Releases: MapStory/mapstory
Releases · MapStory/mapstory
StoryScapes v2.1.0-rc.3
v2.1.0 (2018-12-14)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Storypin pop-up remains visible across multiple chapters #435 (darinacosta)
Closed issues:
- Journal Link Not Working #1821 (Coop56)
- Pin postgres version #1820 (cuttlefish)
- Fix static files on prod deployments #1817 (cuttlefish)
- Pin Media Configuration for High Side #1811 (shawnkendrick)
- Deployment to MIL DEV #2 #1770 (DerekSedlmyer)
- Bump to Latest Geonode 2.8.x #1750 (Coop56)
- You can create multiple bounding boxes in the same “frame” #1703 (shawnkendrick)
- Current ATO POA&Ms #1692 (Coop56)
- Validate Thread-Fix Scans for Current POA&Ms #1691 (Coop56)
- Fix Thumbnails on UC #1674 (cuttlefish)
- Composer UX Enhancements & Fixes (Pri 1) #1667 (darinacosta)
- Make whitelist for pin embeds configurable #1645 (shawnkendrick)
- Data Source field content doesn't persist #1627 (Coop56)
- Refactor Django Templates #1612 (Coop56)
- Update BOSH release to remove --collect-static at startup #1471 (Coop56) (DerekSedlmyer)
- Enable admins to change user account status from the table view #1834 (Coop56)
- Fix Travis CI Build #1832 (Coop56) (alleynec)
- Resolve Broken Build #1823 (Coop56)
- Edits showing up as anonymous #1490 (Coop56)
- General Layer Permissions Problems #1437 (Coop56)
- Replace all instances of $http in the stateSvc with fetch. #346 (shawnkendrick)
- Document necessary refactor steps for Composer. #342 (darinacosta)
- Refactor Search Research Spike #1613 (Coop56) (darinacosta)
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed basemap not displaying on layer details #1837 (j-meyer)
- Configurable basemaps #1836 (j-meyer)
- Fix PR requst blockage #1835 (alleynec)
- Django template refactor #1831 (Coop56) (darinacosta)
- 1473 configurable basemaps #1830 (j-meyer)
- Pin postgres to 9.6.10 #1819 (cuttlefish)
- Configurable basemaps #351 (j-meyer)
- Change $http to fetch #350 (darinacosta)
- Replace Angular $location service. #348 (darinacosta)
StoryScapes v2.1.0-rc1
Change Log
v2.1.0 (2018-11-19)
Closed issues:
mapstory_prod_2018-11-16 (2018-11-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- Frames should not appear on map when story is in Preview mode #1747
- Auto playback for storypins with embedded media #1520
Fixed bugs:
- Category will not save once you initially select a category from Edit Story Info #1792
- Move Sonarqube scan in GeoINT Services Pipeline #1769
- Sign In/Sign Out Messages displayed and not dismissable #1760
- Blank Tiles on Explore Page #1759
- HTTP 404 on static assets from django #1751
- Can't "click and drag to re-order chapters" #1506
Closed issues:
- StoryPin circle is hidden when I try to move an existing pin #1805
- World Topo Map Basemap Not Persisting #1804
- Natural Earth and Natural Earth 2 Basemaps don't rend at large zoom levels #1803
- Deploy to prod #1801
- Time/space not controlled by a Frame should zoomed to layer extent and should have 'force zoom' behavior #1800
- Frames showing up in the wrong chapter #1799
- Buttons on Layer Card within Story Won't Work #1793
- Add Symbol Configuration to Points - Graduated Styling Option #1791
- Add new default thumbnail for StoryScapes #1790
- Makefile for controlling docker-compose #1789
- Layers on layer detail page show loading wheel and don't play #1785
- thumbnails are not being generated for stories #1783
- Frames should not coerce max zoom across an entire story. #1782
- Manually entering lat/lon coordinates for StoryPins does not update location on map #1780
- Layer Styling available at inconsistent states #1778
- Validate playback settings behavior and hide non-functioning items #1777
- Specify units for media offset and media playback in storypins #1775
- Determine location for storypin media assets for storyscapes & add to whitelist #1768
- Update the CONOPs (for the diagrams and software lists) #1767
- Filter by StoryScape/MapStory on Explore not working. #1752
- Start and end dates for frames should not overlap #1745
- Fix styling
back button
so that it is no longer covered by classification banner in SS #1698 - Username for GeoAxis authentication #1643
- storyframes don't fully zoom to box outline #1631
- StoryLayer thumbnails use a different basemap than viewer #1609
- Deleting a StoryFrame doesn't delete the frame square on the map #1600
- Thumbnail tests using the wrong style #1561
- Discrepancies in negative time display #1461
Merged pull requests:
- Use GEOINT Services' OSM server for StoryScapes #1808 (cuttlefish)
mapstory_prod_2018-11-14 (2018-11-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Can't start Frames outside of the cumulative range of all dataset used #1746
- Refactor how Bounding Box can be drawn #1744
- Add UI/UX treatment to indicate layers or stories are "loading" when I click to play them #1543
- Support multiple Organization link URLS #1090
- Resolve URL duplication & redundancy #522
Fixed bugs:
- CSV File will import data but will not allow user to play the data #1794
- Replace Haystack #1127
- Div height now behaving as expected in Organizations #1109
- Progress Bar on UPLOAD step of importer modal is gone #948
- Composer-MiniExplore -Partial Word search not functioning. Looking for layer "Asylum Centers" (u[...] #849
- Problem with log rotation on production #516
Closed issues:
- Layers showing up in story tab on Profile #1781
- Add zoom level form field and functionality to StoryFrames creation form #1755
- Remove start time and end time from story frame creation form #1754
- Deployment to MIL DEV #1749
- CodeFactor Issue Cleanup #1743
- Fix dev composer deployments #1741
- Add python linters to the django container #1730
- Fix Thumbnail Tests on Travis #1728
- Attempt update to GDAL 2.3 #1727
- Lint fixes for Composer #1726
- Make backups work for StoryScapes deployments #1721
- BOSH release: Add env vars for customAccountAdapter and EditStoryScapesProfileForm #1719
- Add env vars for customAccountAdapter and EditStoryScapesProfileForm #1716
- Pin / date alignment #1712
- Frame tab didn’t open a new tab #1711
- Autoplay is causing an issue with saving #1710
- Fix Pin export coordinates to use actual map projections vs image space projections #1709
- “Scrubbing” caused the playing of the layer to not play frames (and maybe pins) #1708
- Save notification message (in composer) #1707
- Styling doesn’t persist in the styling panel #1706
- Custom color shouldn’t show picker unless button is clicked #1705
- Legend should close if there aren’t layers in chapter #1704
- Create new chapter could take you to the chapter config #1702
- Pins to Respect Chapter of Origin #1701
- in StoryFrames, change
button to sayadd
#1700 - Fix CSS for pins so text box for pins so it doesn’t grow forever #1699
- Change Pins coordinate system from pixel offset to decimal degrees #1697
- Move pins into chapters #1696
- Update copy/videos on SS "Get Started " page #1676
- Redress External Dependencies ( for StoryScapes Deployment [#1675](
StoryScapes v2.1.0-rc.2
Sync whitelabel config from server
Revert back to the original geonode thumbnails for now until we can f…
Tagging this commit as the last one that was on Geonode 2.6.x before merging in the 2.8.0 upgrade changes.
MVP Release
Merge pull request #573 from MapStory/fix-storyteller-url Fix StoryTeller URL