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Ian Schneider edited this page Jan 14, 2015 · 2 revisions

Technical Q&A

Q: Why you not use django-rest-framework/cherrypy/whatever?

Q: Why you not use django-cors-headers?

A: Same answer for both. So far, it's not been very painful to do otherwise. Added benefit - not opinionated.

Q: Why you store SVG in database?

A: My initial reaction was not to - so good question. Until it looks problematic, it's easier 😄

Q: Why do some icons look funny when colored?

A: The coloring algorithm is naive and hard to make very smart without some 'standards' - this could be via known classes, classes w/ metadata, or convention/heuristic. Some icons have 'relics' or take advantage of clipping and opacity.

Q: You can explain this coloring heuristic?

A: As it currently is implemented: Given a fill color, apply it to all elements that aren't white or transparent. Likewise with stroke. There may be discrepancies as it's done both on the client and server.