenization

2.1 Create card Registration object as stated here

2.2 Call tokenizeCard() when desired (Example when pay button was clicked)

        form: elementForm,
        with: cardRegistration,
        presentIn: <presenting_view_controller>
    ) { respoonse, error in
      if let res = respoonse {
            //do something
      if let err = error {
          //do something


Property Type Description
form MangopayCheckoutForm payment form instance
with MGPCardRegistration Card registration object
presentIn UIViewController
callBack typealias MangoPayTokenizedCallBack = ((TokenizedCardData?, MGPError?) -> ()) A callback that handles events of the payment form tokenization process


Property Type Description
card CardRegistration Tokenized Card object
profilingAttemptReference String Attempt Reference provided by Nethone


Handling ApplePay payment |

Handling ApplePay payment



To use the Mangopay Checkout SDK to accept ApplePay payment, you’ll need to:

To accept Apple Pay payments with Mangopay PaymentSheet, when creating an instance of the Checkout class, you can optionally include a MGPApplePayConfig object. This will display the ApplePay button in your payment form and handle the ApplePay tokenization process.

You will need to pass the ApplePay payment data provided by the Checkout to your Apple PayIn request from your backend.

For more information, please refer to the "PayIn with ApplePay" tutorial in the Mangopay documentation.

let applePayConfig = MGPApplePayConfig(
          amount: 1,
          delegate: self,
          merchantIdentifier: "<merchant_id>",
          merchantCapabilities: .capability3DS,
          currencyCode: "<currency_code",
          countryCode: "<country_code",
          supportedNetworks: [

let paymentConfig = PaymentMethodConfig(cardReg: cardRegObj, applePayConfig: applePayConfig)

checkout = MGPPaymentSheet.create(
       client: mgpClient,
       paymentMethodConfig: paymentConfig,
       branding: PaymentFormStyle(),
       callback: callback

ApplePay parameters

Property Type Description Required
amount Double The amount being paid. Y
delegate MGPApplePayHandlerDelegate The event handler. Y
merchantIdentifier String The merchant identifier Y
merchantCapabilities PKMerchantCapability A bit field of the payment processing protocols and card types that you support. Y
currencyCode String The three-letter ISO 4217 currency code that determines the currency this payment request uses. Y
countryCode String The merchant’s two-letter ISO 3166 country code. Y
supportedNetworks Array The payment methods that you support. Y
requiredBillingContactFields Set N
billingContact PKContact N
shippingContact PKContact N
shippingType PKShippingType N
shippingMethods Array N
applicationData Data N
requiredShippingContactFields Set N

Handling ApplePay result

extension ViewController: MGPApplePayHandlerDelegate {

    func applePayContext(didSelect shippingMethod: PKShippingMethod, handler: @escaping (PKPaymentRequestShippingMethodUpdate) -> Void) {

    func applePayContext(didCompleteWith status: MangoPayApplePay.PaymentStatus, error: Error?) {

Process the payment

Making card pay-ins

You can use a registered card (CardId) for pay-ins with the following objects:

Making GooglePay pay-ins

Include Google PaymentData provided by the Checkout in your Google PayIn: PayIn with GooglePay

Managing cards

You can use the following endpoints to manage cards:

Related resources

Handling redirection

Some payment methods (card, PayPal) require or may require the user to be redirected to authorize or complete a transaction.

The Checkout SDK allows you to manage the entire payment flow seamlessly while retaining control over transaction logic in your backend. Once a payment method is selected and payment details are provided, use the onCreatePayment function to request the transaction from your backend.

Subsequently, and when necessary for the transaction type, the Checkout SDK seamlessly manages additional redirect actions for 3DS authorization or otherwise validating the payment.

To manage transaction redirects effectively with the SDK:

  1. In your callback attribute, define an onCreatePayment attribute as a closure. The closure has paymentMethod and attemptReference as inputs and it returns the created card object
  2. Within your function:
    1. Request a transaction from your server and subsequently, Mangopay. ( you can pass in the attempt Reference in the request)
    2. Return the unaltered transaction response object to the SDK.
  3. The SDK:
    1. Redirects the user to the payment authentication page when necessary.
    2. Manages payment provider redirects back to the SDK.
    3. Triggers the onPaymentComplete event with the ID and status of the transaction.
    4. Confirms the redirect result on your server by invoking the corresponding GET API of the transaction.
    5. Presents the payment result to the user.

Redirection example

            callback: CallBack(
                 onCreatePayment: { paymentMethod, attemptRef in
                     // 1. implement server-side call to request a transaction (with the attempt reference).
                                     // 2. return the card transaction object.
                                     return <Card_Transaction_Object>

Present the payment result

Checkout Screen  -> Payment sheet -> Confirmation screen 

checkout = MGPPaymentSheet.create(
           paymentMethodOptions: paymentConfig,
           branding: PaymentFormStyle(),
           callback: CallBack(
               onTokenizationCompleted: { cardRegistration in
                                    **//dismiss the payment sheet**
                                    **//present the confirmation screen**
               onError: { error in
               onSheetDismissed: {

       checkout.present(in: self)

Customizing the Checkout


PaymentFormStyle is responsible for the the styling and customization of the checkout form

let branding = PaymentFormStyle(
            font: .systemFont(ofSize: 12),
            borderType: .round,
            backgroundColor: .white,
            textColor: .gray,
            placeHolderColor: .darkGray,
            borderColor: .black,
            borderFocusedColor: .blue,
            errorColor: .red,
            checkoutButtonTextColor: .white,
            checkoutButtonBackgroundColor: .black,
            checkoutButtonDisabledBackgroundColor: .gray,
            checkoutButtonText: "Checkout",
            applePayButtonType: .plain,
            applePayButtonStyle: .black,
            applePayButtonCornerRadius: 8


checkout = MGPPaymentSheet.create(
       client: mgpClient,
       paymentMethodConfig: paymentConfig,
       branding: branding,
       callback: callback
Property Type Description
font UIFont The font of the textfields and labels in the Checkout Form
borderType BorderType The border type of the textfields. Values are (square & round)
textColor UIColor Text Color of the Textfields in the Checkout Form
placeHolderColor UIColor Textfield placeholder Color of the textfields in the Checkout Form.
borderColor UIColor Border Color of the form
borderFocusedColor UIColor Color of the Textfield when Highlighted.
errorColor UIColor Color of the error labels
checkoutButtonTextColor UIColor Color of the Checkout Button
checkoutButtonBackgroundColor UIColor Background Color of the Checkout Button
checkoutButtonDisabledBackgroundColor UIColor Disabled color of the Checkout Button
checkoutButtonText String Checkout Button Text
checkoutTitleText String Checkout Header Text
applePayButtonType PKPaymentButtonType Apple Pay Button Type
applePayButtonStyle PKPaymentButtonStyle Apple Pay Button Style
applePayButtonCornerRadius CGFloat Apple Pay Corner Radius
