Generate picture mosaics of pictures with pictures.
USAGE: ./Collage -i [path_to_image] -d [path_to_tile_directory] -t [amount_of_tiles] -c [amount_of_tile_files] -o [output_name]
[path_to_image]: path to the (jpg) image you want to create a collage for
[path_to_tile_directory]: path to the directory that holds all the images that can be used as tiles for the collage
[amount_of_tiles]: the amount of tiles the program will **try** to fit in, this will vary depending on the input image
[amount_of_tile_files]: the amount of files the program should try from the tile_directory; note that all the files should be numbered incrementally
[output_name]: the name you want to give to your output file; if left blank output.jpg will be used
$ ./Collage -i examples/alvinandchipmunks.jpg -d images/ -t 5000 -c 1862 -o chipmunks_collage.jpg
Creating collage for file: examples/alvinandchipmunks.jpg - With (pixel) dimensions of: 1280 x 960
Dimensions (pixels) of a tile: 15 x 15
Dimensions of tiles we will fit in: 85 x 64. A total of: 5440
Progress: [██ ] 6.55%
Mosaic (of course, a mosaic of only chipmunk images...):